
The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

author:Optimistic Eraser

In one hospital, there was a conflict between the patient's family and the crew, and the family demanded a public apology, but the hospital did not respond. The video shows the crew filming near the ICU, sparking controversy. Hospital staff said they would not allow filming without permission but declined to be interviewed. Similar incidents occur frequently, causing social concern, and the crew is called on to respect the families and medical staff of patients, strengthen management, and ensure the order of the hospital and the rights and interests of patients.

The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

The family expects a public apology

On June 3, a family member of a patient at a hospital posted the ordeal online, demanding a public apology from the hospital and the crew involved. However, as of press time, the hospital responded that reporters would not be interviewed.

The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

Hospitals are under pressure from public opinion

The video shows that there is a suspected crew filming near the ICU area of the hospital, and the staff reprimands the patient's family not to affect their filming. The patient's family said that after the crew finished filming, the other party also wanted to transfer the contents of the mobile phone to her mobile phone and contact them privately to delete the video.

The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

The legitimacy of filming inside the hospital by an external team

In this regard, a staff member of the hospital responded to Red Star News: We do not allow external teams to enter the hospital without permission to shoot, that's for sure. We will verify this matter. But at the same time, she said, "If you (the media) go to interview something like this, it's not convenient for me to accept it."

The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

Filming inside the hospital has sparked controversy

The staff member did not respond to whether filming could be done inside the hospital and how many similar incidents occurred. It is understood that similar incidents have occurred before. In 2019, a video shot inside a hospital in Guangdong became popular on the Internet. In the video, a critically ill elderly man is very calm and serene under the careful care of medical staff. But what was not known at the time was that during the recording, a nurse repeatedly shouted to the family to "show the first aid of the old man's asthma".

The crew should be respectful of the patient's family and medical staff

Similar incidents have occurred again and again, triggering strong condemnation from all walks of life. As a public place, there should be clear regulations on whether the inside of the hospital can be filmed. If it's to promote hospitals or medical knowledge, that's understandable. However, the normal order of the hospital and the normal treatment of patients must not be affected because of filming. What's more, the emotions of the patient's family also need to be respected.

Strengthen management to ensure hospital order and patients' rights and interests

The crew filmed a short drama in the ICU, and actually made the patient's family "cry quietly"? Multiple responses

Hospitals should also strengthen management to prevent similar incidents from occurring. After all, it's about the image of the hospital and the interests of the patients. It is hoped that the relevant departments can regulate and guide this to ensure that the internal order of the hospital and the rights and interests of patients are not affected.

Frequent incidents of filming inside the hospital have aroused heated discussions in the society. As a public place, hospitals should strengthen management to ensure that the rights and interests of patients and the order of the hospital are not affected. The crew should respect the patient's family and medical staff, and do not affect the normal order of treatment. It is hoped that the relevant departments can issue regulations to maintain the internal order of the hospital and the interests of patients. Come and comment what you think!