
The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

author:Rose says entertainment

Sub-heading: From Junan to Beijing, a girl's dream of acting In Junan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, a girl named Lu Zhuojie is carrying her love for performance and starting her dream journey.

Lu Zhuojie was born in an ordinary family, her father is a painter, and her mother is a primary school teacher. Since she was a child, she has loved listening to her father's stories about her grandfather's helping others, and she also likes to paint with her father.

Although her parents wanted her to become a painter, Lu Zhuojie had an indelible yearning for performing arts. The young Lu Zhuojie originally worked at the Junan County Cultural Center, and her life was comfortable and stable.

However, she felt an invisible constraint, fearing that this comfort would wear down her will and extinguish her inner dreams. She didn't want to live this kind of life where she could see her head at a glance.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

So, she made a bold decision - to be admitted to Beijing Film Academy. This decision was immediately opposed by her parents, especially her mother. The mother knows that being an actor is not something that ordinary people can do, and her daughter has not liked to show her head since she was a child.

What's more, now she works decently, is close to her parents, and everything is so satisfactory. But the flame in Lu Zhuojie's heart has been ignited, and she firmly chose to leave the cultural center and embark on the road of art examination.

However, the ideal path has not been easy. In the first exam, Lu Zhuojie failed. But this setback did not bring her down, but instead inspired her to fight even more.

She recalled the spirit of her grandfather and father's generation who did not admit defeat, that simple fighting spirit, and secretly determined to fight for another chance for herself. Lu Zhuojie began a life of hard preparation for the exam.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

She summed up the four basic skills of being an actor: vocal music, lines, body and performance, and tackled them one by one. She locked herself in her home and practiced her lines repeatedly, ten, hundred, thousand, and thousands of times, until she couldn't practice anymore.

Recalling those days, Lu Zhuojie said: "I have never worked so hard in my life! In 2000, Lu Zhuojie became a member of the Beijing Film Academy as she wished.

This girl from a small town, with her love for acting and unremitting efforts, finally took the first step to chase her dream. Lu Zhuojie knows that she can walk this path without the support of her parents.

Although they didn't approve of it at first, seeing that she was so persistent, they finally chose to respect and fully support her, in order to let her do what she likes and live happily. This support made Lu Zhuojie feel warm, and she secretly vowed in her heart that she must repay her parents well in this life.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

In this way, with her love for acting and gratitude to her family, Lu Zhuojie embarked on her acting career and began her study and life at Beijing Film Academy.

Sub-title: Drama celebrities are not popular, Lu Zhuojie's acting career After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, Lu Zhuojie officially stepped into the showbiz. However, unlike many young people who dream of stardom, Lu Zhuojie is extremely clear about her positioning.

She knows that she entered the industry not to chase fame and fortune, but because of her sincere love for acting. This original intention has become the driving force that has supported her to work silently for 20 years.

In the past 20 years, Lu Zhuojie has participated in nearly 40 film and television works, an average of two per year. This number doesn't seem to be much, but it is this attitude of "less but fine" that allows Lu Zhuojie to devote herself to every role, even if it is a small person with few scenes, she can perform it vividly and vividly, making the audience applaud.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

Lu Zhuojie's representative works include Chu Jiufeng in "There are Nine Phoenixes in the Family", Yu Chunxiao, the "Cold and Glamorous Female Spy" in "Chongqing Spy War", and Yin Xiaojian in "The Girl in the Bath". In addition, there are Xia Juhua in "The Great Dyeing Workshop Continuation", Cui Hong in "Mendi", and the female teacher in the movie "The Love War of Angel Academy".

Although these characters have different personalities, they are all brought to life under Lu Zhuojie's superb acting skills. Her grasp of the role is accurate, whether it is an ordinary woman, a charming and intelligent woman, or a spicy and domineering role, she can handle it just right and leave a deep impression on the audience.

