
The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

author:Sauce sauce readings
The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin
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The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

In 2008, Taiwan's business community was shaken. 62-year-old Terry Gou, a wealthy business tycoon, married a little-known 33-year-old dance teacher, Zeng Xinying.

This marriage, which spanned the age gap of nearly 30 years, immediately became the focus of heated discussions in society.

However, what is surprising is that this seemingly unequal union has not only withstood the test of time, but is still in love 16 years later. Zeng Xinying not only gave birth to three children in a row for Guo Taiming, but it was even rumored that she intended to add another son to her 72-year-old husband.

From an unknown dance teacher, to a wealthy man worth 40 billion, to Ruby Lin's close friend, Zeng Xinying's life experience is like a fairy tale.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

Gou's story is a modern example of self-made. Born into an ordinary family, Gou, like many of his peers, struggled to make a living.

After graduating from university, he got a job with a shipping company and barely made ends meet. However, the gears of fate quietly turned when he met Lin Shuru.

Lin Shuru, a high-achieving student of Taiwan Medical University from a wealthy background, became a turning point in Gou's life. The two fell in love and soon entered the palace of marriage. However, the disparity in family backgrounds has put great pressure on Gou.

In order to prove his ability and win the approval of his parents-in-law, Guo Taiming made a bold decision - to quit his stable job and join the entrepreneurial tide.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

The road to entrepreneurship is by no means an easy one. Mr. Gou set up a plastic products company, but he soon encountered serious challenges. Soaring international oil prices, coupled with a lack of management experience, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy.

At this critical moment, my father-in-law reached out and injected an emergency fund into Guo Taiming. This support not only saved the company, but also strengthened Gou's determination to continue to struggle.

After several years of hard work, Gou's company has finally gained a firm foothold. With a keen sense of business, he decisively shifted his business to the burgeoning computer outsourcing manufacturing industry.

This decision laid the foundation for the rise of the Foxconn empire in the future.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

As the company has grown in size, Gou's fortune has grown exponentially. Foxconn has rapidly grown into one of the world's largest electronic product OEM companies, and Terry Gou himself has become one of the richest people in Taiwan, with personal assets exceeding the NT$10 billion mark.

However, life is often full of drama. Just when Terry Gou's career was at its peak, his wife Lin Shuru, who had always supported him, unfortunately passed away due to breast cancer. This blow made Guo Taiming fall into a trough for a while, and also gave him a new understanding of life and wealth.

Gou's road to success is full of ups and downs. From a poor boy who can't eat enough to be clothed to a rich man who controls a huge business empire, his experience is legendary.

However, the accumulation of wealth did not make his life perfect. On the contrary, it casts a veil of mystery over his love life, which has sparked countless speculations and questions from the outside world.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

Gou's story tells us that success never comes overnight. It takes courage, wisdom, perseverance, and sometimes opportunity. But most importantly, have the spirit of taking risks and never giving up.

This may be the key to Terry Gou's ability to move from ordinary to legendary.

Terry Gou's love life is like a movie full of ups and downs, full of dramatic twists. His first marriage to Lin Shuru can be called the cornerstone of his life.

Lin Shuru is not only his lover, but also a solid backing for his career. However, fate was unpredictable, Lin Shuru died of breast cancer, and this blow almost crushed Gou.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

At Lin Shuru's funeral, Guo Taiming was grief-stricken and tearfully swore to the world: he will never continue the string in this life. This scene touched countless people, and people praised his deep affection.

In order to commemorate his deceased wife, Guo Taiming spared no expense to purchase a castle overseas and named it after Lin Shuru. Every year on the day of his death, he would personally go there and collect his most precious jewels.

This kind of nostalgia, which borders on paranoia, makes people even more impressed by his deep affection.

However, five years later, a piece of news shocked everyone like a bolt from the blue. Guo Taiming announced his marriage to Wang Li, a company employee who is 30 years younger than him. This news caused an uproar in the outside world, and people began to question whether Gou's previous vow of "never marry again" was just an impulsive word.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

Although this marriage was short-lived, it had a big impact on Gou's public image.

