
I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

author:Buchanan Balls


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I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? Huo Jianhua, the "terminally ill brother", is popular again! But this time it's not because of his superb acting skills, but because he played the role of a sick seedling again.

Tsk, does this brother have any special obsession with "terminally ill"? Or does he think he's a medical miracle who can bring all kinds of terminal illnesses to life? Anyway, this time it made netizens very happy, and the laughter almost overturned the roof of Ruby Lin's house!

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Fu Jiaming: Huo Jianhua's another "sick seedling" role

Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming in "The Story of the Rose" can be said to be another masterpiece of his "Sick Seedling" character series. This character is so pitiful and cute that people can't help but want to give him a big hug and stuff two vitamin C pills by the way.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Huang Yimei finally met true love, but she was a terminally ill guy. This plot, no matter how you look at it, looks like a nightmare that the screenwriter had during his lunch break. But then again, Huo Jianhua is very handy in playing this kind of role, as if his DNA is engraved with the words "I am here to play the sick seedling".

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Netizens couldn't stand it anymore and ridiculed him as "Brother Terminally Ill" and "Brother Finish". This nickname is well-known, I can only say that everyone's imagination is really richer than that of screenwriters. But then again, Huo Jianhua, Huo Jianhua, do you think that if you don't act a little sick, the audience won't know how good you are?

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Netizen God commented: Ruby Lin's comment area became Happy Valley

Speaking of the comments of netizens, it is really wonderful and full of jokes. Ruby Lin's comment area has become a happy valley, and everyone takes turns to show their joke skills.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Some netizens said: "Sister, tell Brother Hua that he is popular again!" "

said this, as if Huo Jianhua was an isolated hermit who needed his wife as a mouthpiece. But after thinking about it, with Huo Jianhua's character, maybe it's really possible.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Some netizens suggested: "Buy a newspaper, otherwise he won't know that he is popular." "

This comment made me laugh. In this age of information explosion, does anyone still remember the ancient invention of the newspaper? But also, after all, Huo Jianhua gives people the feeling that he is the kind of fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, maybe he is really still reading the newspaper.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Some netizens ridiculed: "Has Fu Jiaming gone home?" Let him continue to act! "

said this, as if Huo Jianhua was a takeaway brother who could be on call. But then again, if you can really order takeout to Huo Jianhua, the order volume is estimated to be able to directly squeeze the system.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believed: "Huo Jianhua is really a powerful actor, every time he plays a terminally ill patient, he can act heart-wrenching." "

Some netizens also said: "Although Huo Jianhua's acting skills are great, I really hope he can try some more sunny and healthy roles." Some netizens ridiculed: "Huo Jianhua should not deliberately act as a sick man in order to avoid being harassed by female fans?" "

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin
Many netizens spoke highly of Huo Jianhua's acting skills: "Although I always play a sick seedling, each role has its own characteristics, which is the embodiment of strength." Some people also expressed concern: "I hope Huo Jianhua will not be affected by these characters in real life." "
I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin
What's even more interesting is that some netizens began to open their minds: "If Huo Jianhua plays a superhero next time, it is estimated that the audience will wonder if this superhero has a terminal illness." This comment struck a chord with everyone, who said, "Hahaha, it's so true!" "
I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin
Of course, some people think from another angle: "In fact, it is not easy for Huo Jianhua to take on these roles, after all, you have to grasp the balance, you must show your illness and weakness, but you can't be too deliberate." Some netizens chimed in: "Yes, acting as a terminal illness is really a test of acting skills, Huo Jianhua can control it freely, it's really powerful." "
I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Huo Jianhua's off-screen life: a happy "daddy"

After talking about Huo Jianhua in the play, let's gossip about him outside the play. Don't look at the distressing acting in the play, Huo Jianhua outside the play is a happy "daddy".

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

It is said that every time after filming, Huo Jianhua ran home as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. At this speed, it is estimated that even the Flash will be ashamed of himself. It seems that staying at home with his wife and children is his ultimate pursuit.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

What's even more interesting is that when Huo Jianhua and Ruby Lin were together, they looked lively and cute, just like an unweaned child. This contrast is cute, I can only say, Huo Jianhua, you are really a treasure boy!

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

A person familiar with the matter broke the news that Huo Jianhua's status at home may only be a little higher than that of the family's dog. As soon as this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Someone said, "This is the real married life!" Some people also ridiculed: "It seems that Huo Jianhua is also a 'sick seedling' at home, but he is just a sick seedling in love." "

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Netizens' sincere words: Actually, we all love you!

Although netizens said all kinds of ridiculous words, in fact, everyone loved Huo Jianhua in their hearts. No, there are still a lot of heart-warming messages in the comment area.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Someone said: "Brother Hua is not old, he is still charming!" "

Having said that, I want to award this netizen a "Heartwarming Award of the Year". But then again, Huo Jianhua is indeed the type that grows older and more handsome, just like old wine, the older it is, the more fragrant it is.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Some netizens said: "I like to watch you act in comedy, don't always act as a sick man." "

This comment can be said to speak to everyone's heart. Huo Jianhua, don't lie on the hospital bed all the time, it's good to stand up occasionally to dance and tell a joke.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

What's even more blunt: "Huo Jianhua is really handsome, and Ruby Lin is also very beautiful." "

This comment, I can only say, to tell the truth, it is worthy of you! Huo Jianhua and Lin Xinru are a couple, and their appearance is really high that people are jealous. I think their family's gene bank should be listed as a national protected resource.

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

Written at the end: Looking forward to Huo Jianhua's next "Nirvana Rebirth"

Looking back on the whole article, we can see that Huo Jianhua became "popular" again this time because of his terminal illness. Although netizens ridiculed him as "Brother Terminally Ill" and "Brother Finish", in fact, everyone really loves him.

Huo Jianhua's acting skills are impeccable, but maybe it's time to try some different types of roles. After all, the audience also wants to see a sunny and healthy Huo Jianhua, don't they?

I can't laugh! Although Huo Jianhua's role as Fu Jiaming became popular, everyone died of laughter in the comment area of Ruby Lin

At the same time, we also saw Huo Jianhua's happiness in family life. This kind of contrast is exactly what makes him attractive. I hope Huo Jianhua and Lin Xinru can continue to be so affectionate and feed us single dogs some dog food.

Finally, I want to ask everyone: If Huo Jianhua plays a lively role in the next play, do you think he can handle it? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let us imagine Huo Jianhua's "Nirvana Rebirth" together!

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