
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng

author:Zhou Yanfeng's philosophical poem of happy life

Those who sell their faith take the money and leave

Fang Zhimin, who sticks to his faith

The sleeves were so tattered that they couldn't hold the breeze

Such a big official is so poor

You subverted the perception of bandits

Later, he hung a mirror in the history of the party

shine on the ugly faces of generations of corrupt officials


The enemy imprisons the faith to see if she will be devalued

The enemy tortures the faith to see if she will give in

The highest price offered by the enemy - high-ranking officials

You are unmoved because of faith

The enemy wants to take away the abode of the spirit, life

You are not afraid, or because of faith


Without a pen, I write my feelings with my life

The body will be mutilated, but the faith will never be erased

Singing about lovely China

The most beautiful hymn comes from the most bitter prisoner

Set up a monument to poverty

If there are several times in the sky, there will be a few touches

As wide as the earth is, it is moved as wide as it is

Thirty-six-year-old revolutionary veteran

Just take the faith of the communists

Lift it to the highest place and spread it to the far reaches of time and space

Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng
Banner of Faith: Fang Zhimin's Poem / Xishuangbanna Zhou Yanfeng

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