
It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, in the long history of the Chinese music scene, the name Gao Lingfeng is like a dazzling meteor, bright and short-lived. His death ten years ago seems to have drawn an end to his legendary life.

However, when we look back, we can't help but sigh at the wonderful arrangement of fate. Gao Lingfeng's musical journey began with a chance student reunion. At that time, he was still an ordinary foreign language student, and he was full of enthusiasm for music.

At a bureau organized by his classmates, the young and vigorous Gao Lingfeng sang wholeheartedly, not caring who was sitting in the audience. His passionate performance unexpectedly attracted the attention of the famous writer Qiong Yao.

Qiong Yao was deeply moved by Gao Lingfeng's exuberant vitality, and even named his band "Firebird". She hopes that this group of young people can be like firebirds and infect the audience with their enthusiasm and vitality.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Qiong Yao's appreciation opened the door to Gao Lingfeng's showbiz, and he recommended his band to his friends many times. In this process, Gao Lingfeng's singing strength has also been rapidly improved.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When Qiong Yao's novel "Girlfriend" was adapted into a movie and became popular all over the country, Gao Lingfeng seized the opportunity and released an album of the same name. Taking advantage of the movie, his album sales skyrocketed.

This success gave him a taste of sweetness, and he wittily took the name of his favorite character in the play "Gao Lingfeng" as his stage name, and completely bid farewell to his original name Ge Yuancheng. However, what really made Gao Lingfeng popular overnight was the song "A Fire in Winter" that has been sung to this day.

This song not only allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the music world, but also became his life's masterpiece. Gao Lingfeng's unique singing voice and infectious stage performance made him stand out among the decent "standing" singers.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Second, his style is jumpy and active, with dazzling costumes and exaggerated stage movements, all of which make the audience fall in love with him. In this way, Gao Lingfeng has changed from an unknown college student to a hot "frog prince" in the Chinese music scene.

His story seems to confirm the old saying: opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. And his rise has also added a unique and beautiful landscape to the Chinese music scene.

Gao Lingfeng's love life can be called wonderful, but it is also full of regrets and controversies. As a handsome, merry, and chic prodigal son in the music world, his love road is not smooth.

When he was young, Gao Lingfeng was once obsessed with Lin Qingxia's beauty and talent. He frantically pursued this generation of beauties in the entertainment industry for 10 years, and even did not hesitate to borrow a friend's luxury car to support the scene.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

However, Gao Lingfeng's flower heart has long been an open secret in the circle. Although Lin Qingxia admires his character, she is only willing to maintain a friend relationship with him. This unrequited love relationship has become the first frustration on the road of Gao Ling's amorous feelings.

However, while infatuated with Lin Qingxia, Gao Lingfeng ignored Lin Yuzhao, who had been by his side. Lin Yuzhao is gentle and considerate, and is deeply loved by Gao Lingfeng's parents. Under the persuasion of his family and his father's last wishes, Gao Lingfeng reluctantly married Lin Yuzhao.

Third, after marriage, Lin Yuzhao did her best to take care of her mother-in-law, and also gave birth to two daughters for Gao Lingfeng. However, this prodigal still goes his own way, and the lace news continues. It is rumored that he even pursued Teresa Teng, the singer at the time.

Faced with her husband's various behaviors, Lin Yuzhao was finally disheartened and chose to leave. In the second marriage, Gao Lingfeng met Wen Jie, the champion of Miss Asian America. This beautiful and atmospheric beauty with a proud figure once made Gao Lingfeng restrain a lot.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

In the early days of marriage, the two had a very strong relationship, and Gao Lingfeng even contradicted the senior management of China Television in order to protect his wife. However, the good times did not last long, perhaps because of personality incompatibility, and this marriage ended in failure.

Fourth, at the trough of his career, Gao Lingfeng met Jin Youzhuang, who was 19 years younger. The young and beautiful Jin Youzhuang not only did not dislike him for being old, but also took out his savings to help him tide over the difficulties. This marriage with a huge age gap once made people feel that Gao Lingfeng had finally found true love.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and Gao Lingfeng reverted to his old ways again, entangled with all kinds of women. Jin Youzhuang was heartbroken about this, and even did some misdeeds in retaliation, and finally the two tore their faces and broke up unhappily.

