
I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok

author:Incense, forest


Recently, the author went to the sunflower base and saw some aunts filming Douyin there, and their dress made the author stunned, because they were wearing cheongsam skirts, which made the author very surprised, because in this hot summer, everyone prefers to wear some cool and comfortable clothes, and the cheongsam skirt seems to be a bit "outdated" now.

This is just some of the author's personal views, because everyone's aesthetic concept is different, so for the dress up, everyone's views will be different, let's take a look at how the author thinks of the dress of these aunts.

I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok

1. The aunts wore cheongsam skirts to shoot Douyin, which made people a little surprised

I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok

On this day, the author and his friends went to the sunflower base together, because it was the season when the sunflowers were in full bloom, so there were quite a lot of tourists there, and most of them were middle-aged and elderly people, including some aunts, they not only came to appreciate the beauty of the sunflowers, but also deliberately put on a cheongsam skirt and filmed Douyin in the sunflower field.

This look is really a bit surprising, because in this hot summer, everyone prefers to wear some cool and comfortable clothes, and the cheongsam skirt is a bit "outdated" now, so everyone is not very good at choosing this kind of wear, but they dare to wear it and dare to show, and they also deliberately shoot Douyin here, there are really some "not afraid of the heat".

Although everyone has some opinions on their dress, they don't seem to care about other people's opinions, and they still have a lot of fun, no wonder some people say that in fact, the real "free and easy" does not need anyone to give an evaluation, as long as they feel happy, this kind of mentality is actually what we should learn.

I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok

2. Everyone has their own "style" of dressing

Through this incident, in fact, the author has some insights, that is, everyone has their own "style" of dressing, and this style is not actually defined by what we call "fashion trends", but everyone chooses according to their own preferences.

For example, aunts prefer some traditional cheongsam skirts, thinking that this kind of dress can better show their temperament and charm, and in their opinion, this kind of dress will not feel any inconvenience, and they can still do what they want to do, so they will dare to wear it in such a hot weather.

For today's young people, they may prefer some casual and comfortable wear, such as T-shirts and shorts, and feel that this kind of clothing is not only cool and comfortable, but also can be more free to do some things, so everyone's dress is actually different, and they all have their own ideas and insistences.

I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok

3. Dressing up is a kind of "self-expression"

Everyone's dress is a kind of "self-expression", she can show others some of your personality traits and attitude to life, so at this point, we should not "judge" other people's dress, because everyone has the right to choose their own style of dressing.

Whether it is a traditional cheongsam skirt or modern casual wear, each style of wearing has its unique charm, and there will definitely be some people who like it, so here, we should learn to respect and appreciate the dress of others, because such diversity and difference is what we should pursue and what society needs.

Moreover, it is precisely because of such diversity and difference that there will be a variety of dressing styles in our lives, and there will be some "unexpected" surprises, so in the future life, whether it is our own dress or someone else's, we should have a tolerant heart and learn to appreciate and accept different "beauty".

I went to the sunflower base with my friends to play, and I saw many aunts wearing their previous cheongsam skirts and taking Tik Tok


Through this experience, in fact, the author has some new understanding, that is, in this pluralistic society, everyone has their own unique lifestyle and aesthetic concept, and this difference is actually something we should respect and appreciate, and it is also a manifestation of social diversity.

No matter what kind of dressing style, we should have a tolerant heart, learn to appreciate and accept, because this kind of difference is what we should pursue, and it will also bring more "color" to our lives, do you like this?

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