
Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, in an ordinary worker's family in Heilongjiang Province, Yang Guang fell to the ground. However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on the baby. When he was only 8 months old, a sudden serious illness robbed Yang Guang of the light in his eyes and pushed him into eternal darkness.

Faced with this bad news, the young parents did not choose to give up. With meager hopes, they sought medical advice everywhere, and even did not hesitate to sell valuable items in order to give their son a chance to survive.

However, the reality is harsh. Despite his efforts, Yang Guang's eye disease was never cured. In this world of invisible colors, Yang Guang soon found his own solace – music.

The beating notes seemed to come to life, sketching a brilliant picture in his mind. Yang Guang likes to hum along to music and feel the beauty of the world with his ears. Seeing hope, his parents found ways to buy their son various musical instruments and encouraged him to find meaning in life.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

After entering the Harbin School for the Blind and Deaf, Yang Guang showed extraordinary musical talent. He not only excelled in his studies, but also actively participated in various theatrical performances. Teachers often praised: "Yang Guang is a very talented child.

"On the school stage, Yang Guang is always the brightest star. His singing voice is like a cry, infecting every listener. Many people couldn't believe that the radiant teenager on the stage turned out to be a blind man.

Yang Guang used his strength to prove that even if he loses his light, he can find the direction of his life in music. At the age of 19, the first crossroads in his life were in front of Yang Guang: should he choose a stable and down-to-earth life, or should he go to Beijing for a while? With his love and dedication to music, Yang Guang resolutely chose the latter.

Second, he wants to go to a broader stage to pursue his dreams. Although his family was worried, they also supported his decision. The mother saw off her son with tears in her eyes and told him to take care of himself outside.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

In this way, with his dreams and the expectations of his family, Yang Guang embarked on a journey to the north to pursue his dreams. Yang Guang, who first arrived in Beijing, was soon faced with a harsh reality. This bustling metropolis is not kind to a blind singer from the Northeast.

Fierce competition, lack of funds, and hardships in life all test the will of this young man. Every day, Yang Guang is trying to adapt to this strange city in his own way.

Third, he groped to learn the topography of Beijing and familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. Although he can't see, his ears are sharper than normal and can pick up every subtle sound of the city.

However, even so, life is full of challenges. Just when Yang Guang was working hard, fate hit him hard again. First, the sad news of my grandmother's death came, and my father passed away soon after.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

This successive blows made Yang Guang fall into deep sadness and confusion. The once high-spirited teenager seemed to have aged ten years overnight. Sadness, confusion, and despair shrouded Yang Guang's heart like a dark cloud.

He lost his fighting spirit for a while, and he was in a state of confusion all day, not knowing how to move on. Just when Yang Guang was about to give up, his mother's words were like a slap in the face, rekindling the fire in his heart: "Grandma sees you in the spirit of heaven now, do you think she will be happy?" This sentence made Yang Guang wake up suddenly.

He realized that he could not live up to his family's expectations, let alone his dreams. With the entrustment and expectations of his family, Yang Guang regrouped and once again devoted himself to the journey of chasing his dreams.

Fourth, the hard work paid off, and Yang Guang's persistence finally ushered in a turnaround. A bar owner appreciates Yang Guang's talent and is willing to give him a chance to show it. In this way, Yang Guang stood on the stage again.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

He wants to comfort his relatives in heaven with his songs, and he also wants to prove to the world that a blind person also has the right to fly his dreams. Although the days of singing in the bar were hard, Yang Guang never complained.

Every day, facing a variety of audiences, he always smiles and offers the most sincere singing. Gradually, more and more people were attracted to the story of this blind singer. They were not only fascinated by Yang Guang's singing voice, but also moved by his courage and perseverance.

Yang Guang's persistence and hard work have finally paid off. His fame gradually spread in Beijing's bar circles, and more and more people came to listen to the blind singer's moving singing.

This difficult but hopeful period of struggle in Beijing not only honed Yang Guang's will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future success. In 2007, the opportunity finally came to Yang Guang.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

He participated in the competition of "Walk of Fame", and this stage will be a turning point in his life. With his profound singing skills and sincere emotions, Yang Guang passed all the way and finally won the championship and became the focus of attention.

Fifth, at that moment, all the sweat and tears turned into supreme glory. Yang Guang stood on the stage, tears flowing uncontrollably. He bowed deeply to his mother in this way to express his gratitude for his mother's silent support over the years.

The song "You Are My Eyes" sang and cried countless audiences, and also sang Yang Guang's deep love for his mother. He once said sincerely: "If I were given three days of light, the first thing I would do would be to take a good look at my mother."

This unpretentious wish moved everyone. From this moment on, Yang Guang's life trajectory began to rise rapidly. He appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and realized the dreams of countless singers.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

As a torchbearer of the Paralympic Games, he showed the world the spirit of Chinese people with disabilities. In colleges and universities across the country, he has performed for public welfare, inspiring more young people with his experience.

However, under the watchful eye, Yang Guang also began to taste the sweetness of success. He began to go in and out of high-end establishments and socialize with celebrities from all walks of life. The blind singer who once sang humbly in a bar seems to have become a "big star" overnight.

Sixth, in the face of sudden fame and fortune, Yang Guang gradually lost his way. He began to become fussy and even perfunctory, and he was no longer as kind and friendly as he used to be. To the staff, he often loses his temper and points fingers.

In cooperation, he put on a "big-name" shelf and turned a deaf ear to the opinions of his partners. What's even more worrying is that Yang Guang's performance on stage has also begun to decline.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

He often forgets words and goes out of tune, but blames others for his questioning glances. The audience gradually discovered that the blind singer who used to move people's hearts with his singing voice has become a conceited "star".

