
How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability? Netizen: An emperor through the ages!

author:Xiaowen said a joke

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Today, Xiaowen saw a hot topic on a certain topic: How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability?

In the vast history, there are always some characters who have left a strong mark on the stage of history with their extraordinary talents and courage. Today, let's talk about Li Shimin, who was known as the "Emperor of the Ages" in the Tang Dynasty, and see how "perverted" his military ability is!


How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability? Netizen: An emperor through the ages!



‬点名批评我很欣赏的泪痕春雨,他说李世民能打赢是因为唐国力强,所以李世民只是通过与对方相持,然后强迫对方接受会战并追击(我翻译的,他说的没这么专业,大概这个意思)我说老铁,你知道你说的这三样(完美对峙不露破绽,准确判断并抓住战机进行会战,战胜后进行完美追击)在中古事迹的战场上有多难嘛? If you can do it in one battle, it's not a man, it's a god. Then I said: You know Li Shimin's achievements, but you think this is very ordinary, which means that you don't understand ancient military affairs at all, and you have to supplement your knowledge. He actually replied to me that he looked at the theory of war [covering his face]


‬杠精还没来,我先客串一下好了。 For example, the one in my picture, according to his theory, the big guy listed one by one, all those who Li Shimin did not show up in person have nothing to do with Li Shimin, and the people commanded by Li Shimin, except for Wei Chi Jingde, can not be washed, everyone else can be said to be Li Yuan's courtiers, so the territory laid down has nothing to do with Li Shimin. I screened it once, and in the entire battle of Luoyang Tiger Prison, Li Shimin's credit was only due to Qingcheng Palace. What? The boss occupies a palace? It's not for pleasure yet! is still eating the food sent by the prince! So he has a P credit! Check out the pictures

How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability? Netizen: An emperor through the ages!


‬跟白起比? Bai Qi has been fighting for thirty or forty years, and has never fought any battles, and Bai Qi has fought for decades and has never lost, which shows that this person is definitely not simple, for example, even if you are a genius chess player or a racing driver, do you dare to guarantee that you will continue to win for decades?

‬白起韩信和李世民比? Why don't you pull Li Mu and Lian Po over to compare? Sun Tzu Wu Qi pulled over to talk about it? People are kings, and they are the generals who are in charge, and the generals discuss strategies and tactics together, and finally come up with ideas. These people's military abilities can be compared to Li Shimin, but in the end, they will be defeated by Li Shimin's genius vision. But it must not be compared with Li Shimin, who is a king rather than a general. I don't even agree with your article

‬毛说的是古代帝王中最能打仗的第一是李世民,第二是朱元璋,不是说所有将领中最能打的。 Those generals live in different times and face different situations, how can this be compared? Han Xin also fought a battle to win more with less, Wang Jian fought a war to destroy the country, Qin destroyed five countries in the six countries were destroyed by Wang Jian and his son, don't say that you can destroy the country just by relying on Qin's strong national strength, don't forget that when you destroyed Chu, Qin suffered defeat, and then it took Wang Jian two years to destroy Chu

‬主席还说刘秀是中国历史上最有学问,最会打仗,最会用人的皇帝呢,都是神仙,别抬一个踩一个,把窦建德换成韩信,肯定不会让你围点打援吧,肯定是围魏救赵。 You don't need to compare Durant or Leonard, just put it on the first team

‬李世民的军事才能从对游牧骑兵的角度看无疑历史第一,其因为开疆拓土是农耕文明最多的皇帝。 The Li family was invincible against the nomadic cavalry, Li Mu, Li Jing, and Li Guang. Li Shimin even shook back the iron cavalry of 200,000 soldiers approaching the city, protecting Guanzhong and protecting the world from shock. Li Shimin's civilian army also has an unparalleled characteristic, which is rarely seen in the world's military history, using fewer soldiers and killing fewer people.

How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability? Netizen: An emperor through the ages!

The main reason for killing heroes is that they are older than them, and their children and grandchildren cannot suppress them. Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang are like this. But Li Shimin, I am so much younger than you. You can't live me, and you can't beat me. Why am I killing [covering face] [covering face]

‬哈哈,我发现大伙有个错觉,对李渊有意无意的忽略,你们难道忘记了? Li Shimin is the emperor who has made great contributions. It just so happened that he was Li Yuan's son.


‬刘邦杀那些异姓王,基本是被逼的,特别是卢绾,刘邦的心都碎了。 Zhu Yuanzhang took the initiative, just one thought, cut off the big guy for his son, afraid that his son would not be able to control others, who would have thought that his son was dead, now it's okay, not only did he not help his son, but also pitted his grandson, making Emperor Jianwen useless, he couldn't beat Zhu Di, Zhu Di was afraid of his brother, but he was not afraid of this little nephew.

‬我倒觉得是年龄问题,一般的开国皇帝上位之后都年纪差不多了,一起打天下的一群狠人比自己活得久,他们怎么可能放心。 Taizong is different, he is still young, and he has time to tidy it up slowly.

‬杀功臣是有必要的,你看李渊没有杀功臣,就被功臣集团的领袖掀翻了。 The founding emperor of the Great Unification Dynasty is unique and embarrassing [covering his face]

How perverted is Li Shimin's military ability? Netizen: An emperor through the ages!


‬这就好比25岁创建公司,29岁公司上市,35岁公司已经市值世界第一。。。 The key is that this step by step is established by himself, rather than relying on his father's shadow! Admiral Tiance, the gods of heaven are nothing more than that



‬以前有部漫画叫长安督武司也不错 可惜停更了

‬慢成老狗,你以为养的是鱼,结果比乌龟还能养。。。。。。。。 I can only comfort myself that the quality of my work is good, and I work slowly and meticulously [cover my face] [cover my face] [cover my face] [cover my face] [cover my face]

Li Shimin's military ability can indeed be called "perverted". He was brave and good at war, wise and brave, good at employing people, and had a unique strategic vision, which made him an outstanding military strategist. Under his leadership, the Tang Dynasty's army was invincible and ushered in a glorious era. The legendary story of Li Shimin, a military wizard of a generation, will forever be engraved in the long river of history.

In this regard, how perverted are you to Li Shimin's military ability? 您‬对‬李世民‬有何‬看法‬? Welcome all friends to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!