After divorcing Wang Li, Terry Gou's love life is even more eye-catching. He has had scandals with many well-known actresses one after another, the most eye-catching of which is the rumors with Carina Lau and Lin Chiling.

Some media took photos of Terry Gou and Carina Lau clasping their fingers, and the two also went out on private jets together many times. Although Carina Lau later clarified that it was only a working relationship, the doubts did not subside.

The scandal with Lin Chiling originated from a company's annual meeting. That night, Guo Taiming and Lin Chiling danced together, and the two behaved intimately, which sparked widespread speculation. In addition, Guan Zhilin, Liu Yan and many other beauties have also had scandals with Guo Taiming.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

These lace news made Guo Taiming's image change from an affectionate husband to a flowery young man, which triggered a wide discussion in the society.

People began to wonder what kind of charm made this business tycoon attractive to so many talented women. At the same time, some people questioned whether his emotional attitude was sincere.

These scandals and speculations laid the groundwork for his final marriage to Zeng Xinying.

Terry Gou's rich emotional experience is like a mirror, reflecting society's complex attitude towards the marriage and love of the rich. People are both envious of his ability to attract many beautiful women, but also skeptical of his love life.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

This kind of ambivalence may be a true portrayal of the public's yearning and fear of wealthy marriages.

In any case, Terry Gou's emotional journey tells us that even a billionaire will look fragile and confused in the face of feelings. And his final marriage to Zeng Xinying seems to have drawn a successful end to this ups and downs of emotional journey.

Zeng Xinying's life trajectory can be called a modern version of Cinderella story. She came from an ordinary background, her father was an ordinary figure in the local political circles, and her mother worked in the government department.

Such a family background is in stark contrast to her future wealthy life.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

When she was young, Zeng Xinying had a love for dance and was admitted to a well-known dance academy. After graduating, she became an ordinary dance teacher. The daily job is to teach students dance skills and communicate with parents about their children's learning.

Although this job is ordinary, it makes Zeng Xinying feel fulfilling. She often said that dancing made her experience the passion and beauty of life.

The twist of fate came without warning. As Lin Chiling's dance teacher, Zeng Xinying met Guo Taiming by chance. This encounter completely changed the course of her life.

Unlike other female stars, Zeng Xinying's innocence and love for dance deeply attracted Guo Taiming. In his eyes, Zeng Xinying does not have the strong money atmosphere of other actresses.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

In 2008, 33-year-old Zeng Xinying married 62-year-old Guo Taiming and became his third wife. This lavish wedding catapulted Zeng Xinying to become one of the most well-known wealthy ladies in Taiwan.

After getting married, her life changed dramatically. No longer need to go out early and return to work every day, but began to frequently attend the activities of high society and enjoy a luxurious life.

Zeng Xinying often goes abroad for vacations and lives in a mansion carefully built for her by Guo Taiming. It is rumored that Guo Taiming will give Zeng Xinying a huge amount of living expenses every year to meet her shopping needs.

However, in the face of such a great change in her life, Zeng Xinying did not lose herself. She actively adapts to her new identity and strives to learn the etiquette and knowledge that a wealthy lady should have.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

became the queen mother of a wealthy family, and Zeng Xinying's social circle expanded rapidly. She became friends with stars such as Ruby Lin and Lin Xilei, and often shopped and party together. In addition, she also interacts frequently with Jay Chou and others.

These stars, who were once only seen on TV, have now become close friends in her life.

With her superb emotional intelligence and social skills, Zeng Xinying quickly integrated into this circle and became one of many celebrities. Not only can she mingle with these stars, but she also shows proper manners in various social occasions and wins the favor of everyone.

