
3-2, the Chinese team finally won, overturning the Japanese team, and the domestic Ronaldo doubled and will knock the South Korean team to death

author:Keen to say sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"3-2,中国队终于赢了,掀翻日本球队,国产C罗双响,将死磕韩国队","en":"3-2, the Chinese team finally won, overturning the Japanese team, and the domestic Ronaldo doubled and will knock the South Korean team to death"},"description":{"content":"中国U16国少队最近在备战中展示出令人鼓舞的成绩,特别是他们在日本拉练中的表现。作为中国足球的未来希望,这支队伍在主教练...","en":"China's U16 national junior team has shown encouraging results in their recent preparations, especially their performance in Japan. As the future hope of Chinese football, this team has a role to play in the head coach..."}},"items":[]}