A senior director couldn't bear it anymore and sternly warned Yang Guang: "Don't think that if you are popular now, you can see no one." Pretending on stage, who to see? If it continues like this, it will not be far from betraying relatives! These words were like a slap in the face, which made Yang Guang wake up suddenly.

However, how easy is it to change the habits that have already formed? Yang Guang fell into deep confusion, and there was such a big crisis hidden at the peak of his career. As the pride brought about by fame swelled, Yang Guang's words and deeds changed dramatically.

Seventh, the once humble and hard-working blind singer has now become arrogant and picky about work. He no longer cherishes every opportunity to perform, but turns a blind eye to the hard work of the staff.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

During a commercial performance, Yang Guang was furious because the stage lights were not bright enough, completely ignoring the fact that he was a blind singer. He yelled at the staff: "Do you think that if I can't see it, I can do it perfunctory?" Such a move not only made the atmosphere of the scene embarrassing, but also chilled the hearts of many staff.

In the face of partners, Yang Guang put on a "big-name" shelf. When some brands want to discuss the details of the advertisement with him, he often impatiently says, "You can decide these little things yourself, why bother to ask me?" This attitude has led to the slipping away of many potential opportunities for collaboration.

Yang Guang's arrogance is not only reflected in his work, but also extends to his stage performance. He began to frequently forget words and go out of tune, but he was unwilling to admit his mistakes. During the recording of an important TV program, Yang Guang sang the wrong lyrics many times, but angrily accused the sound engineer of adjusting the wrong equipment.

Eighth, this unprofessional performance quickly caused dissatisfaction among industry insiders. With the increase in negative news, Yang Guang's popularity began to plummet. The commercial performance activities that once rushed to invite him gradually decreased, and variety shows no longer threw olive branches to him.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Yang Guang began to feel anxious and uneasy, but instead of fundamentally reflecting on his own problems, he shifted the blame to others. Yang Guang, who was at a low point in his career, criticized singer Zhu Zhiwen, who was also from the grassroots, on a public occasion because of his "poor music level".

The remarks sparked an immediate public backlash. Many people accuse Yang Guang of forgetting his roots and engaging in double standards. For a time, the Internet was full of abuse against Yang Guang, and his public image fell to the bottom.

Faced with the overwhelming negative comments, Yang Guang felt unprecedented pressure and confusion. He began to reflect on his actions and realized that he had deviated from his original intention.

Nine, the blind singer who used to warm others with music, but now hurts the people who support him because of his words and deeds. Standing at another crossroads in his life, Yang Guang has to face a grim reality: if he doesn't change the status quo, he may lose the opportunity to stand on the stage forever.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

This blind singer who once overcame fate is now defeated by his pride. Yang Guang fell into deep self-doubt, not knowing how to regain himself.

After experiencing a low point in his career and the collapse of his public image, Yang Guang began a difficult road of self-reflection. He finally realized that true success is not just about fame and applause, but more importantly, staying humble and grateful.

The blind singer who used to warm others with music now hurts those who support him because of his words and deeds. In order to regain himself, Yang Guang chose to return to public welfare.

Tenth, he began to hold lectures in colleges and universities across the country, using his own experience to encourage more people to face life bravely. By sharing his story, he hopes to make more people understand that the meaning of life is not about what you have, but about how you treat everything you have.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

In a college speech, Yang Guang said sincerely: "I was once lost in fame and fortune and forgot my original dream. But now, I want to use my own experience to tell everyone that no matter what difficulties you encounter, don't give up on your original intention easily.

These words not only touched the students present, but also Yang Guang's admonition to himself. In 2012, Yang Guang ushered in a turning point. He was hired as an art instructor by Nankai University, which gave him hope for a career recovery.

In the process of teaching, Yang Guang rediscovered the pure joy of music and re-examined the value of his life. At the same time, Yang Guang also tried to return to the entertainment industry. He participated in the recording of talent shows such as "The Return of the King" and "Unstoppable" in an attempt to regain public recognition.

However, the road back to the top has not been smooth. Despite Yang Guang's efforts to change his image and attitude, the public's trust and affection are not won overnight.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Eleven, in this process, Yang Guang understood a truth: to prove his change with practical actions, it takes time and patience. He began to cherish every opportunity to perform, take every staff member seriously, and strive to rebuild his professional image.

Although this road to find his original intention is difficult, Yang Guang firmly believes that as long as he does not forget his original intention, he will eventually find his own stage again. In 2013, Yang Guang held his last large-scale solo concert in Beijing.

The concert seemed to be a farewell to his past glory days and the beginning of a new chapter in his life. Since then, Yang Guang has gradually faded out of the public eye and no longer appears frequently on the screen.

Yang Guang, 44, has slowed down the pace of life a lot. He occasionally takes on some small commercial performances, and lives a fairly nourishing life with his savings. Away from the hustle and bustle of the spotlight, Yang Guang has more time to reflect on his life trajectory.

Why is Yang Guang not "red"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

In the dead of night, will Yang Guang recall his gains and losses? The fruits of those who have worked hard have been ruined by the pride of the moment; The stage that was once longed for has also faded away.

If he could turn back the clock, would he have made a different choice? Yang Guang's story is a warning to everyone: fame, fortune and pride are often the most dangerous traps. Only by maintaining humility and gratitude at all times can we keep our true nature in the ups and downs and achieve extraordinary achievements in the ups and downs.

Let us take Yang Guang as a mirror, not be arrogant or impatient on the road of chasing dreams, and write a wonderful and thick chapter of life with wisdom and sweat. Maintaining a humble, grateful heart, and being down-to-earth is the foundation of creating miracles.

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