
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

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Zhao Zilong, a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period, won countless praise and admiration from later generations for his loyalty, bravery, and benevolence.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Such a hero, known as the "victorious general", does not seem to have been reused as much as he should under Liu Bei, a phenomenon that has attracted the attention and discussion of many history lovers and scholars.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Liu Bei spoke highly of Zhao Zilong, but why didn't Zhao Zilong occupy a more prominent position in the Shu Han military and political system in the end?

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Zhao Zilong, a native of Changshan Zhending (now Zhengding, Hebei), showed extraordinary military talent and noble character in his early years. He initially served under Yuan Shao's account, but was extremely dissatisfied with Yuan Shao's tyranny and resolutely chose to leave. Zhao Zilong defected to Gongsun Zhan, although Gongsun Zhan's power at that time was not as good as Yuan Shao's, but Zhao Zilong thought that Gongsun Zhan's political style was more benevolent. This choice did not bring the desired result to Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Gongsun Chan had no chance with "Renzheng", and Zhao Zilong was extremely disappointed in him. In this case, he met Liu Bei, who was also under Gongsun Zhan. Liu Bei is good at discovering and attracting talents, and he impressed Zhao Zilong with the ideal of benevolent government, so he switched to Liu Bei and began the journey of sharing hardships with Liu Bei. This decision became an important turning point in Zhao Zilong's life.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

followed Liu Bei to fight in all directions and made countless achievements, especially in the Battle of Changbanpo, his performance can be described as earth-shattering. In 208 AD, Cao Cao's army overwhelmed the border, Liu Bei retreated in a hurry, and his family was forced to leave behind. At this critical juncture, Zhao Zilong single-handedly entered the encirclement of Cao's army, seven in and seven out, and finally rescued Liu Bei's wife and children safely. This heroic act not only demonstrated Zhao Zilong's extraordinary martial arts, but also demonstrated his loyalty and fearless spirit to Liu Bei.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

In addition to the Battle of Nagasaka, the performance in other battles was equally excellent. He always charged ahead, took the lead, and won the respect and love of the soldiers with his extraordinary courage and combat effectiveness. Zhao Zilong's loyalty to Liu Bei is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also in his daily life when he is willing to share weal and woe with Liu Bei. The two once slept in the same bed and discussed military and political affairs, and this deep relationship showed Zhao Zilong's important position in Liu Bei's heart.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Zhao Zilong is not only a heroic general, but also a person with the characteristics of a Confucian general. He advocated the benevolent government of the world and opposed tyranny and abuse of the people. After Liu Bei captured Yizhou, Zhao Zilong's proposal to distribute houses and land to the people in order to win the hearts of the people was adopted by Liu Bei. This kind of benevolent government not only reflects Zhao Zilong's concept of governing the army, but also shows his noble sentiment of being thoughtful and asking for the people's lives.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Zhao Zilong's life is also extremely low-key, and he never fights for credit. He set an example, was strict with himself, and treated others leniently, and was deeply loved and admired by the soldiers. It is this humble and low-key personality that makes him not have too many opportunities to compete for power and profit in Liu Bei's group, so he has not been promoted more in his official position.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Although Zhao Zilong was not reused like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, this does not mean that Liu Bei does not trust him. Working with Liu Bei for many years, a deep foundation of trust has been established between the two. When Liu Bei went to Soochow to marry Sun Quan, he only took Zhao Zilong with him, which fully reflected Liu Bei's dependence and trust on Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong's outstanding performance in Soochow once again proved that he was Liu Bei's indispensable confidant.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Before Liu Bei died, he entrusted his young son Liu Chan to him and Zhuge Liang, which shows the importance he attaches to Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong's duty is not only to protect Liu Chan, but also to ensure the safety of the palace, which can be called the "inner protector" of Shu Han. This arrangement not only demonstrated Liu Bei's high trust in him, but also highlighted his special position in the Shu Han regime.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Why is Zhao Zilong, a talented and loyal general, not being reused? Zhao Zilong's personality is too humble and does not like to fight for power. This low-key way of doing things makes his status in the army relatively low-key. In an environment of balance of power and competition, Zhao's humility became one of the reasons why he could not obtain a higher position.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Liu Bei needs to balance the forces of all parties in terms of employing people. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other veteran heroes occupied important positions, and Liu Bei had to maintain a balance between different generals. Over-employing one general may cause dissatisfaction and internal contradictions among others. Zhao Zilong's low profile and indisputable merit made him a key factor in Liu Bei's balance of internal power.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Zhao Zilong's role is more as a savior at critical moments. In critical moments, he can always stand up to protect the safety of Liu Bei and his family. It's a role that, while not often remarkable, is crucial. Liu Bei needed such a reliable general who could guarantee his safety and the continuation of his family at a critical moment.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer
Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Zhao Zilong's value lies not only in his outstanding military talent and loyalty, but also in the unique role he played in Liu Bei's strategic layout. His presence gave Liu Bei a greater sense of security in the face of crises, and also provided an important guarantee for the stability of the Shu Han regime. Liu Bei is well aware that his low profile and indisputable merit are precisely important factors in maintaining internal balance and stability.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer

Liu Bei's way of employing people is to pay attention to balance and trust. His trust in Zhao Zilong made Zhao Zilong his confidant; And the low-key handling of Zhao Zilong avoided internal disputes. His unique status is not only Liu Bei's recognition of his ability, but also a deep understanding of his character.

Zhao Zilong has followed Liu Bei for thirty years, why has he never been reused, in fact, Guan Yu has already given the answer


Zhao Zilong's life, although he did not hold as much power as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, his loyalty, courage and benevolent government made him occupy an irreplaceable position in Liu Bei's heart. Zhao Zilong's performance at the critical moment makes people wonder if he really needs a higher official position to prove his worth? Zhao Zilong's story may bring us a new perspective on the evaluation of historical figures, and also give us a deeper understanding of Liu Bei's way of employing people.


  1. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Chen Shou
  2. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Luo Guanzhong
  3. "The Biography of Zhao Yun" Wang Qinghua
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