
Suddenly announced his retirement! Ding Yuran, the hot Hong Kong sister, showed a plump body and caused negative comments, and she was suspected of being under too much pressure

Suddenly announced his retirement! Ding Yuran, the hot Hong Kong sister, showed a plump body and caused negative comments, and she was suspected of being under too much pressure

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"Hangzhou Wang Zuxian" Ding Yuran withdrew from the competition, what happened to Sister Hong Kong this year?

With the halo of "topics and controversies", the 2023 Miss Hong Kong contest has attracted much attention since its launch, From the fierce competition of more than 200 beauties in the preliminary examination stage to the successive announcement of the re-examination list, The discussion on the Internet about this year's Miss Hong Kong has been hot, and among them, Ding Yuran, who quickly came out of the circle with his proud figure and highly educated background in the preliminary examination stage, unexpectedly "disappeared" after the announcement of the re-examination list, which caused widespread speculation among netizens. What are the unknown "insiders" of this year's Hong Kong sister stage?

Suddenly announced his retirement! Ding Yuran, the hot Hong Kong sister, showed a plump body and caused negative comments, and she was suspected of being under too much pressure

Time back to the preliminary examination site, among the many beauties, a contestant named Ding Yuran attracted many eyes with his beautiful face and sexy figure, a small black vest with a confident smile, coupled with the dazzling halo of the double master's degree from University College London, Ding Yuran became the focus of heated discussions among the media and netizens, and was regarded as the favorite to win the championship. This move sparked a strong curiosity from the outside world, and various speculations and rumors followed

Negative public opinion on contract pressure? The unspeakable hidden behind Ding Yuran's retirement

In the face of the sudden "withdrawal" turmoil, Ding Yuran himself did not respond positively, but simply said "withdrawn" on social media, as for the specific reason, we have no way of knowing, combined with some "insiders" of the Hong Kong sister election in recent years and Ding Yuran's own experience, maybe you can get a glimpse of one or two, a person familiar with the matter revealed that the terms of the contract signed by TVB and Miss Hong Kong are very strict, once you enter the top 20 or finals, you must sign a contract with the company, otherwise you will face a "ban", They are not allowed to participate in any performing arts activities for a certain period of time, and this strict contract condition discourages many girls with acting dreams and finally chooses to give up the competition

Suddenly announced his retirement! Ding Yuran, the hot Hong Kong sister, showed a plump body and caused negative comments, and she was suspected of being under too much pressure

In recent years, the phenomenon of online violence has become increasingly rampant, and some contestants have also suffered from it, Ding Yuran in the initial stage because of the "big show figure", "Hangzhou Wang Zuxian" and other labels caused some controversy and negative evaluation, which is undoubtedly a huge pressure for a fledgling young girl, perhaps unbearable psychological pressure, Ding Yuran finally chose to withdraw from the competition, to protect himself

From "topic maker" to "no one cares", how far can the Hong Kong sister election go?

In recent years, the Miss Hong Kong election has repeatedly fallen into the questioning of "aesthetic downgrade" and "hype is greater than strength", The former glory seems to be gone, and this year's Miss Hong Kong election is no exception, from the initial stage of TVB's high-level complaints about "quality concern", to a series of controversies caused by Ding Yuran's withdrawal, all of which cast a shadow on this beauty pageant

Suddenly announced his retirement! Ding Yuran, the hot Hong Kong sister, showed a plump body and caused negative comments, and she was suspected of being under too much pressure

Once a beauty pageant with thousands of empty alleys, but now it has become a chicken rib show that no one cares about, which can't help but make people sigh, in the face of the declining Miss Hong Kong campaign, TVB may really reflect on how to reshape the glory of Miss Hong Kong and inject new vitality into the Hong Kong entertainment industry

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