
Can social injustice be changed through war? Stupid idea, war will destroy everything.

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

The discussion focused on the inequities in society and emphasized the importance of resolving issues through discussion and consultation. It mentions the idea that war does not bring fairness, that wages cannot be forcibly compared, and that unity can prevent disintegration. Want to know more about social injustice? Read on!

Can social injustice be changed through war? Stupid idea, war will destroy everything.

War does not bring justice

Society is an interrelated organization composed of a group of people in order to achieve a certain goal. In such organizations, inequalities arise within society because each person has different resources, abilities, and even opportunities.

People always like to hang the phenomenon of unfairness on the banner of society, so that it seems that unfairness is given by society. But unfairness is never given by society, but brought by human beings themselves.

If we want to talk about the causes of unfairness, then it is undoubtedly the choice and problem that everyone faces, after all, no one power can determine the future direction of everyone.

Injustice is inevitable in society, but this does not mean that we have to compromise with unfairness, but we should work harder to make up for it and improve it.

It is only through working together that we can finally move towards a better future.

Can social injustice be changed through war? Stupid idea, war will destroy everything.

Comparisons cannot be forced

In society, there are many people who always talk about wages. They will always compare the salaries of some special groups with those of the general population.

As an ordinary group, of course, it is easy to envy, envy and hate some special groups, and even compare their own salaries with those of each other.

But this kind of comparison is very wrong in itself, after all, the nature and conditions of the work that everyone is engaged in are different. Comparing one's own work to another's work is inherently stupid.

If you have to make a comparison, you should also compare it with the work you have done. After all, many times I don't know the real reasons behind those salaries.

Can social injustice be changed through war? Stupid idea, war will destroy everything.

Solidarity is what prevents disintegration

Nowadays, many times, there will be some special groups of people in order to pursue their so-called rights and interests. And the strike action was carried out with great fanfare. But they are often unaware of the hidden dangers behind their actions.

Because now the whole world is a big market, in which everyone is seeking to maximize their own interests. Therefore, any behavior that undermines the overall interests is easily suppressed.

Take the United States as the current United States, which is the largest country in the global economy. They already have access to many resources that are beyond the reach of other countries and even regions.

In this way, if the United States wants to be the strongest, they must prevent the rise of other countries and even regional powers. In this way, the United States will take some action to stop the rise of the strong.

Just like the current war between Russia and Ukraine, in fact, the real driving force behind it is known that it is the United States. Although Russia and Ukraine are both independent and sovereign countries, there are still some contradictions and estrangements between them.

But if the United States had not been behind the scenes, there would have been no war between Russia and Ukraine over trivial matters.

Does war really solve the problem? The answer is no. War only exacerbates social injustice, but does not bring democracy and fairness.

Can social injustice be changed through war? Stupid idea, war will destroy everything.

Solve problems through discussion and negotiation

If there is a problem within the society, then the problem should also be solved through discussion and consultation. And not by force to solve it.

After all, solving the problem by force is likely to bury hidden dangers and produce subsequent chain effects when solving the immediate problem.

Just as the United States is currently providing armed support to Ukraine, it can indeed push the Ukrainian side to achieve certain results in a short period of time. But in the long run, this will only exacerbate the situation and will not lead to a real solution.

Resolving a problem through discussion and negotiation is completely different. Although the two sides may have to make compromises in some aspects, this compromise is limited to the economic level and will not affect the lives of ordinary people.

When a war breaks out, the people suffer the most. They often have to flee for their lives in the midst of the fighting, struggling to rebuild their homes after storms.

Strive to change yourself

We live in a society, but society does not represent us. Society is just a container and doesn't really affect what's deep inside us as individuals.

If there are people who are willing to stand up and defend their rightful interests now, then everyone can stand on their side and support them. But that doesn't mean we have to step up and follow suit.

In many cases, there are situations in society where small things are bigger, and others only need to make a start. The result may be that the head is broken and the blood flow is regretted.

Everyone's fate should be in their own hands. If you want to live better, you have to work harder. to be able to get the rewards you deserve.

War is definitely not the best way to change the status quo, and if you really want to live better, be sure to lay down your arms and fight hard.


Inequities in society do exist, but we should not let that give up on our efforts to improve. The key to resolving contradictions is to solve problems through discussion and consultation, and to unite as one. War only exacerbates injustice, and hard work is the right way to change the status quo. What do you think about injustice in society? Leave a comment to share your views!