
Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

author:Finish C chatting about the world

In 1972, Beijing ushered in a lively and active girl - Yan Bingyan. Unlike her sister, she is a standard "Beijing Tiger Girl". Due to family constraints, Yan Bingyan lived with her grandparents until she was 6 years old, and she was pampered like a pearl in her palm.

When her parents' living conditions improved and brought her back, Yan Bingyan felt a little alienated. Watching her mother take more care of her younger sister, she became sensitive and began to use crying and sprinkling to attract her mother's attention.

This experience laid the groundwork for her rebellious character in the future. At the age of 11, Yan Bingyan's life ushered in an important turning point. With her tall figure and excellent dancing talent, she was recommended to join the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

Here, she shows extraordinary potential, always standing in the front row, and attracting everyone's attention with her excellent performances. What made her even more excited was that living in the song and dance troupe gave her a rare independence - she didn't have to go home to live and could still receive a living allowance of 50 yuan a month, which was a lot of money at the time.

However, the influence of art did not completely smooth out her rebellious edges. When she was 13 years old, Yan Bingyan did something that shocked her mother - early love. Not only did she boldly fall in love, but she also excitedly introduced her boyfriend to her mother.

This move caused a fierce quarrel between mother and daughter, but Yan Bingyan was secretly proud because she could make her mother angry. This experience laid the foundation for Yan Bingyan's future acting career.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

She learned how to engage audiences on stage and developed her own unique personality. These traits were fully demonstrated when she was 22 years old when she unexpectedly won the heroine of the movie "Hunting the Wolf Gang".

It was this movie that made Yan Bingyan an instant hit and started her brilliant acting career. Taking advantage of this shareholder trend, Yan Bingyan shot 7 movies in one go in 1994, among which "Heroes on the Wrong Path" and "The Gambling King" received a particularly enthusiastic response.

Although her acting skills are still jerky, she is amazing enough as a newcomer. Yan Bingyan's hard work and talent won her a ticket to enter the entertainment industry, and the major crews threw olive branches to her.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

In 1995, Yan Bingyan made persistent efforts and starred in 7 heavyweight TV series in a row. Among them, the big-budget TV series "Gan Nineteen Sisters" has made her popularity reach a new height.

This year, Yan Bingyan not only achieved success at the box office, but also won the Best Newcomer Award at the Hundred Flowers Awards, becoming the hottest new star at that time. The media have predicted that Yan Bingyan is expected to become the next actress.

Her acting skills and charm have been unanimously recognized by the industry and beyond, and she is known as "a character like Zhang Ziyi in the entertainment industry". Yan Bingyan also showed amazing enthusiasm for work, and for four years, she spent almost all year round, 360 days a year in the crew.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

Just when everyone thought that Yan Bingyan would continue her glory, her agency told her that now she only had a hit movie to prove herself again. Yan Bingyan was preparing to go all out for this goal, but fate prepared an unexpected turn for her.

Yan Bingyan during this period was like a rising star, lighting up the sky of the Chinese film and television industry. Her success is not only a reflection of her personal talent, but also the epitome of the courage and unremitting efforts of young actors of that era.

In 1998, just when Yan Bingyan's career was in full swing, a sudden bad news broke her life plan. Her mother was taken to the hospital in a coma with abdominal pain and was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering all Yan Bingyan's expectations for the future. Yan Bingyan sat outside the operating room for 7 hours, with complicated emotions surging in her heart.

She recalled the recent days when she neglected to accompany her mother for filming, and self-blame and remorse poured in like a tide. During this long wait, she secretly promised that if her mother could come out safely, she would give up all her work and concentrate on being by her mother's side.

Fortunately, the surgery was successful. But the doctor told Yan Bingyan that her mother had four or five years to live at most. Faced with this cruel reality, Yan Bingyan did not hesitate to fulfill her promise.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

She decisively turned down all the confirmed film and television projects and advertising contracts, and chose to devote herself to taking care of her mother's life. This decision shocked the entire film and television industry.

At the age of 26, Yan Bingyan, who is at the peak of her career, has given up the opportunities and resources that countless people dream of. But for her, no amount of fame and fortune can compare to her mother's health and life.

In the next 8 years, Yan Bingyan devoted all her time and energy to taking care of her mother. During this time, she witnessed a lot of warmth and coldness, and also re-examined the value of her life.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

She deeply realized the true meaning of life that "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to raise but does not wait". Yan Bingyan's dedication and companionship seem to have moved heaven. Originally, the doctor expected her mother to live only four or five years, but under Yan Bingyan's careful care, her mother finally died in 2005, nearly three years longer than expected.

This extra time is a precious gift that Yan Bingyan exchanged for love and companionship. These 8 years of companionship not only changed Yan Bingyan's life trajectory, but also profoundly shaped her character and values.