From an ordinary dance teacher to a wealthy man worth 40 billion, Zeng Xinying's transformation is amazing. This huge change in identity not only tests her adaptability, but also makes the outside world full of curiosity and doubts about her.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

However, Zeng Xinying proved with her actions that she can not only adapt to this kind of life, but also gain a firm foothold in the wealthy family and become Terry Gou's right-hand man.

Zeng Xinying's story is not only a legend of an ordinary woman who has achieved class leaps, but also shows her calmness and wisdom in the face of opportunities. Her experience may have given many people a revelation: no matter what their background, as long as they grasp the opportunity and keep their hearts, it is possible to create their own legend.

Zeng Xinying, who stepped into a wealthy family, soon realized that this seemingly glamorous world was full of challenges. She knows that to gain a foothold in this complex environment, beauty and youth alone are not enough.

Within six years of marriage, Zeng Xinying gave birth to three children for Guo Taiming in a row: two daughters and a son. This not only reflects her sense of responsibility to her family, but also subtly consolidates her position among wealthy families.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

It is worth mentioning that she named her eldest daughter Guo Xiaoru in honor of Guo Taiming's second wife Lin Shuru. Although this decision caused some controversy at the time, it also showed Zeng Xinying's wisdom and mind.

As a stepmother, Zeng Xinying faced the challenge of getting along with the children born to Gou's ex-wife. Instead of taking a hard line, she slowly integrated into the family in a soft way.

She strives to maintain a good relationship with Gou's mother and ex-wife, and has demonstrated great emotional intelligence and handling skills. This approach not only avoids family conflicts, but also makes her the bond of this extended family.

Recently, there were rumors that 49-year-old Zeng Xinying is interested in giving birth to a fourth child for 72-year-old Terry Gou. Although the news has not yet been confirmed, it has once again sparked public attention about the "year-old love" couple.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

This rumor also reflects Zeng Xinying's status and influence in marriage from the side. Whether this rumor is true or not, it shows Zeng Xinying's dedication and determination to this marriage.

The challenges Zeng faced in her wealthy life were manifold. She has to adapt to a huge shift in identity, as well as deal with complex family relationships while also confronting public scrutiny.

However, she used her wisdom and hard work to find a balance in this complex environment and won the trust and favor of Gou.

Zeng Xinying's experience tells us that entering a wealthy family is not the end, but a new starting point. How to stand in this competitive and challenging environment requires wisdom, patience and tenacity.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

Zeng Xinying's success may provide some enlightenment for those who dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

The marriage of Terry Gou and Zeng Xinying is like a mirror, reflecting the complex attitude of society towards the marriage of wealthy families. On the surface, this is a modern version of the "Cinderella" story, but the emotions and interests behind it are far more complex than fairy tales.

Although there are many doubts about this marriage from the outside world, Guo Taiming's love for Zeng Xinying is obvious to all. He not only provided her with a luxurious life, but also held hands in public to show affection.

At one point, Mr. Gou even took Ms. Zeng to a castle built to commemorate his ex-wife, Lin Shuru, for her birthday, a move that was both romantic and controversial, sparking more speculation about the relationship.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

With a huge age difference and wealth gap, how do you balance love, commitment, and interests? The couple's way of getting along may give some answers. Zeng Xinying proved in her own way that she is not only a competent wife, but also a right-hand man in Terry Gou's career and life.

And Guo Taiming used practical actions to show his importance and devotion to this marriage.

Society often has a prejudiced and skeptical attitude towards wealthy marriages. However, every marriage is unique in its own way, and it is difficult for outsiders to fully understand the emotions and dedication involved.

The stories of Tsang and Terry Gou remind us that we should not be quick to judge other people's marriages, but should be more tolerant of different choices.

The 40 billion wealthy Kuotai, who gave birth to 3 children in a row and wants to give birth to a fourth child for her 72-year-old husband, is a friend of Ruby Lin

The survival and development of this marriage may provide us with a perspective for thinking: what is most important in the balance of money and love? The answer may vary from person to person, but the story of Terry Gou and Zeng Xinying undoubtedly provides us with a unique case.

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