
After the women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Wang Mengjie counterattacked, and fans admired her unique training method

author:Xiao Nan said sports

The women's volleyball team is making a comeback, Wang Mengjie's counterattack and Wang Yunrui's regret: the road to Paris, a journey with tears in laughter

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Xiao Nan, a sports fan who loves to have fun on the court and is addicted to coding words on the keyboard. Today, let's talk about the Chinese women's volleyball team, especially the Paris Olympics squad that has touched the heartstrings of countless people. Behind this list, there are laughter, tears, persistence, and accidents, and I, Xiao Nan, will take you into the story behind this, and use my unique perspective to give you a unique interpretation.

Speaking of Wang Yunrui, Xiao Nan, I have to give this girl a thumbs up first. On this challenging and stressful volleyball court, she is like a rose swaying in the wind and rain but never bowing her head. I remember that at the time of the Tokyo Olympics, Wang Yunrui's name was always associated with words like "weak attack", and the voices of the outside world were as turbulent as the tide, but she was stunned to interpret the word "tenacity" with her own actions.

After the women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Wang Mengjie counterattacked, and fans admired her unique training method

Xiao Nan I think that Wang Yunrui's defeat is not unexpected, but it is definitely embarrassing. Statistically, her offensive stats may not be flashy, but let's not forget that volleyball is a team sport, and every position has its irreplaceable role. Wang Yunrui's stability and contribution to the successive passes cannot be fully reflected by those cold numbers. How many times, when the team was in trouble, it was she who used that accurate pass again and again to ignite the spark of counterattack for the team. Her defeat may be due to the coaching team's long-term consideration and desire to give more young players opportunities, but it is undeniable that Wang Yunrui's departure is a big loss for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Let's talk about Wang Mengjie, the former "controversial figure", and now he has steadily counterattacked into the first place of free man in China, and the change can be made into an inspirational blockbuster. The downturn at the Tokyo Olympics put Wang Mengjie under unprecedented pressure, but as the old saying goes, "adversity makes people grow." Wang Mengjie did not choose to escape, but wrote her own counterattack road with sweat and tears.

After the women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Wang Mengjie counterattacked, and fans admired her unique training method

Xiao Nan I deliberately checked the data of recent years, and found that Wang Mengjie's pass completion rate, defensive ball start rate and save success rate are among the best. In the game, Wang Mengjie is like the anchor of the Chinese women's volleyball team's backline, her calm judgment and outstanding performance have helped the team save the day countless times. Now, as the only free agent who has not been substituted in the squad for the Paris Olympics, this is not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also the highest praise for her hard work and perseverance over the years.

Speaking of which, Xiao Nan, I have to insert a small episode. Did you know? Wang Mengjie's ruthlessness in training, but even her teammates shouted "admiration". It is said that once, in order to improve her reaction speed, she even asked her teammates to serve the ball randomly with a badminton racket, while she stood in the center of the court, engrossed in preparing to catch the ball. That scene is simply a realistic version of "whack-a-mole", which makes people nervous and funny. However, it is this kind of training method that allows Wang Mengjie to make quick judgments in the game and become an indispensable part of the team.

After the women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Wang Mengjie counterattacked, and fans admired her unique training method

And what about Wang Yunrui? She also has her own unique way of decompressing. In the team, she is a well-known "joker", and she can often use a few humorous words to make the tense training atmosphere instantly relaxed. I remember once, in the face of questions from the media, she responded with a smile: "It's not okay to attack? Then I'll take a few more passes and let you see my 'defensive offense'! This is both humorous and confident, and people have to admire her mentality.

Of course, the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team can stand tall depends not only on the outstanding performance of a certain player, but also on the joint efforts and tenacious struggle of the whole team. In this collective, everyone is an indispensable link, and everyone's contribution deserves to be respected. Wang Mengjie's counterattack and Wang Yunrui's regret are the epitome of this collective spirit.

After the women's volleyball Olympic list was released, Wang Mengjie counterattacked, and fans admired her unique training method

Xiao Nan believes that the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team has been able to win countless honors is not only the superb skills and tactics, but also their indomitable and never-say-die spirit. In the sprint stage of preparing for the Paris Olympic Games, whether it is Wang Mengjie's positive statement or the silent dedication of other team members, we have seen the strong cohesion and combat effectiveness of this team. They know that the road ahead is full of challenges, but as long as they work together, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Finally, Xiao Nan, I would like to say that the road to the future competition is indeed very long, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will face more challenges and tests. But as they have proven countless times in the past, as long as there is a dream in their hearts, there is a road under their feet. Wang Mengjie, Wang Yunrui and all the girls of the women's volleyball team will embark on this journey full of unknown but hopeful with more enthusiasm and firmer faith.

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