
Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two


Hey, when it comes to the top ten outstanding new Hong Kong young people in 2020, it is really eye-catching, their stories and achievements are like an inspirational blockbuster, which makes people's blood boil. The release of this list was finally determined after half a year of preparation and a week of intense voting. No, as soon as it was announced, it attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, and everyone wanted to find out who these young talents were and what kind of stories they had.

First of all, this selection activity was initiated by the Hong Kong Youth Development Commission to recognize those young talents who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields, and to inspire more young people to pursue excellence and contribute to society. The selection criteria are also quite strict, not only requiring candidates to have significant achievements in the professional field, but also to have a good social image and influence.

The 10 young people selected this time come from different industries, including innovators in the field of science and technology, disseminators of culture and art, practitioners of social services, and leaders in the field of sports. Their stories are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they have all contributed to the development of Hong Kong in their own way.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

For example, one of the young people, he is a technology entrepreneur, and his company has developed intelligent robots, which have been applied in many fields, not only improving work efficiency, but also bringing convenience to people's lives. His innovative spirit and love for technology are admirable.

There is also a young man, she is an artist, her works are full of love for traditional culture and deep insight into modern society, she uses her own brush, to paint a vivid picture, so that people can appreciate art at the same time, but also think about the meaning of life.

Of course, there are also those young people who are quietly contributing in the field of social services, and they are using their own actions to help those in need, whether it is in education, medical care or environmental protection, they are using their own ways to make this society a better place.

The stories of these young people are not only their personal glory, but also the pride of Hong Kong youth. With their actions, they have proved the strength and potential of the younger generation, and also inspired more young people to pursue their dreams and create their own wonderful.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

The announcement of this list is not only an affirmation of these young people, but also an encouragement to the whole society. It tells us that no matter what field we are in, as long as we have dreams, enthusiasm and action, we will be able to create our own value and make our own contribution to the development of society. The stories of these young people are like a beacon that illuminates our way forward and allows us to see hope and possibility.

Oh, speaking of Yang Ying, who is familiar to us with Angelababy, she was selected as one of the top ten outstanding new Hong Kong young people in 2020 this time, which really set off a lot of waves. As the only star on the list, her selection surprised many people and even caused some controversy. Some people think that this means that the gold content of this award has decreased?

First of all, I have to admit that Angelababy's popularity and influence in the entertainment industry are obvious to all. She not only has a sweet appearance, but also has good acting skills, and the film and television works she participated in are also widely acclaimed. But the question is, what are the selection criteria this time? Is it just about popularity and influence, or is there something else to consider?

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

The voices on the Internet are also varied. Some netizens said that Angelababy's selection may be because of her contribution to public welfare, after all, she is also actively involved in various charity activities. But some people questioned that her public welfare behavior may be only superficial, not enough to support her to win such an honor.

Others said that Angelababy's commercial value and brand influence were also one of the reasons why she was selected. After all, as a public figure, her image and words and deeds have a lot of influence on young people. However, this argument has also been refuted, and some argue that the selection of outstanding young people should focus more on individual talent and actual contribution to society, rather than purely commercial value.

Of course, there are also people who stand up for Angelababy, arguing that her efforts and achievements should not be overlooked. They said that Angelababy's dedication and persistence in her acting career, as well as her tenacity and courage in the face of difficulties and challenges, are worthy of recognition. Moreover, as a public figure, her image, words and deeds also influence and inspire young people to a certain extent.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

In short, the selection of Angelababy this time can be said to have triggered a big discussion about the selection criteria and values. Everyone's opinion is different, but one thing is certain, and that is that regardless of the outcome, this selection has drawn attention and thought about the definition of outstanding young people.

In fact, this discussion also reflects the society's expectations and requirements for the roles of celebrities and public figures. In this era of diversity, we expect not only their achievements in their professional fields, but also their ability to lead by example and convey positive energy to society with positive images and actions.

And for Angelababy herself, this controversy may also be an opportunity for reflection and self-improvement. No matter what the outside world says, the most important thing is to stick to your own path and prove your worth with strength and action. After all, true excellence is not changed by momentary controversy.

Okay, let's talk about the other candidates in the 2020 Top 10 Outstanding New Hong Kong Young Persons list. Their stories are truly impressive, and each of them has made great contributions to the development and economy of Hong Kong in their own fields.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

First of all, we have to talk about Wen Fan, a young technology entrepreneur whose company focuses on the research and development of artificial intelligence and big data technology, and has helped many enterprises achieve digital transformation. Wen Fan and his team have improved the operational efficiency and reduced costs of enterprises through innovative technology solutions, which have played a key role in promoting the modernization and intelligent development of Hong Kong's economy.

Next up is Wu Yingpeng, a rising star in the financial world. In the changing financial market, Wu Yingpeng has provided investors with many valuable investment suggestions with his keen insight and professional analysis ability. His work has not only helped individuals and businesses to increase their assets, but also contributed to the stability and development of Hong Kong's financial market.

and Lu Haitian, a young environmental activist whose environmental projects have attracted thousands of volunteers. The concept of green lifestyle and sustainable development advocated by Lu Haitian is gradually influencing the daily life of Hong Kong citizens. His efforts are of far-reaching significance in raising public awareness of environmental protection and protecting Hong Kong's natural environment.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

Of course, in addition to these three, there are several other candidates on the list, who have outstanding performance in education, healthcare, culture, social services and other fields. For example, some candidates have improved students' interest and effectiveness in learning through innovative education models; Some have made breakthrough scientific research achievements in the medical field, providing new ideas for the treatment and prevention of diseases; Some have created works that are loved by people in the field of culture and art, enriching the cultural life of Hong Kong.

