
Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

author:Watermelon Sauce Long
Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Today's topic:

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

All around us, the term "older leftover woman" seems to carry an inexplicable pressure. Society's expectations for women's marriage make them feel more and more anxious as they get older. But do they really need to marry in order to meet that expectation?

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

There is such a south wall everywhere in the work.

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people
Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Alas, how to say it? These requirements are all good alone, but if they are all met together, then this boy can be regarded as a good condition, and there are more young and beautiful girls to choose from.

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

It's awesome to say, complaining and persisting at the same time, and there are too few people who can really achieve the same goal and live happily.

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Many people are really good as friends, classmates, and colleagues, not disguised, but this does not prevent them from being particularly abnormal when looking for a partner!

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

No! If I voluntarily find a partner and get married, I will feel super lucky and give her blessings, but if she herself does not want to find a partner or get married, I will definitely not dissuade her.

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Yes, either they are confused, or they are peerlessly sober, and half of them are tormented in their hearts.

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

It's the relationship that gets married, not the age. Marriage is the most improvised, because a makeshift may be a lifetime, and it is very uncomfortable to be with a person who you don't want to be together

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Indeed, what if you meet all the following: the three views of the person you like are not suitable, the right person in all aspects does not like it, and rejects skin contact

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

That's right! Good men are not in circulation, but my best friend's appearance is not very good, she is temperamental, she reads too many books, and is a little idealistic

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

This kind of remarks have come out, as if I have picked up a big bargain, and I am afraid that my girlfriend will also pick it up, and the online world is really eye-opening for me

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

If you want to get married, you still have to contact more boys, but you can only rely on screening, no way

Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people
Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people
Would you persuade the older leftover girls around you to get married? The real comments of netizens were exposed, which resonated with tens of thousands of people

Behind the phenomenon of leftover women at an older age, it reflects the stereotypes and prejudices of society about the role of women. Women are expected to marry and have children within a certain age, otherwise they are considered "outliers". This pressure comes not only from society, but also from family and friends. But women should have their own choice, they can choose to get married, or they can choose to be single.


Therefore, when faced with the older leftover women around us, we should not simply persuade them to get married. Instead, they should respect their choices, understand their anxieties, and encourage them to pursue their own happiness. After all, happiness is everyone's right and everyone's responsibility.

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