
The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

author:Jun Mo smiled

How to prevent a rainstorm from happening?

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows


The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

Recently, under the combined influence of the outer circulation of Typhoon Hagupit and the westerly trough, a heavy rainfall weather process has occurred in the southern part of the eastern country. As of June 30, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and other places have experienced heavy to heavy rain, serious water accumulation in many places, and extremely heavy rain in local areas. The Central Meteorological Observatory has also issued a red warning for heavy rain and a blue warning for severe convective weather, and it is expected that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will continue to be affected by heavy rain for some time to come. Moderate to heavy rain will also be ushered in places such as North China, Huanghuai, and the central and southern parts of Northeast China, which will help alleviate the local drought meteorological phenomenon.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows
The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

First, the rainstorm is coming, and the meteorological warning is inseparable

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

Meteorological early warning refers to a kind of advance notification and protection measures taken to protect the safety of people's lives and property according to the weather forecast issued by the meteorological department, when a certain or some harmful weather phenomena are about to occur or are occurring. Meteorological warnings are divided into blue warnings, yellow warnings, orange warnings and red warnings, which represent the degree of mild, severe, severe and particularly serious meteorological disasters in turn.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

During the rainstorm, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning for heavy rain and a blue warning for severe convective weather, reminding the people in relevant areas to attach great importance to it and take effective measures to prevent it. Under the influence of heavy rain and strong convective weather, it may cause problems such as urban waterlogging, flash floods, and geological disasters, so all localities should clean up the drainage system in a timely manner, strengthen the areas prone to landslides and debris flows, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

Second, heavy rains are frequent, and climate change has led to conjecture

In recent years, with the impact of global warming, climate anomalies in large eastern countries have become more and more frequent, and extreme weather such as heavy rain, drought, and high temperature have occurred from time to time. These extreme weather phenomena often bring many adverse effects to people's production and life, and we should have a deeper understanding of climate change and actively take measures to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Climate change is a global environmental issue that requires the joint participation and response of all countries. Countries can jointly slow down the rate of climate change and contribute to the sustainable development of the global ecological environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening ecological and environmental protection, and promoting the use of renewable energy.

As ordinary citizens, we can also start from the little things around us and contribute to environmental protection and climate change mitigation. For example, we can promote a low-carbon lifestyle, drive less, ride more, walk more, reduce the use of single-use plastic products, actively participate in afforestation activities, advocate garbage classification, and practice the concept of green and low-carbon life starting from ourselves.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

3. The impact of heavy rainfall on agricultural production and the ecological environment

On the one hand, an appropriate amount of rainfall is beneficial to the growth of crops, which can effectively replenish soil moisture and improve the yield and quality of crops. On the other hand, heavy rain can easily cause water accumulation in farmland, affect the growth of crops, and even lead to the lodging and death of crops such as rice and cotton.

When the rainstorm is coming, farmers and relevant departments need to scientifically and reasonably adjust the planting structure of crops according to the local rainfall situation, reasonably arrange field management measures, do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation, and ensure the safe growth of crops.

Heavy rain will also have a certain impact on the ecological environment, which is easy to cause problems such as soil erosion and river pollution, and pose a threat to the stability and biodiversity of the ecosystem. We should strengthen the publicity and education of ecological environmental protection awareness, promote the construction of ecological civilization, jointly participate in ecological environmental protection work, and contribute to the sustainable development of ecological environment.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

Fourth, the development of science and technology provides strong support for meteorological work

In the current meteorological work, the development of science and technology has provided strong support for meteorological early warning, meteorological disaster monitoring and meteorological services. For example, the use of satellite remote sensing technology can monitor the occurrence process of meteorological disasters in a timely and accurate manner, and provide a scientific basis for the decision-making of relevant departments. The use of big data and artificial intelligence technology can improve the accuracy and timeliness of meteorological forecasts, and provide more accurate meteorological services for the public's production and life.

We should support the extensive application of science and technology in the field of meteorology, encourage scientific and technological personnel to carry out innovative research in meteorological early warning, climate change monitoring, disaster risk assessment, etc., and contribute their wisdom and strength to the modernization and intelligent development of meteorological work.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast from tonight to July 1, the distribution of heavy rain is as follows

5. The combination of ancient wisdom and modern science

In the face of climate change and extreme weather, we should not only learn from the wisdom of the ancients, but also combine the achievements of modern science to scientifically deal with the impact of climate change. Through long-term observation and summarization, the ancients creatively put forward many agricultural proverbs and folk prediction methods about weather changes, such as "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "the finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "The finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "The finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose may not be the goose", "The finch knows the wild goose, the wild goose 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