The stories of these candidates are not only their personal glory, but also the pride of Hong Kong's youth. With their wisdom and sweat, they have contributed their own strength to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Their stories inspire more young people to pursue excellence and realize their dreams.

In this era of diversity and challenges, the deeds of these outstanding young people have shown us the vitality and potential of Hong Kong. They have proved with their actions that as long as they have dreams, enthusiasm and perseverance, they can create extraordinary achievements in their respective fields and make positive contributions to the development of society. The stories of these young people are like a beacon that illuminates our way forward and allows us to see hope and possibility.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

Let's talk about Angelababy, that is, Yang Ying. Although in the entertainment industry, she may not have the kind of masterpiece that makes everyone give a thumbs up, but we can't deny that her contribution to public welfare is indeed worth mentioning. Especially during the development of the mainland, she also extended a helping hand to Hong Kong's public welfare undertakings, and we have to talk about this matter.

First of all, Angelababy participated in the activities of the Hong Kong Seedling Foundation. The main purpose of this fund is to protect children from abuse and neglect and to provide psychological and material support. Angelababy not only attended the relevant public welfare activities, but also used her influence to raise public awareness of the issue. Her actions have undoubtedly brought more attention and support to this fund.

In addition to the Seedling Care Fund, Angelababy has also contributed to Hong Kong's public welfare through donations and other means. For example, when some natural disasters occur, she actively participates in donating money to help people in the affected areas tide over the difficulties. This kind of selfless dedication is indeed admirable.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

Moreover, Angelababy also used her public image to participate in the shooting of a number of public service advertisements to promote positive energy and encourage everyone to participate in public welfare undertakings. Although there may be no direct economic benefit, her actions have had a positive impact on society and raised the public's awareness of public welfare.

Of course, some people may say that these public welfare acts are not just to improve their own image. But we have to think about it, no matter what the purpose, as long as these actions can have a positive effect and help those in need, then it is valuable. Moreover, as a public figure, Angelababy is able to use her influence to do these things, which in itself is a manifestation of a sense of responsibility.

Overall, although Angelababy may still need to improve in acting, her efforts and contributions to public welfare are obvious to all. Her actions not only help those in need, but also transmit positive energy to the society. This kind of spirit is worthy of our study and respect.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

In this challenging era, each of us should have a heart for public welfare, help others in our own way, and contribute to society. Angelababy's public welfare behavior is a good example. Her story teaches us that no matter where we are or what profession we do, if we have the heart, we can bring some warmth and hope to the world.

Let's talk about the top 10 outstanding young winners of Hong Kong, such as Kwok Ching Ching and Li Yundi, who are leaders in their respective fields, who have not only made outstanding achievements in their professional fields, but also made continuous contributions to the development of Hong Kong. Now, comparing Angelababy with them, it seems that some gaps can be seen.

Let's talk about Guo Jingjing first, the diving queen, not only won countless honors on the sports field and won glory for the country, but also actively participated in social welfare after retiring, and used her influence to promote the spread of sportsmanship. She has set up her own foundation in Hong Kong to promote youth sports development and healthy lifestyles, which have a positive impact on improving the quality of life and health awareness of Hong Kong citizens.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

In addition to his outstanding performance in the field of music, Li Yundi has also actively participated in cultural exchange activities, promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between Hong Kong and the rest of the world. Through concerts and educational programs, he has cultivated batches of musical talents, and has made great contributions to enhancing Hong Kong's cultural soft power.

The achievements and contributions of these two previous awardees are evident, and their work is continuous and in-depth, which has a positive impact on the long-term development of Hong Kong. In contrast, although Angelababy has a certain reputation in the entertainment industry, it seems that it is difficult to compare with Guo Jingjing and Li Yundi in terms of professional achievements and social contributions.

Of course, this is not to say that Angelababy's contribution is not worthy of recognition, everyone has their own shining points in different fields. However, when we select outstanding young people, we may need to consider the overall quality and social influence of the candidates more comprehensively. After all, this award is not only a recognition of personal achievements, but also an encouragement and incentive for those who can drive social progress and promote the development of Hong Kong.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

Through such comparisons, we can see that the criteria for outstanding young people are not static, and they will be adjusted with the development of society and the changes in people's values. But in any case, we should respect each winner, and at the same time, we should keep a certain amount of thought and doubt about the selection criteria, so as to ensure the fairness and authority of this award.

In general, whether it is Guo Jingjing, Li Yundi, or Angelababy, they are all contributing to society in their own ways. We look forward to seeing more outstanding young people like them emerge in the future and contribute to the development of Hong Kong and the world with their talents and enthusiasm.

Baby won the top ten young people in Hong Kong, and Guo Jingjing was also the winner, but there is a big gap between the achievements of the two

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