
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

author:Big trees are good for exercise
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

If you want to exercise your shoulders thick and powerful, you really need a systematic exercise regimen. Don't worry, I've got you covered with a simple and effective shoulder exercise plan.

First of all, remember to warm up before starting any workout, such as jogging for 5 minutes or doing a few simple stretching movements, so that you can avoid sports injuries.

1. Barbell press

  • Steps: Stand up straight and hold the barbell with both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly push the bar from your chest to the top of your head, then slowly lower it to your chest.
  • Precautions: During the press, keep your back straight and do not bend your waist. When pressing, do not fully straighten your arms to avoid joint injury.
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

2. Dumbbell side raise

  • Steps: Stand up straight or sit up straight with a dumbbell in each hand and place it at your sides. Slowly lift the dumbbells to shoulder level on either side and lower them slowly.
  • Precautions: When lifting flat, bend your elbows slightly and avoid fully straightening your arms. Keep your back straight and don't use force.
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

3. Dumbbell front raise

  • Steps: Stand up straight or sit upright with a dumbbell in each hand and place it in front of your body. Slowly raise the dumbbells forward to shoulder level, then slowly lower.
  • Precautions: Again, bend your elbows slightly to avoid fully straightening your arms. Keep your back straight and avoid leaning.
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

4. Dumbbells are raised sideways

  • Steps: Lean forward at a 45-degree angle to the ground, hold a dumbbell in each hand, and hang down naturally. Slowly lift the dumbbells to shoulder level on either side and lower them slowly.
  • Note: This move mainly works your posterior deltoid muscles, so make sure your back and arms remain stable during the movement.
How do you build your shoulders thick and strong?

5. Stretching

After your workout, don't forget to stretch to relax your muscles. When stretching, just feel the stretch of your shoulder muscles.

Rest with frequency

  • Do 3 workouts a week, 1-2 days apart, to give your muscles plenty of time to recover.
  • Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per movement, adjusted according to your physical strength.

Well, friend, now you have a complete shoulder exercise regimen. As long as you keep exercising, pay attention to your diet and rest, I believe that your shoulders will soon become thick and strong! Come on! #如何把肩膀锻炼得很厚实##肩如何练宽, practice#