
4 places in the top 8 of the Copa America! The Americas Champion is out of the game 0-0! Argentina sealed the top spot 2-0

author:Chase the ball high
{"info":{"title":{"content":"美洲杯8强决出4席!美洲冠军0-0爆冷出局!阿根廷2-0锁定头名","en":"4 places in the top 8 of the Copa America! The Americas Champion is out of the game 0-0! Argentina sealed the top spot 2-0"},"description":{"content":"在美洲杯A组的第三轮比赛中,阿根廷队在梅西轮休的情况下,以劳塔罗的两个进球为核心,顺利击败了秘鲁队。以下是比赛的详细回顾...","en":"In the third round of Group A of the Copa America, Argentina defeated Peru with Messi's two goals as the core. Here's a detailed recap of the competition..."}},"items":[]}