In 2012, Lu Zhuojie played the role of Cui Hong in the hit drama "Mendi", and this frank and enthusiastic and spicy independent character quickly attracted the attention of the audience. However, even so, Lu Zhuojie still maintained a low-key attitude and did not deliberately pursue more exposure and attention.

Recently, Lu Zhuojie's cousin Lanxiang played in "Time is Just Time" has once again attracted the attention of the audience. Many viewers praised her for her good performance and down-to-earth in the barrage. Some people recognized her as Lu Zhuojie at a glance, and some people were curious about this actor.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

However, for Lu Zhuojie, this state of "drama celebrities are not popular" is not a pity. On the contrary, she enjoys the state of life where she can focus on the performing arts without being overly noticed.

She often said: "It doesn't matter if it's popular or not, I just want to act seriously and live simply." In the play, Lu Zhuojie's image is varied, it can be rustic, simple, cold, and cool, one style and the same.

But outside the play, Lu Zhuojie has only one style, that is, delicate and feminine. In life, she doesn't like heavy makeup, and like most ordinary people, she likes this feeling of being real and comfortable.

In the past 20 years, Lu Zhuojie has always maintained her love and focus on acting. She doesn't strive for high production, but strives for excellence in every role. This attitude makes her not the most dazzling star in the entertainment industry, but she has become a powerful actor who is respected by industry insiders and audiences.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

For her, being able to stick to her original intention, play every role seriously, and live a simple life she likes is the greatest satisfaction. Sub-heading: The Girl with a Thousand Faces, interpreting the ordinary life Lu Zhuojie's acting characteristics can be described as "a girl with a thousand faces".

On the screen, she can be a simple country girl or a cold and glamorous urban beauty; It can be a spicy and independent strong woman, or a gentle and virtuous girl next door.

Every character seems to be another side of her life. However, the most commendable thing is Lu Zhuojie's portrayal of small people. She can always interpret those seemingly ordinary characters vividly, so that the audience can see the shadow of herself or the people around her in these little people.

This ability stems from her meticulous observation and deep understanding of life. Lu Zhuojie's interpretation is good, and her grasp of the role is accurate. Whether it is an ordinary woman, a charming and intelligent woman, or a spicy and domineering character, she has just done it well and left a deep impression on the audience.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

She is good at digging into the inner world of the characters and shaping the characters vividly. Interestingly, Lu Zhuojie, who is ever-changing in the play, has only one style in real life - delicate and feminine.

She doesn't like heavy makeup, and prefers her face to the sky. This contrast also reflects her professionalism as an actress and the authenticity of her life. Lu Zhuojie's attitude towards her acting career is also reflected in her choice of works.

She doesn't go for quantity, but for quality. This allows her to play every role, even the supporting roles with few scenes. She believes that only by performing every role with heart can the audience remember herself, rather than relying on frequent exposure and hype.

This attitude of focusing on the performing arts itself and not pursuing fame and fortune has made Lu Zhuojie a clear stream in the entertainment industry. She uses her own way to interpret what a real actor is and what is a love for performing arts.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

Recently, in "Just Time", Cousin Lanxiang played by Lu Zhuojie once again won the recognition of the audience. Many viewers praised her for her good performance and down-to-earth in the barrage. This once again proves that Lu Zhuojie's acting strength is underestimated, and she is indeed an acting actor worth paying attention to.

In Lu Zhuojie's acting career, there are several people who have had a profound impact on her. First of all, her parents. Although they didn't approve of her pursuit of her dream of being an actress at first, after seeing their daughter's persistence, they chose to give their full support.

This support gave Lu Zhuojie great courage and strength. Lu Zhuojie often said: "I know that I can't do without the support of my parents to take this path. They want me to be able to do what I love and live happily.

