
Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

author:Rich girl said sports
Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

According to the recent Chinese Super League matches, Shandong Taishan suffered a tough challenge away from home, and finally lost 0-2 to Beijing Guoan. The match not only affected the team's standings in the standings, but also revealed some deep-seated issues and challenges.

After the game, Taishan coach Choi Kang-hee looked a little helpless when faced with the media's doubts about the team's performance. He made no secret of the fact that the team's performance at the start of the game was indeed disappointing. He pointed out that the key to the game was the team's failure to concentrate in the opening stages, which led to a succession of goals conceded, which directly affected the movement and outcome of the game.

Netizens also discussed the loss and performance of the Taishan team on social platforms. Some netizen "Fan Xiao Ming" bluntly said: "The team is obviously capable, but it always concedes goals at every critical moment, what's going on?" "Football fans" said: "The Taishan team has a lot of shots, but they lack the sense of scoring goals, is this a disadvantage? These views reflect the fans' deep thoughts and concerns about the reasons for the team's defeat.

Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

Choi Kang-hee continued to analyze the game in the interview, and he mentioned that although the Taishan team had the advantage in the number of shots on goal, they failed to take advantage of the opportunities and missed multiple good scoring opportunities, which made the situation even more unfavorable. He stressed that the team had to seize the opportunities on the offensive end to change the situation of the game. Netizens left messages in the comment area, "It seems that the offensive training of the Taishan team needs to be strengthened!" "It's a shame that if those shots had gone in, it wouldn't have been the same."

In addition, Choi Kang-hee also commented on the team's defensive performance. He believes that the team's defensive problems need to be further strengthened, especially in the early stages of the game, when the lack of concentration in defense led to consecutive goals from opponents. Fan Zhang San commented on social platforms: "This happens to the Taishan team every time it is played, and I really hope they can learn a lesson from it." ”

After the game, fans showed great concern and concern about the state and injury problems of the key players of the Taishan team. Cressan's comeback, in particular, gave fans a glimmer of hope, but his performance on the pitch was not at its best due to injury issues, leaving many fans disappointed and anxious.

Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

On social media, fans voiced their opinions. "Fan Dabai" wrote on the forum: "Cressan's comeback is good news, but unfortunately his physical condition is obviously not ideal, and he will not be able to play at a normal level in this game. Tarzan Fan No. 1 commented: "Cressan's injury problems are a concern, and the team's tactical set-up may have been affected. ”

At the same time, the absence of foreign player Fernando has also caused widespread discussion. Although he traveled to Beijing with the team, he was unable to participate in the game, which left many fans confused and disappointed. The Football Observer posted on Weibo: "Fernando did not play, and the Tarzan team was obviously missing an important attacker in this game, which affected the overall performance of the team. "Fernando has caught a lot of attention on the pitch with his unique individual technique and aggressive style. Not only is he excellent on the offensive end, but he is also quick and able to make multiple solo runs on his own, putting pressure on the opposition defence.

On social media, fans have a variety of opinions and discussions about Fernando's personal technical characteristics. One netizen wrote on the forum: "Fernando's speed and individual skills are really eye-catching, and his breakthrough ability on the field makes the Tarzan team's attack more threatening. "Football fan Xiao Ming" commented on Weibo: "Fernando's attacking ability is indeed very strong, and his dribbling breakthroughs can often break down the opponent's defense. ”

Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

In addition, Fernando's scoring and assist ability is also a big reason why he is favored. "Fan Dabai" posted on social platforms: "Fernando is not only able to attack alone, but also create scoring opportunities for his teammates, and his technical versatility is impressive. ”

However, there were also fans who offered some thoughts on Fernando's defensive performance. "Taishan Football Fan Group" left a message in the discussion area: "Although Fernando is very good on the offensive end, his defensive retreat is relatively small, which may become a big hidden danger for the team in some key games." ”

Regarding Judson's injury, Choi Kang-hee revealed in the interview that further examination and confirmation are needed. Judson was injured again during the game, which not only made fans worried about his future participation in the game, but also made it more difficult for the team to use foreign players. "Tarzan football fans" exclaimed in the fan base: "Judson's injury should not be underestimated, I hope he can recover as soon as possible, the team needs his skills and experience." ”

Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

For the Taishan team, the injury problems of these key players not only affected their performance in the game, but also had a profound impact on the team's overall tactical arrangement and combat effectiveness. Fans are hoping that the team will be able to resolve these issues as soon as possible, find suitable substitutes and adjust tactics to remain competitive in the league. "Fan Xiao Zhang" left his opinion in the discussion area: "The injury situation of the Taishan team needs to be paid attention to, and I hope the club can find a solution as soon as possible." ”

On the issue of foreign aid, the Taishan team only played two foreign players in this game, while the opponent Beijing Guoan sent five foreign aids, which obviously exacerbated the disadvantage of the Taishan team in the number of foreign aids. Choi Kang-hee explained that since the beginning of winter training, the team has been plagued by injuries to foreign players, which is not something that can be solved by a single responsibility, but a challenge that the whole team needs to gradually solve through time and effort.

Overall, Shandong Taishan faced multiple difficulties and challenges in this game, and despite the hard work of the players, they were unable to turn the tide of the game in the end. Choi Kang-hee called on the team to focus on focusing on their concentration issues and injury problems in order to achieve better performances and results in the next games.

Choi Kang-hee responded to Fernando's absence and revealed Judson's injury! Asked why foreign aid is always at a disadvantage

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