
Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

author:The old king next door

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

A display of military generals with outstanding military achievements

Historically, the generals of the Three Kingdoms had their own strengths. When it comes to combat power, Guan Gong, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Zilong were undoubtedly the most famous generals at that time. However, comparing these three famous players, there will be some new cognitions and judgments.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

Zhuge Kongming once said, "Guan Gong broke the kettle and sank the boat, and he was brave; Zhang Fei is angry and majestic; Zhao Zilong is ten permanent servants, and he is extremely brave." It can be seen that these three people have their own characteristics. Guan Gong's strength is infinite and his courage is abnormal, but sometimes he can't hold his breath; Although Zhang Fei is arrogant, his combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, and he dares to fight head-on; Zhao Zilong, on the other hand, is gentle and elegant, but has amazing fighting skills.

As far as heads-up is concerned, Zhao Yun should be able to suppress Lu Bu. First of all, although Zhao Yun is not as powerful as Guan Zhang, his marksmanship is superb and varied, and he can consume Lu Bu's strength. Even if he fell into a bitter battle, Zhao Yun would never back down, but would fight more and more bravely until the other party surrendered.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

In contrast, although Lu Bu is strong in martial arts, he lacks Guan Zhang's courage to work hard. Facing an opponent like Zhang Fei, Lu Bu will show timidity and will not be able to go all out. And Zhao Yun has this spirit of not admitting defeat and does his best to compete with it.

Therefore, in this one-on-one duel, Zhao Zilong, who is skilled and tenacious, will eventually defeat Lu Bu, who has outstanding martial arts but is not strong-willed, and gets the final victory.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

Zhao Yun's skills did surpass Lu Bu. His nimble marksmanship and fearless fighting spirit have won him numerous victories on the battlefield. Such Zhao Yun, if he really competes with Lu Bu, will definitely have the upper hand.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

But we can't underestimate Lu Bu. He is known as "Lu Bu among people", whether it is riding or martial arts, he can be called first-class. Once he alone fought against the three major military wizards Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, although he was defeated in the end, it also shows his extraordinary strength. If he clashes with Zhao Yun, with his amazing fighting spirit and explosiveness, he will definitely bring great threat to his opponent.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

Perhaps, this pinnacle showdown will eventually end with Zhao Yun's victory. But the process is bound to be a thrilling contest. The two may fight for dozens of rounds, and it is difficult to tell the winner. In the end, relying on his rich combat experience and indelible courage, Zhao Yun was able to finally defeat Lu Bu and become the winner of this decisive battle.

Among the people, Lu Bu and Changshan Zhao Zilong fought to the death, who will survive?

Of course, this is just speculation. These two legends have never actually faced each other in history, so we can't tell for sure who will win in the end. However, regardless of the outcome, their heroic performance on the battlefield will be forever etched in our hearts.

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