I swear I will repay them well in this life. This gratitude has become the driving force for Lu Zhuojie to keep moving forward. Lu Zhuojie's mother is a very strong woman.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

Lu Zhuojie was not in good health when she was a child, and her father traveled all the year round because of work, and her mother had to work and take her to her, and her life was very hard. But despite this, her mother never complained, which also deeply affected Lu Zhuojie.

Another person who had a great influence on Lu Zhuojie was her senior brother Guo Xiaodong. Guo Xiaodong also graduated from Nortel 96 and is Lu Zhuojie's fellow countryman and senior brother. During the difficult period when Lu Zhuojie was preparing for the Beijing Film Academy, it was Guo Xiaodong who gave her great help.

Lu Zhuojie recalled: "Without him, I would not be on the road of art today!" When she was preparing for the exam, Guo Xiaodong helped her find a tutor, sent her to study in the pre-exam class, and introduced her to the teacher of the film academy.

Even when she had no place to live, they arranged for her to be in the girls' dormitory of their class. Guo Xiaodong really takes care of her like an elder brother to a younger sister. This friendship between brothers and sisters not only helped Lu Zhuojie realize her dream, but also made her deeply experience the warmth in the entertainment industry.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

She said: "Brother Xiaodong's credit is very great! In the eyes of many people, the life of an actor is often glamorous and full of glamour in the spotlight.

However, Lo Cheuk-jie chose a very different way of life. She pursues a simple and authentic life, which is reflected not only in her career choices, but also in her family life.

In 2008, Lu Zhuojie and Jiang Xiduo, the host of CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, met and fell in love, and the two officially married in 2012 and had a daughter after marriage. After starting a family, Lu Zhuojie did not give up her acting career, but found a way to balance.

"I'm lucky to be able to juggle my career and my family," she said. This is thanks to my husband, who has always inspired me to stick to my ideals. "At work, Lo Cheuk-jie is an independent woman.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

Not only did she portray many classic roles on the screen, but she also set up her own film and television company to try her hand at working as a producer and director. But back home, she is a conscientious wife and mother, paying attention to her daughter's growth, taking care of her husband's emotions, and accompanying her parents.

The secret of Lu Zhuojie and her husband is to say something and not hide it. This attitude of true temperament is also the reason why she and her husband have been together happily for many years. She said, "The more plain, the better!" This simple and fulfilling lifestyle has allowed her to maintain her original intention in the bustling entertainment industry, and also allowed her to find the perfect balance between family and career.

In her own way, Lu Zhuojie explains what is the real work-life balance. No matter how strong she is outside, when she returns home, she still pays attention to her daughter's growth, her husband's emotions, and the company of her parents.

Sub-title: Little Transparent in the entertainment industry, shining her light In her 20-year acting career, Lu Zhuojie has always maintained a special sense of existence - she is a "little transparent" in the entertainment industry, but she is remembered for her superb acting skills.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

This unique position is exactly what she would be in her ideal state. Recently, Lu Zhuojie's cousin Lanxiang played in "Time is Just Time" has once again attracted the attention of the audience. Many viewers praised her for her good performance and down-to-earth in the barrage.

Some people recognized her as Lu Zhuojie at a glance, and some people were curious about this actor. This proves that even if you are not a popular star, as long as you stick to your profession and love, you can still be recognized and loved by the audience.

Looking forward to the future, Lu Zhuojie will continue her acting career. She doesn't want to be a superstar, but wants to continue to create more characters that the audience loves.

Lu Zhuojie said: "I just want to act seriously and live a simple life. For those who like her, Lu Zhuojie's state of "drama celebrities are not popular" may be a little regrettable. But for Lu Zhuojie herself, this is exactly the way she wants to live.

The showbiz is a little transparent, and after 20 years of debut, he is not popular, and he just wants to live a simple life

The purpose of her entry into the entertainment industry is not to chase fame and fortune, but because she really loves acting. In the future, we look forward to seeing more excellent works from Lo. hopes that this low-key acting power can be seen by more people, so that more audiences can appreciate the charm of her acting skills.

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