She has learned to cherish the present moment and understand the value of family affection. Although she lost the golden period of her career, Yan Bingyan gained more valuable life experience and emotional accumulation.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

After her mother's death, Yan Bingyan spent a whole year accepting this fact and at the same time began to plan for her future. She decided to return to the acting career she loved, but this time, she is ready to welcome a new chapter in her life with a more mature mindset and rich life experience.

In 2007, after a year of adjustment, 35-year-old Yan Bingyan decided to return to the film industry. However, the eight-year gap caused her to miss many opportunities, and the resources she once had were gone.

Faced with such a predicament, Yan Bingyan was not discouraged, but chose to transform bravely. Her comeback work is the TV series "Teeth of Love". Although the overall response of this work was mediocre, it unexpectedly won the love of many middle-aged and elderly audiences.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

This made Yan Bingyan keenly discover her potential in the middle-aged and elderly market, so she began to focus on family ethics dramas and urban ethics dramas. This decision was met with a lot of skepticism and dissatisfaction at first.

Many people, especially her fans, think that a former big-name actor should not play this kind of "mother-in-law" role. Faced with doubts, Yan Bingyan responded calmly: "Many people think that a famous actress should not shoot this kind of mother-in-law TV series, but I am an actor, I should be able to play anything."

She said even more truthfully: "I thought I wouldn't even act this kind of play, so I wouldn't have any other plays to play." Yan Bingyan's persistence and hard work eventually paid off.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

With the transformation of the TV drama market, more and more realistic themes have begun to pay attention to older actresses. With years of polished acting skills, Yan Bingyan has shown amazing charm on this new stage.

In 2012, Yan Bingyan ushered in another peak in her career. She collaborated with Li Xian on a movie, which won her the Best Actress Award at the Huabiao Awards that year. This award is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a tribute to her persistence in her dreams.

Today's Yan Bingyan is still active in the film industry. Her acting skills are becoming more and more proficient, and she is loved by the audience. As Ni Ping said, Yan Bingyan is an "actor who doesn't need to be judged as a national first-class actor".

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

As long as she stands there and lists her lines, the audience can feel that she is the character itself. In the 8 years of taking care of her mother, Yan Bingyan not only faced the stagnation of her career, but also had to deal with the pressure of marriage and love from her family.

At the age of 26, she realized at her mother's sickbed that she had reached an age where she should think about her life's work. In order to reassure her mother and her own future, Yan Bingyan began to try blind dates.

Her first blind date was her own fan, and she cherished her works. At first, the two got along well and soon developed into lovers. However, half a year later, Yan Bingyan began to urge the other party to get married, which made her boyfriend feel great pressure.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

He couldn't tell whether Yan Bingyan really loved him, or just regarded him as a tool for marriage and childbirth. In the end, this relationship ended because of Yan Bingyan's eagerness. In the second relationship, Yan Bingyan's object was an intellectual, who was brilliant and humorous.

However, the two disagree on the planning of their relationship. Yan Bingyan is anxious to get married and have children, while the other party hopes to slowly cultivate a relationship. This inconsistency in rhythm eventually led to a breakup.

The third relationship ended similarly to the previous two. Yan Bingyan's marriage urging scared her boyfriend away again, making her have to face her problems in the relationship. These three failed romances made Yan Bingyan deeply reflect on her attitude towards marriage.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

She realized that getting married for the sake of getting married, having children for the sake of having children, was not the right life choice. She began to understand that true happiness should not be based on reluctance and compromise.

Now 50 years old, Yan Bingyan remains single, but she has no regrets. She has found her focus in her life at work and travel, and enjoys living independently.

Yan Bingyan said frankly that she was glad that the three relationships did not enter the marriage hastily because of her forced marriage, otherwise she would not have the confident and independent self she is now.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

Yan Bingyan's experience tells us that marriage is not the whole of life, and finding a lifestyle that suits you is the most important thing. After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Yan Bingyan's acting skills have become more and more proficient.

She is comfortable in all kinds of roles, whether it is a housewife or a working woman, she can play it well. Yan Bingyan's performance is no longer limited to the superficial emotional display, but can go deep into the hearts of the characters and vividly present the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters.

Years of persistence and hard work have made Yan Bingyan show amazing charm in realistic themes. Her achievements are not only reflected in the awards she has received, but also in the recognition of the audience and the praise of industry insiders.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

As Ni Ping said, as long as Yan Bingyan stands there and reads her lines, you feel that she is the character itself. This heartfelt recognition is the best praise for Yan Bingyan's persistence and hard work over the years.

Today's Yan Bingyan still maintains her love and focus on her acting career. Every time she performs, it is an artistic presentation and a transmission of life experience.

On the road of acting, Yan Bingyan uses her own way to interpret what is a real actor and what is a real life. Yan Bingyan's story tells us that the value of an actor lies not only in the glory of his youth, but also in his maturity and wisdom after years of precipitation.

Actor Yan Bingyan: Taking care of her sick mother and quitting the circle for 8 years, because forced marriage scared away 3 exes, how is it now

She used her own experience to prove that as long as she maintains her love and dedication to art, she can continue to create new heights in her acting career.

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