
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

author:Big trees are good for exercise
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

Push-ups are a great full-body workout, especially for the chest, arms, and core. Let me tell you in detail how to do push-ups correctly, as well as the problems you may encounter and how to solve them.

1. Analysis of correct actions

  1. Body posture: First, keep your body in a straight line and keep it tight from the top of your head to your ankles. The elbows and shoulders are in a straight line, and the palms of the hands are slightly wider than the shoulders and placed on the ground.
  2. Arm movements: Lower your elbows close to your sides, but don't touch your body. When pushing up, keep your arms straight, but don't lock them up.
  3. Breathing pattern: Inhale when lowering the body and exhale when pushing the body up. This can help you better control the pace of your breathing and movements.
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

2. Problems and solutions that may be encountered

  1. Lack of strength: If you find it difficult to complete a standard push-up, start with a wall push-up or kneeling push-up and work your way up.
  2. Wrist pain: This may be because your wrist is not holding the weight of your body. You can try turning your palms slightly outwards or using a push-up pad to reduce the pressure on your wrists.
  3. Incorrect posture: such as body sinking, back arching, etc. Solution: Keep your body in a straight line, find someone to record your movements and watch the correction, or ask a coach to guide you to correct the posture.
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

3. Exercise suggestions

  1. Increase strength: In addition to doing standard push-ups, you can also try adding variations such as wide push-ups, narrow push-ups, diamond push-ups, etc., which can help you work different muscle groups.
  2. Improves flexibility: Push-ups require a lot of flexibility in your body. You can improve your flexibility by doing some stretching exercises, such as yoga or Pilates.
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

4. Common mistakes and correction methods

  1. Slump: This is a mistake that many people make when doing push-ups. Remember, keep your body in a straight line and be tight from the top of your head to your ankles. You can try to tighten your abdominal and hip muscles while doing push-ups, which will help you keep your body straight.
  2. Elbow valgus: Elbow valgus not only reduces the effectiveness of exercise, but may also increase the risk of injury. Remember, keep your elbows close to your sides and don't turn outward.
  3. Head lifting: Many people unconsciously lift their heads when doing push-ups. This can cause too much pressure on your neck. Remember to keep your head in line with your body and your eyes looking at the ground. #健身新手如何正确做俯卧撑? #
Starting from scratch: the correct posture for push-ups with suggestions for exercises

Hope you find these guides helpful! Remember, proper posture and gradually increasing difficulty are key. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to let me know. Come on!