Gao Lingfeng's three marriages seem to be the epitome of an emotional tragedy. From the young and ignorant first love, to the reckless behavior after becoming famous, and then to the painful struggle in old age, we see the emotional trajectory of a prodigal son.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

However, what is embarrassing is that when Gao Lingfeng finally passed away, none of the three women who had spent his life with him died for him. This can't help but make people sigh how bumpy his love road is and how lonely he is in his heart.

Fifth, Gao Lingfeng's emotional experience may give us a warning: feelings need to be cherished, and families need to be managed. Even if you are a world-famous prodigal son in the music world, you can't escape the emotional responsibility and marital loyalty.

Gao Lingfeng's acting career is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, full of dramatic turns. He is not only a powerful singer, but also a variety show host and actor, and his multi-habitat talent makes him unique in the Chinese entertainment industry.

At the peak of his career, Gao Lingfeng can be described as infinitely beautiful. His singing voice resounded all over the country, and he could even compete with Teresa Teng, the queen of the song. In Taiwan, he is known as the originator of happy variety shows, and the programs he hosted, such as "Youth Song" and "Sunshine, Green Fields, Studio", have had a good response.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

However, his flamboyant personality and unique musical style have repeatedly caused him trouble. When his album "The Story of Kimchi" became popular in Southeast Asia, it was unexpectedly criticized for "damaging the social atmosphere".

Sixth, immediately, Gao Lingfeng was jointly blocked by the three major TV stations, and his thriving career came to an abrupt end. This blow was like a blow to the head, so that Gao Lingfeng had to lie dormant for several years, waiting for the turmoil to subside.

However, fate always seems to play a joke on this prodigal son. When he finally returned to the stage and became popular again with "A Fire in Winter", he was involved in the underworld again.

Because he sang in the theater, he angered the big man with a background in the underworld and almost lost his life. This experience made Gao Lingfeng understand the cruelty, and he had to withdraw from the public eye again.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Seven, but Gao Lingfeng's stubborn character is destined that he will not admit defeat easily. After these setbacks, he returned to acting again. However, fate always seems to work against him.

He was forced to withdraw from the circle again because of his confrontation with the top management of China Television, and this time, he paid the price for his arrogance again. Even so, Gao Lingfeng's resilience and talent still made him lose time and again.

He retired from the music scene due to depression, but soon regained his strength. Later, he exhausted his savings due to investment failure and had to return to the entertainment industry again to make a living. Every time he falls, he can get back up, and this indomitable spirit may be the reason why he can prosper in the Chinese music scene for a long time.

Gao Lingfeng's career trajectory seems to be a legend of inspiration and pathos. His talent is undeniable, but the weaknesses of his character always become stumbling blocks. From the peak and fall, to many comebacks, what we see is not only the ups and downs of an artist, but also the spirit of a person who constantly struggles and never gives up in the face of adversity.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Gao Lingfeng's story tells us that in this complex world, talent is important, but wisdom is also indispensable. His experience may serve as a warning to those who come after him: while pursuing artistic achievements, we must also learn to live in harmony with the world.

Eighth, in the twilight of life, Gao Lingfeng finally began to reflect on his ups and downs in life. Fate always seems to like to play a joke on him, and less than a year after he left his third wife, Kim Youzhuang, he was diagnosed with cancer.

This once suave and high-spirited prodigal son in the music industry is now skinny, and he can no longer see the brilliance of the past. In the face of the ruthless disease, Gao Lingfeng actively cooperated with the treatment at first.

However, as his condition deteriorated, his physical condition deteriorated. When he signed the letter of refusal to treat with his own hands, his heart was full of remorse and reluctance. Perhaps at this moment, he finally realized that he had wasted too many years and failed too many people.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

In this performance, Gao Lingfeng sang vigorously, and even had to do it again. However, his body was already overwhelmed and he eventually collapsed to the ground. This scene may be a portrayal of his life: even at the end of his life, he still stubbornly burned his last enthusiasm.

