
Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering

author:Idyllic farming

In this era of transformative education, we focus on an eight-and-a-half-year-old public elementary school student. He did not attend a cram school, but he received a call from his teacher before the upcoming "music exam", and was advised to "take sick leave" to avoid the exam because he was frequently unable to complete the exam papers, and the teacher promised to fill in the marks for him on the report card. This approach has led to a deep reflection on the current education evaluation system.

First of all, we need to understand the essence of "music test". It is a new type of evaluation method implemented by the education department in order to reduce students' academic pressure and advocate interesting and game-based learning. However, in the context of "music exams", why are there still schools that secretly resume paper-based exams, and even require parents to "call in sick" for students to avoid problems?

Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering

This reflects two major problems in the current education evaluation system. First, although the education department explicitly prohibits first- and second-year students from taking paper-based tests, some schools are still worried that students' academic performance will affect the overall ranking of schools and teachers' personal evaluations, so they choose to conduct paper-based tests privately. Second, this evaluation method ignores the individual differences and all-round development of students, and excessively pursues scores and rankings, resulting in unfair distribution of educational resources and loss of students' interest in learning.

In response to these problems, we need to improve from many aspects. First of all, the education department should strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the "music test" policy in schools to ensure that the policy is effectively implemented. At the same time, the education evaluation system should be further improved, and the comprehensive quality, innovation ability, and practical ability of students should be included in the evaluation scope, so as to reflect the development level of students more comprehensively and objectively.

Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Secondly, schools should establish a correct concept of education and pay attention to the individual differences and all-round development of students. While implementing the policy of "music examination", we should actively explore more diversified and personalized education methods to meet the needs of different students. At the same time, schools should strengthen communication and cooperation with parents, pay attention to children's growth and development, and form a joint educational force.

In addition, teachers, as an important role in the education process, should also actively adapt to the requirements of education reform. In the process of implementing the "Music Examination" policy, teachers should pay attention to students' learning interest and initiative, encourage students to learn independently, cooperate in inquiry, and cultivate their sense of innovation and practical ability. At the same time, teachers should pay attention to students' mental health and emotional education, pay attention to students' inner world and emotional experience, and help them establish a correct outlook on life and values.

Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Finally, parents should also be actively involved in their children's educational process. They should pay attention to the child's learning situation and psychological changes, maintain close communication with the school and teachers, and pay attention to the child's growth and development. At the same time, parents should establish a correct concept of education, do not pursue scores and rankings excessively, but pay attention to the comprehensive quality and all-round development of their children.

To sum up, education is not only the imparting of knowledge and the cultivation of skills, but also the attention and cultivation of students' individual differences and all-round development. In the current education reform, we should adhere to the "people-oriented" education concept, pay attention to the all-round development and individual differences of students, and strive to build a more fair, reasonable and effective education evaluation system. Only in this way can we truly achieve equitable and high-quality development of education.

Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering

Of course, education reform is a complex and lengthy process that requires the joint efforts and participation of the whole society. In this process, we need to constantly sum up lessons and lessons, and adjust and improve policies and measures in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of education reform. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the hot and difficult issues in education reform, such as the gap between urban and rural education and the uneven allocation of educational resources, and actively seek solutions to promote the equitable and high-quality development of education.

In short, education is a noble and great cause, which has a bearing on the future of the country and the destiny of the nation. In the current education reform, we should adhere to the correct educational concept, pay attention to the individual differences and all-round development of students, and strive to build a more fair, reasonable and effective education evaluation system. At the same time, we also need the joint efforts and participation of the whole society to jointly promote the prosperity and development of education.

Second-graders have poor grades, and parents are forced to give their children "sick leave"! The reasons behind this are worth pondering