
Southwest University for Nationalities will enroll 6,912 students in 2024, only 15% of which will be admitted locally, and the scale of the two majors will exceed 300

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Southwest University for Nationalities announced an enrollment plan of 6,912 students in 2024, a slight decrease of 10 students from 6,922 last year, and remained stable overall. Among them, 84.8% are in the general program, 324 are in the national special program, 4.7% are in the national special program, 8 are in the southern Xinjiang separate program, 665 are in the art examination program, accounting for 9.6%, and 52 are in the preparatory class. From the perspective of enrollment subjects, 3,544 students (51.3%) are enrolled in science and engineering and physics programs, 2,249 students (32.5%) are enrolled in history and literature and history programs, 334 students (4.8%) are enrolled in comprehensive reform provincial and municipal programs, 665 students are enrolled in art programs, and 120 students are enrolled in sports programs.

Southwest University for Nationalities will enroll 6,912 students in 2024, only 15% of which will be admitted locally, and the scale of the two majors will exceed 300

In the provincial and municipal plans, the number of Sichuan locals is 1,068, accounting for 15.45% of the total number of people in the plan, a slight increase of 21 from 1,047 last year. Among them, 505 were science and engineering candidates, accounting for 47.3%, a slight decrease of 11 from last year; 450 people are planned for literature and history, a slight decrease of 1 from last year; There were 83 students in the arts program, an increase of 13 from last year, and 30 students in the sports program, an increase of 20 students.

Southwest University for Nationalities has launched an enrollment plan of 315 students in Chongqing, a slight decrease of 2 students from last year. Among them, there were 164 physics candidates, accounting for 52.1%, an increase of 2 from last year, 98 history candidates, accounting for 31.1%, an increase of 5 from last year, 48 art candidates, a decrease of 6 from last year, and 5 sports candidates, a decrease of 3 from last year.

Southwest University for Nationalities will enroll 6,912 students in 2024, only 15% of which will be admitted locally, and the scale of the two majors will exceed 300

In addition to Sichuan and Chongqing, what is the enrollment plan of Southwest Minmin University in other provinces and cities? The provinces with changes in the enrollment plan include Hunan with 350 students decreased by 23 people, Hubei 338 people decreased by 3 people, Liaoning 145 people decreased by 3 people, Heilongjiang 135 people decreased by 3 people, Gansu 243 people increased by 5 people, and Henan 238 people decreased by 2 people.

Among other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, the enrollment plan is relatively consistent with last year. For example, 495 people in Guangxi, 493 people in Guizhou, 437 people in Yunnan, 319 people in Inner Mongolia, 297 people in Xinjiang, 273 people in Hebei, 242 people in Ningxia, 235 people in Tibet, 218 people in Qinghai, 217 people in Hainan, 131 people in Jilin, 125 people in Shandong, 113 people in Guangdong, 110 people in Shanxi and other 14 places have more than 100 people, while 85 people in Jiangxi, 80 people in Fujian, 70 people in Anhui, 44 people in Shaanxi, 30 people in Jiangsu, 30 people in Zhejiang, 12 people in Beijing, 12 people in Shanghai, There are fewer than 100 people in 9 places, including 12 people in Tianjin.

Although Southwest University for Nationalities is a national university directly under the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the school is also responsible for the cultivation of normal talents, and in 2024, the school plans to recruit 548 normal students, accounting for about 7.9% of the total number. The main training majors include 140 Chinese minority language and literature, 120 physical education, 92 preschool education, 60 Chinese language and literature, 50 musicology, 46 mathematics and applied mathematics, and 40 fine arts.

Southwest University for Nationalities will enroll 6,912 students in 2024, only 15% of which will be admitted locally, and the scale of the two majors will exceed 300

The university has three campuses in Chengdu, most of which are concentrated in the Airport Campus, the preparatory class students are arranged in the Taipingyuan Campus, and the 12 majors such as Law, Ethnology, Sociology, English, Japanese, French, History, Tourism Management, Biotechnology, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, and Philosophy are arranged to study in the Wuhou Campus.

Which majors in Southwest University for Nationalities have a large enrollment scale? According to the statistics of the provincial and municipal plans announced, there are more than 200 students enrolled in five majors, including 387 in computer science, 300 in Chinese minority language and literature, 216 in chemistry, 214 in veterinary medicine, and 209 in law. In addition, there are more than 150 students enrolled in 7 majors, including 195 students in food science and engineering, 187 students in finance, 180 students in Chinese language and literature, 176 students in tourism management, 171 students in English, 158 students in environmental science and engineering, and 156 students in traditional Chinese medicine.

In addition, there are 148 people in sociology, 142 in administrative management, 136 in animal science, 130 in artificial intelligence, 128 in communication engineering, 127 in biotechnology, 126 in electronic information engineering, 125 in history, 123 in pharmacy, 120 in electrical engineering and automation, 120 in physical education, 115 in automation, 112 in human resource management, and 110 in financial management.