This performance became the last swan song of Gao Lingfeng's life. The following year, at the age of 63, he died. Before his death, he still cared about his son and left Ge Zhaoen with an eight-character motto of "health, credit, politeness, and smile".

This man, who has been repeatedly frustrated emotionally, is so sincere and touching in the expression of fatherly love. However, what is embarrassing is that none of Gao Lingfeng's three ex-wives sent him to his death.

Nine, this can't help but make people sigh how bumpy his love road is, and it also allows us to see the loneliness of his later years. Perhaps, this is the price of his wanton squandering of feelings when he was young. Gao Lingfeng's later years were full of remorse and regret, but he also shone with the brilliance of father's love.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

His story teaches us that no matter where we go in life, we should never forget to cherish the people around us, especially those who truly love us. Because when life comes to an end, what can give us warmth is often these family affections that we have neglected.

Although Gao Lingfeng passed away, his artistic life was continued in his son Ge Zhaoen. Ge Zhaoen not only inherited the beauty of his mother Jin Youzhuang, but also had his father's singing talent, which can be said to be the best of both families.

Ge Siu-yan's musical journey began with a tribute to his father. His debut novel "The Second Fire in Winter" is an echo of his father's famous song "A Fire in Winter". This song not only shows Ge Zhaoen's musical talent, but also reflects his deep longing and respect for his father.

However, the aura of a famous father also brought a lot of pressure to Ge Zhaoen. Since his debut, he has often been ridiculed by the outside world as a "relation", and it is still difficult to completely get rid of his father's shadow.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Ten, this situation is undoubtedly a challenge for a young artist, but Ge Zhaoen did not back down. On January 1, 2024, Ge Zhaoen announced to the public that he will have 3 works to meet the audience this year.

This news shows his confidence and expectation for the future, and also shows that he is trying to find his own artistic path. In a video leaked on June 13, 2024, we can see Jin Youzhuang and Ge Zhaoen getting along happily.

In the video, Jin Youzhuang's demeanor is still the same, and there is no trace of time at all. Ge Zhaoen responded to his mother's camera while drinking a drink on the side, and the interaction between mother and son was natural and warm.

This picture may be what Gao Lingfeng wants to see the most: although his marriage ended in failure, the relationship between mother and son is precious. Ge Zhaoen's story tells us that even with the aura and expectations of their fathers, the new generation can still find their own stage.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

And this may also be the most valuable legacy left by Gao Lingfeng to this world. Gao Lingfeng's life was full of contradictions and controversies, leaving behind a complex and unique legacy. Emotionally, he is undoubtedly an out-and-out prodigal son.

The three marriages all ended in failure, the lace news continued, and he even married Lin Yuzhao while pursuing Lin Qingxia. This emotional capriciousness has hurt not only himself, but also the women who once loved him deeply.

However, in his career, Gao Lingfeng has shown the perseverance and talent that an artist should have. Even though he fell many times, faced with banning and quitting the circle, he still did not give up and returned to the stage again and again.

His "A Fire in Winter" is still sung today, proving his musical strength and influence. Gao Lingfeng's flamboyant personality has caused him a lot of trouble, but it is also this personality that has created his unique artistic style.

It turns out that he is long dead! only relied on "A Fire in Winter" to become popular, but no one sent his ex-wife to the end

Eleven, among the decent "standing" singers at that time, his performance style was active and brought a new wind to the Chinese music scene. In the last stages of his life, we see the softer side of this prodigal son.

His love for his children, especially his son Ge Zhaoen, shows the warmth in his heart. Ten years have passed, when we look back on Gao Lingfeng's life, we may find that it is these contradictions and struggles that have made his colorful life and left an indelible mark on the Chinese music scene.

Gao Lingfeng's story may give us a revelation: life is like a play, everyone is playing their own role, and real life is often more complex and multifaceted than drama.