
Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

He discussed the spirit of responsibility as a great country in the East, and emphasized that we should not hesitate to stand up and contribute to the country when the country is facing difficulties. At the same time, it was also mentioned that responsibility should be different for each person, and that everyone can do their own thing for the country, whether it is donations or logistics, can bring about positive change in the country. Want to know how to cultivate a sense of crisis in times of peace, and the importance of patriotism in the development of a country? Let's take a look!

Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

The responsibility of the people of the great countries in the East

As a big country in the East, we have always had the concept that the world rises and falls, and everyone is responsible, which is also the basic consciousness that we should have as a citizen of a country.

The country is the support of our survival and development at all times, and only when the country is strong can we have a safe and stable living environment, so everyone should do their part for the country.

This is also the spirit of patriotism that we have been unremittingly promoting, so no matter what kind of contribution the country needs, we should be willing.

Now that the big countries in the East are facing some difficulties, as a member of the country, we should stand up and make our due contribution to the country without hesitation.

Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

Responsibility should vary from person to person

Although we should all stand up as part of the country, as a human being, not everyone can move forward in the face of danger.

So in this case, everyone has their own way to do their duty to the country.

There are people who are better suited to go to the front to fight, and there are people who are better suited to silently support them in the rear, and the key is whether we do these things with sincerity and dedication.

Everyone's personality and characteristics are different, so in this case, we should respect everyone's choice, as long as you are genuinely committed to it.

Because as long as we sincerely devote ourselves to it, we will be able to give full play to our maximum value and bring positive changes to the difficult situation of the country.

Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

Donations & logistics

In the process of fighting the epidemic, although not everyone is suitable to go to the front line to fight the epidemic, we can support them in our own way.

It's like donating money, as rear personnel, although we can't go to the front line to fight in person, we can support them with our own money.

This is also a way to fulfill the responsibility of the country, whether it is material or spiritual support, as long as it is sincere and sincere, it can bring positive changes to the country.

Not to mention that we still have a lot of jobs to fill, whether it is in hospitals or in logistics and other industries, as long as you are willing to do it and sincerely put into it, you will definitely be able to contribute to the country.

Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

national security

In fact, since childhood, we have all heard such a sentence "The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband", and it is precisely because of this concept that the spirit of patriotism has been passed down from generation to generation.

As a nation, if we are not even willing to stand up and take responsibility for the safety of our own country, then what is there to talk about development and strength?

So no matter what we do, the ultimate goal is to bring about positive change in the country.

This is also a concept that we should continue to promote and advocate now, and at all times we must keep in mind that national security is everyone's common responsibility.

Only when everyone unites and supports each other can we make the country more prosperous, and when the country needs help, we can work together to make the difficulties overcome as soon as possible.

Suppose the country is "at war"! Do you continue to go to work to earn money to pay off your mortgage, or do you go to the front line to defend the country?

Crisis consciousness in peacetime

In fact, many times we always think that only in times of war do we need to stand up for the country, but this is actually very one-sided.

Because there are many more crises in peacetime than we think, and in many cases crises can come quietly.

Therefore, everyone should have a sense of crisis, and be ready at any time in times of peace, and be able to stand up at critical moments.

Whether it's learning self-defense skills or military knowledge, you can protect yourself and those around you at critical moments.

Because only when you protect yourself can you protect others, in this case, you can make the greatest contribution to the country.


Emphasizing patriotism is like the saying that "the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband", no matter what way we choose to defend the country, we must do it sincerely.

Because patriotism is also one of the fine traditions of the people of our big eastern countries, we must always keep in mind that the country will rise and fall together, and we must never lose the soul of the people of the big eastern countries.


Patriotism is the fine tradition of the people of our big eastern countries, and it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to defend the country, whether in times of war or peace. Only with genuine commitment can we bring about positive change in the country. When the country needs help, we can unite and work together to make the country more prosperous. Let us inherit the spirit of patriotism and contribute to the development of a great country in the East!

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