
It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

author:Red dreams


On the track of the international science and technology competition, every leading leap forward is not only a victory of technology, but also a manifestation of national strength. In the field of lithography machine technology, ASML of the Netherlands monopolized the global market with its excellent technology, especially in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines, which was unique in the world, occupying more than 80% of the global market. In the face of this technical barrier, other countries are looking up, and China has also sent engineers to study, hoping to break through this technical bottleneck. However, the attitude of European engineers at the time was: "Give you the drawings, and you will not be able to make them." This sentence is undoubtedly a challenge to the dignity of technology, and it also reveals the cruel reality of scientific and technological development: drawings alone cannot replicate the deep technological accumulation and the integrity of the industrial chain.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

However, time has passed, and the direction of technology in today's world has changed dramatically. China has not only made certain breakthroughs in the field of lithography machines, but also made a leap forward in the field of new energy vehicles, becoming a global leader in new energy vehicle technology. Today, China can confidently say to Europe: "Give you the blueprints, and you won't be able to make them." This is not only a counterattack to the humiliation of the past, but also a demonstration of his own strength. But what does that mean exactly? Is it true that only drawings can master the core technology?

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

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China's rise in the field of new energy vehicles is not an overnight achievement. Behind this is the result of decades of technology accumulation, policy promotion and market cultivation. From power batteries to vehicle manufacturing, to the development of intelligent driving systems, Chinese enterprises continue to break through technical bottlenecks and form a strong new energy vehicle industry chain. More than 75% of the world's lithium batteries are produced in China, and the processing of key lithium resources is as high as 67%, which almost constitutes the control of the core resources of global electric vehicles.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

China's electric vehicles are not only leading in terms of numbers, but also in terms of technology. China's intelligent cockpit and autonomous driving technologies are becoming more and more mature, and self-developed systems such as Huawei ADS and Xpeng NXGP have formed high standards within the industry. In contrast, European and American automakers, although they are also trying to catch up in this field, are obviously far behind China's speed and technology accumulation.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

The strength of China's new energy vehicles is also reflected in international cooperation and market expansion. For example, the cooperation between Volkswagen and Xpeng and the cooperation between Renault and Geely are clear evidence of the strong alliance between international auto giants and Chinese companies in order not to lag behind the technological trend. These cooperation is not only a marriage of capital, but also a platform for technical exchange and learning, so that China's new energy vehicle technology can be more widely applied and verified.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

On a global scale, with the improvement of environmental awareness and the promotion of policies, new energy vehicles are increasingly becoming the mainstream direction of the development of the automobile industry, and mainland enterprises have occupied a leading position in this process. Not only do they excel in the domestic market, but Chinese new energy vehicle manufacturers such as BYD and NIO have launched strategic layouts in the international market, including Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

This transformation from a catch-up to a leader is not only an improvement of technical strength, but also an expansion of industrial strategy and global vision. China's new energy vehicle companies are no longer satisfied with the competition in the domestic market, but set their sights on a broader international stage, hoping to achieve a double leap in technology and brand through the layout of globalization.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

Sublimation at the end

The contest of technology is never isolated, it is closely related to the country's policies, market needs, and industrial layout. The rise of China's new energy vehicles is gradually taking shape in the support of national policies, driven by market demand and the improvement of the industrial chain. In the process, China has not only rewritten its role on the international stage, from a learner to an innovator, but also proved to the world that the power behind the "blueprint" is a comprehensive system support, not just a single technology or product.

It's China's turn to brag to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them!

Today's world is undergoing a dual transformation of technology and environmental protection, and the story of China's new energy vehicles is the epitome of this change. With the continuous progress of technology and the further development of the global market, China's new energy vehicles will play a more important role on the global stage in the future. As the old saying goes: "Real gold is not afraid of fire", after the double test of market and technology, the future of China's new energy vehicles can be expected. #头条首发大赛#

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