
After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

author:Rose says entertainment

In 1984, a young girl named Maggie Cheung stepped into the film industry. She was a fledgling, but she was quickly photographed because of her outstanding appearance and starred in her first movie "Drawing a Rainbow".

In the same year, the discerning director Wong Kar-wai asked her to play the role of Ah E in the classic "Mong Kok Carmen". Maggie Cheung's gentle and brave interpretation portrayed the persistence and ups and downs of the character very well, and thus opened her bright star journey.

Since then, Maggie Cheung's acting career has been like a wild horse that has escaped the reins, unstoppable. She has won the highest honors such as the Hong Kong Film Awards and the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards, proving that she is not just a vase with her strength.

Her acting skills are perfect, from the grandma in "The Taste of Sichuan Pepper" to the rich girl in "Peacock", from the star in "Do 0 Tou" to the modern woman in "Mr. Dickens", every role has been interpreted by her vividly, which makes the audience amazed.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

Maggie Cheung's fame not only stops at the Chinese film industry, she is also the first Asian actor to appear on the main poster of the Cannes Film Festival. This award is undoubtedly the highest praise for her acting skills and charm.

However, just when her career was at the peak, Maggie Cheung made a surprising decision - to quit the circle. 20 years ago, when Maggie Cheung announced her retirement, the outside world was in an uproar.

Many people are puzzled, why would a popular actress choose to leave the stage she is familiar with? Some people speculate that it is because of emotional frustration, and some people think that they are tired of the distractions of Vanity Fair.

But only Maggie Cheung herself knows that this is a journey of self-liberation, a journey to find true inner freedom. She chose to live in seclusion in the English countryside and lived an ordinary life.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

From the much-anticipated actress to the unknown aunt next door, Maggie Cheung's transformation seems huge, but it is also reasonable. Because in her opinion, appearance, fame and fortune have long lost their luster, and only inner freedom and freedom are the most precious.

This transformation is not a negation of the past, but an expectation for the future. Maggie Cheung uses her actions to explain what is true freedom and what is the courage to live oneself. Her story, like every character she portrays on screen, is full of tension and thought-provoking.

Behind Maggie Cheung's glamorous acting career, there is a tortuous and bizarre emotional journey. This rich girl, who grew up in the UK and is pampered, has repeatedly encountered setbacks in the emotional world, as if she was destined to experience emotional grinding.

Maggie Cheung's first love was when she just stepped into the showbiz. At that time, she was young and ignorant, and she was deceived by a designer in a suit and leather shoes. The end of this relationship made her taste the bitterness of love for the first time, and also laid the groundwork for her future relationship.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

Subsequently, Maggie Cheung fell in love with a Korean boyfriend. However, she soon discovers that this man is a complete scumbag, a serial cheating, and doesn't take her to heart at all.

This experience brought deep hurt to Maggie Cheung and also made her doubt about love. Even so, Maggie Cheung still did not give up looking for true love. She and director Er Dongsheng entered the marriage hall, hoping to find a spiritual harbor.

It's a pity that this marriage also came to an end because of the machismo ideas that the other party couldn't get rid of. Every emotional failure is like a scar on Maggie Cheung's soft heart.

However, what hurt Maggie Cheung the most was her marriage to French director Olivier Assayas. The wedding was grand and grand, Maggie Cheung wore a simple white dress, beautiful like a fairy in the world.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

She entered into marriage with hope, but it ended three years later due to her husband's empathy and parting with her. This sensational marriage of a wealthy family ended in nothing. Maggie Cheung's emotional experience is as ups and downs as the role she plays on the screen.

However, it is these experiences that have shaped today's more mature and free Maggie Cheung. She interprets love in her own way, and also faces life with her own attitude.

In April 2024, the spring sun in Paris is just right. At a badminton celebration initiated by Lin Dan and other legendary players, a lady with outstanding temperament quietly appeared, instantly attracting the attention of the audience.

She is dressed in a white tracksuit, her hair is meticulously bunned, and her steps are vigorous and powerful. Take a closer look, it is Maggie Cheung, the actress who has been out of the circle for many years. Despite being 59 years old, Maggie Cheung's appearance is still amazing.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

There seemed to be a bit of girlish shyness in her bright eyes; Her smile is humble and polite, but it is difficult to hide a free and uninhibited chic. Even though he is petite, he is still capable and athletic when he shuttles around the court, and his natural form is not pretentious.

The years seem to be extraordinarily tolerant of Maggie Cheung. She still maintains the brilliance of her peak and her temperament is extraordinary. Juliette Binoche, the French actress sitting in the audience, couldn't help but fall in love with it, admiring Maggie Cheung as an eternal idol bursting with vitality.

This scene seems to be the magic of time. 59-year-old Maggie Cheung, with her elegance and vitality, showed the world what is the real "time is like a song". Her appearance is not only a simple public appearance, but also a tribute to life and a tribute to time.

