
Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

author:Have a good dream.

Hello everyone! Today let's talk about a topic that is both exciting and distressing. Have you heard? The Chinese youth women's basketball team lost to Australia in the final of the U18 Asian Cup and missed the championship. After the game, our main center Zhang Ziyu cried on the spot, and I couldn't help but have a sour nose when I saw it. This game is really exciting and uncomfortable, let's talk about what is going on.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Things were going on before the game

First, let's start at the beginning. Before this competition, our Chinese youth women's basketball team had a brilliant record! Listen, they beat New Zealand by a big margin and then beat Japan and South Korea cleanly. After these games, our girls are full of confidence and momentum!

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Moreover, the Australian team almost lost to the Japanese team in the semi-finals. Do you think, we easily defeated Japan, but Australia narrowly won, doesn't this mean that we are stronger? So, everyone thinks that this championship is none other than us.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

The game was full of ups and downs

However, when it comes to the finals, the situation is different. You know, our girls get a little nervous when they get on the pitch. It's like if you usually play mahjong very well, but when it comes to an important game, your hands start to shake, and you don't know how to play the cards.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

In the first half, we were behind. By half-time, we were seven points behind! Do you say that people are angry? But ah, our Zhang Ziyu was not intimidated. This girl, like a pillar standing up to the sky, scored 19 points and grabbed 10 rebounds alone. It's a pity, no matter how powerful Zhang Ziyu is, he can't stand the other party is the whole team fighting together.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Zhang Ziyu's amazing performance

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu, we have to praise this girl. If you think about it, at the end of the game, she alone scored 42 points and grabbed 14 rebounds. This achievement is great even in the men's basketball team!

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Zhang Ziyu is like a mobile fortress on the field, and the other party can't prevent her at all. Especially in the second half, she played with momentum and led the whole team to overtake the score by 4 points. Look what a wonderful girl!

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Controversial performance of captain Wang Jiaxin

But basketball is a five-person sport after all. No matter how good Zhang Ziyu is, it is impossible for him to win the whole game alone. No, we have to talk about captain Wang Jiaxin.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Wang Jiaxin, she usually performs well, especially in the game against Japan, she contributed 11 points and 12 assists, becoming the assist king of our team. But when it came to the finals, the girl didn't know what was wrong, as if she had changed.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Listen to me, in the most critical fourth quarter, seeing that the score difference was just a little bit closer, Wang Jiaxin didn't know what to think, and rushed to do it alone twice in a row. The result? I didn't throw it twice, not to mention, and was robbed by the opponent to fight back. This back and forth, and the points that were finally caught up were pulled away again.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Coaching decisions raise questions

Speaking of which, we have to talk about coaching. Tell me, Zhang Ziyu performed so well, why didn't you pass the ball to her more? Especially at the last moment, it was clear that Zhang Ziyu felt just right, but he let the other players do it alone. Isn't this a reluctance to go far?

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Also, in the last 4 minutes of the game, the coach actually replaced Zhang Ziyu off the field. I know that it may be because Zhang Ziyu has been playing for too long and is physically exhausted. But ah, at such a critical time, isn't it self-defeating to replace your best player?

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

The strength of the opponent should not be underestimated

Of course, we can't blame ourselves for the loss. After all, the opponent Australian team is also very strong. He's the defending champion!

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

The Australian team has a very disciplined style of play, especially when we overtook the score, people immediately adjusted their tactics. It's like playing chess, and the opponent sees your move and immediately changes it. This ability to adapt to changes is indeed worth learning.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Post-match reactions were mixed

After the game, the scene was really poignant. Zhang Ziyu cried on the spot. Think about it, how wronged a girl from a family is crying like that in front of so many people! Teammates and coaches rushed to comfort her, and it was very uncomfortable to see her.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

And on the Internet, it's a fryer. Some people say that Wang Jiaxin doesn't know how to pass the ball to Zhang Ziyu, some people say that she is too selfish, and some people even say that this is like acting in a palace fighting drama! Tell me, what does this have to do with playing?

A vision for the future

Although I lost this competition, I think our girls don't need to be too discouraged. Young people, failure is inevitable, and the important thing is to learn from failure and continue to work hard.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Take Zhang Ziyu as an example, this girl is only 17 years old, and she has such an outstanding performance, and she will definitely become the pillar of the Chinese women's basketball team in the future. The rest of the team is also very young, and as long as they continue to work hard, they will definitely be stronger in the future.

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Dear fans and friends, although we lost this game, our girls have performed great. Let's cheer them on together and believe that they will achieve greater success in the future!

Tears on the field! The U18 Chinese women's basketball team was the runner-up, and Zhang Ziyu was unable to turn the tide alone

Basketball, just like life, has highs and lows. Our Chinese women's basketball team has encountered setbacks this time, but I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, we will one day stand at the top of the world. Let's look forward to that day together!

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