
The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

author:Xiao Li sees the world

Look at who is fast, see who is strong! In the global infrastructure competition, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge made its debut, and Indian netizens commented on the sidelines, as if they were watching a transnational infrastructure Super Bowl. Let's talk about this feast of transnational dialogue between Chinese and Indian infrastructure fans.

The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

Not to mention the amazing Shenzhong Bridge at the beginning, let's start with the heated discussion of a group of Indian netizens. One day, a video showing the bridge suddenly went viral on the Internet, and it didn't take long for keyboard warriors across India to excitedly crowd into the comment section. Their enthusiasm is even hotter than the local cricket match.

Everyone seemed to be deeply shocked by the spectacular sight of the bridge. Some people say that this bridge is simply Shenzhen and Zhongshan firmly tied together with a rainbow, and the road that originally ran for half a day is now half an hour away. This efficiency has made many Indian netizens envious.

The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

Behind the praise, there is also a deep self-reflection. Riya directly addressed the Indian Minister of Transport, and she bluntly said in her comments that our bridges in India will be crumbling as soon as the rainy season arrives, look at the bridges in China, they are beautiful and reliable. As soon as these words came out, many netizens echoed them, as if to say: "Yes, yes, when will we have such a bridge!" ”

It's not just the bridge, there's more to it than that. Selvan C mentioned the cleanliness around China's bridges, and then looked at the dirty and messy situation of some toll booths in India, which makes one have to admire the rigor of China's urban management. In addition, he complained about the congestion of India's subway, which seemed to mock the inefficiency of Indian officials.

The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

Respect for China and the inefficiency of Indian officials have become another major theme of discussion among netizens. Jay Prakash said that while he has a lot of respect for China's development, every time he sees the performance of Indian officials, it feels like a shot in the arm.

The discussion doesn't stop there. An Indian tire merchant mentioned that they used to import a large number of Chinese tires, and the quality is not inferior to Michelin, and the price is more affordable. However, since the Modi government introduced anti-dumping duties, these high-quality and cheap tires have suddenly become inaccessible. The helplessness and resentment of this businessman seem to be a true portrayal of countless Indian businessmen.

The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

In this cross-border dialogue triggered by the Shenzhen-China Bridge, Mia's role as a network expert who spreads positive energy is particularly crucial. She firmly believes that only by sharing such true stories can the outside world better understand China and dispel prejudice against Chinese goods and infrastructure. Every like and retweet is a support for her beliefs and an exploration of real China.

The Shenzhong Bridge exploded in India for a while! Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, you taste it carefully

In this transnational infrastructure dialogue, whether it is praise, criticism or reflection, every comment seems to add more spice to this transnational bridge feast. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge is not only a bridge between Shenzhen and Zhongshan, but also a visual and psychological international exchange. Through this bridge, Indian netizens not only saw the miracle of an infrastructure project, but also saw a possibility, that is: through learning and exchanges, maybe their own country can also create such an infrastructure miracle that has attracted the attention of the world.

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