Maggie Cheung's charm has never been just about her appearance. The frank and straightforward and unique bearing contained in her temperament is what really touches people's hearts.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

In the hearts of many fans, Maggie Cheung has never left, and her image has always been that classic that never gets old. Reappearing in the public eye this time, Maggie Cheung proved with practical actions: true charm will not fade with the passage of time.

At the age of 59, she deduced the most moving chapter of her life, which makes people sigh: this is the most desirable state of life. Maggie Cheung's reclusive life is like a leisurely ink painting.

She chose the English countryside as her retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the distractions of the spotlight. Here, she is no longer the much-anticipated actress, but just an ordinary aunt next door.

Every morning, Maggie Cheung takes her beloved dog out for a walk. She strolls along the English country roads, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the rhythm of nature.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

Sometimes, she would ride her bicycle along the country lanes, enjoying the wind blowing through the ends of her hair. This kind of life, simple and pure, is what she has always pursued.

Maggie Cheung, who has been out of the circle for many years, has long since taken off the halo of a star. She no longer pursues gorgeous makeup and exquisite dressing, but shows people in the most rustic appearance. This back-to-basics state brought her closer to her true nature and allowed her to find inner peace.

However, Maggie Cheung's life is not completely isolated. Occasionally, she would meet up with a few close friends to celebrate New Year's Eve and have fun together. In these moments of joy, she still maintains that unique Maggie Cheung-style energy and enthusiasm.

Sometimes, she sings her favorite rock 'n' roll, and even when she is ridiculed for being out of tune, she still enjoys it, showing her infinite love for music. In Maggie Cheung's eyes, although this kind of life is ordinary, it has become flavorful because of her free and honest nature.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

She lives like a casual young girl, and like a wise recluse, not bound by the world, and pregnant with wisdom in indifference and tranquility. This way of life is the true meaning of life that Maggie Cheung has been pursuing.

She no longer needs to look perfect in front of the camera, no longer needs to change herself in order to cater to others. In this tranquil countryside, she found true freedom and found her truest self.

Maggie Cheung's reclusive life is not an escape, but a brave choice. In her own way, she interprets what true happiness is and what is the essence of life. This attitude to life may be the secret of her eternal youth.

In the eyes of many people, the 59-year-old Maggie Cheung's choice of unmarried and infertile lifestyle may be puzzling. However, this is the embodiment of her unique philosophy of life - the pursuit of inner freedom, not bound by worldly ideas.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

Maggie Cheung has experienced many relationship setbacks, especially the sensational marriage with Olivier Assayas. These experiences did not make her completely disappointed in love, but made her more aware of the importance of self-worth.

She chose celibacy, not because she resisted marriage or childbearing, but because she found a lifestyle that suited her better. Maggie Cheung's attitude towards life embodies a high-level wisdom of life.

She lives in the moment and is obsessed with what she loves most, like rock music. Even if she sings out of tune and is ridiculed, she still enjoys it, showing her love for life and self-acceptance.

The choice of not marrying and having children gives Maggie Cheung more time and energy to pursue her interests and maintain her innocence and love. She is like a casual young girl, and like a wise hermit, pregnant with wisdom in indifference and tranquility.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

This state of life is the secret of her eternal charm. Maggie Cheung uses her own way to interpret what is true freedom and what is the courage to live oneself.

Her philosophy of life tells us that a woman's value should not be defined by marriage or childbearing, and that true charm comes from inner freedom and love of life. At this age, Maggie Cheung is still full of charm, not because she deliberately maintains or pursues appearance, but because she lives her truest self.

Her story provides many women with the possibility of another way of living, showing the immortal charm of women's independence and freedom. Maggie Cheung's lifestyle and attitude towards life have sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Many netizens believe that the reason why Maggie Cheung can maintain her eternal charm is precisely because she has got rid of the shackles of fame and fortune and lived a comfortable and casual life.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

Some netizens commented: "She has never been a vulgar star, but an independent and free artist." Not being bound by anything is her real charm.

These words speak to the alluring nature of Maggie Cheung – her independence and free spirit. Other netizens compared Maggie Cheung's life trajectory to an inspirational picture.

They believe that despite the ups and downs and trauma that Maggie Cheung has gone through, she still moves forward and maintains her inner purity. She relied on her acting skills to shine, but she finally chose to live in seclusion, and this courage to insist on herself is worth learning from everyone.

Such comments underscore the public's appreciation for Maggie Cheung's courage and perseverance. Maggie Cheung's fans regard her as an idol and goddess. Actors Hao Lei and Wu Zhenyu have both publicly said that they were impressed by Maggie Cheung's free and easy frankness.

After 20 years of retirement, 59-year-old Maggie Cheung is unmarried and infertile, is it interesting for a woman to live like this?

In their eyes, Maggie Cheung is not only an excellent actor, but also a role model who lives her true self. These public responses confirm Maggie Cheung's unique charm: she is not only radiant on the screen, but her real life after retiring from the circle has touched countless people's hearts.

Maggie Cheung used her own way to interpret what true elegance and freedom are, and has become an eternal idol in the hearts of many people.

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