
Congratulations to Jinmen Tigers! The international player Big Fish has confirmed that the next round of the Chinese Super League will help Yu Genwei, and Yatai will start

author:Flying on the grass sports

"Congratulations to Jinmen Tigers! The international player Dayu has confirmed that the next round of the Chinese Super League will help Yu Genwei, and Yatai will start"

Dear fans and friends, this time the fans of the Jinmen Tigers can be said to have finally raised their eyebrows! The latest news shows that the Jinmen Tigers have welcomed a big-name player, and he is Barton. The international-level striker will help Yu Genwei in the next round of the Super League, play against Yatai, and start the game!

Barton's arrival can be said to have injected a shot of strength into the Jinmen Tigers. In their last game against Shenzhen Xinpeng City, Barton put in a remarkable performance, getting down on one knee to thank the fans after a beautiful goal. This kneeling, kneeling out of emotion, kneeling out of gratitude, you know, Barton has not been able to score for the Jinmen Tigers for more than a year. This goal is not only for the team, but also for a redemption for yourself.

Congratulations to Jinmen Tigers! The international player Big Fish has confirmed that the next round of the Chinese Super League will help Yu Genwei, and Yatai will start

It's not that simple, though. Just before that fight, Barton didn't know his father had died. In order not to affect his state, the family chose to hide it. Barton, who learned the news after the game, immediately went home to deal with the funeral. The club was also interesting enough this time, sending someone to fully assist Barton. As soon as the funeral was over, Barton hurried back to the team, not wanting to miss the game against Yatai. This perseverance and perseverance are moving.

Barton's father was his most important mentor and supporter on his football journey. Since he was a child, his father has taken him to various training grounds, and it can be said that without his father's persistence and dedication, there would be no Barton today. Barton during the Guoan period, but the team's ace striker, once broke through the door of the Taishan team and became a hero in the hearts of fans. However, the good times did not last long, and later he lost his main position in Guoan, and his career fell into a low point for a while. At this moment, Yu Genwei, the coach of the Jinmen Tigers, saw the pearl and recruited him into his command, giving him a chance to prove himself again.

At the Jinmen Tigers, Barton regained his energy and quickly became the team's Golden Boot and was selected for the national team for the first time. His goal is clear, to help the Jinmen Tigers achieve good results and return to the national football team at the same time. Now, he's getting closer to both goals.

Next, Barton will start against Yatai, which makes Jinmen Tigers fans full of anticipation. Imagine if he could score in this game, it would definitely be the best consolation for his father. Barton's story is not only a player's struggle, but also a touching father-son relationship.

Congratulations to Jinmen Tigers! The international player Big Fish has confirmed that the next round of the Chinese Super League will help Yu Genwei, and Yatai will start

The performance of the Jinmen Tigers this season can be said to be quite impressive, and the team is stepping towards the peak under the leadership of Yu Genwei. Barton's joining is undoubtedly a tiger with wings, and fans' expectations for him have reached unprecedented heights. Perhaps, as the popular saying goes, "Opportunity is reserved for those who are prepared", and every goal Barton scores is the best reward for his hard work.

For the upcoming match, Barton's form and mentality will be crucial. Every run he makes on the pitch and every goal he scores is the greatest reward for himself, the team and the fans. Fans of the Tigers, are you ready to cheer for Barton and the team? This game is destined to be an exciting battle.

Barton's story also tells us that the road of life is full of ups and downs, but as long as you persevere, there will always be bright moments. There are still many challenges waiting for the Jinmen Tigers in their journey this season. Every player, every game, is an integral part of this journey.

Will Barton be able to continue their excellent performances in the coming races? Will he be able to achieve his goal of returning to the national team? These questions will become the focus of heated discussions among fans. You can leave your views and predictions in the comment area and participate in the discussion. What advice do you have for the future development of Jinmen Tigers? What are your expectations for Barton's performance? Let's cheer for the Jinmen Tigers, cheer for Barton, and look forward to more brilliance on the field.

Congratulations to Jinmen Tigers! The international player Big Fish has confirmed that the next round of the Chinese Super League will help Yu Genwei, and Yatai will start

As the famous saying goes, "The flower of success, people only envy her current brightness!" However, at the beginning, her buds were soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice. "Every success of Barton and Jinmen Tiger is the crystallization of countless sweat and tears. Let's stay tuned to them, support them, and look forward to more exciting moments.

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