
How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

author:Xiao Jiule talks

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Today's topic: How unhygienic are roadside stalls, Mei Du, Fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

Roadside stalls often lack relevant documents such as business licenses and health permits, which means that they have not undergone strict hygiene inspections and supervision.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!


Let's take a look at the experience of netizens:

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

As a former shopkeeper of the snack street, I am very responsible to tell you, you must go to the young restaurant to eat, not to go to the middle-aged and elderly restaurant, you don't know what they have done in order to save costs.

Eat what young people sell, and young people have to wash their hands more than ten times to wash a dish.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

May Day part-time shrimp slippery vermicelli, the boss's health certificate is p, the water is the toilet plus a spoonful of technology, enoki mushrooms are not washed, and the ones that fall on the ground are thrown aside to mix in the new ones while no one is there.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

This is true, the operation of the older generation is sometimes really a bit like that, young people generally have a little bottom line, and the younger the bottom line, the higher the bottom line. But there are also bad billets of all ages, which belong to very few kinds, at least I have seen it myself.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

I used to sell fried skewers because they were clean and hygienic, and I washed the vegetables and mushrooms one by one, and threw them away if I couldn't sell them on the same day, and then I went out of business.

So eat the stalls set up by young people, and young people love to be clean.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

I bought an old lady's Dongkui bayberry on the highway, chased and sold, saw that she was old and bought a basket, 80 a small basket, and when I got home, I found that the top was a big one, and the middle and bottom were all rotten, to prevent the rotten juice from seeping out, and there were several layers of newspapers underneath.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

I guess you haven't spent the wee hours of the morning in the back kitchen of a glittering shopping mall or restaurant.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

There are two baked cold noodles downstairs in the community, one is an old shop opened by an uncle, I usually don't go, because he will turn the cold noodles directly with his hands, recently there is a little brother in his early 30s to open, I often go, because he wears gloves, and every time he finishes a serving, he will clean his iron plate, and two servings of baked cold noodles to three eggs.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

We have a guy here who has tuberculosis and sells barbecue.

There are also cockroaches and rats crawling at night in the regular store, and the regular person who cooks food is also an ordinary person, and you can't be sure if he washes his hands in the toilet.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

At that time, the man at the roadside stall was not wearing gloves, and the cigarette ash on his hand fell off the cake after smoking, and I told my ex that I thought he was unhygienic without gloves, and my ex scolded me for being high. We don't know which sentence stung him in the heart.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

Not only the food stalls, I used to work in the restaurant in Vientiane City, and the rats there in the middle of the night were called invincible exaggerated, and the dishes were casually dishwasher. The kind that will also be by rats when washed.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

After scratching your head, digging your nostrils, picking out your ears, scratching your armpits, and wiping your feet, you'll come back to eat.

Wearing gloves is not clean, there is a small stall opposite the store Aunt does not take off any work with gloves every day, including going to the toilet Do not take off especially the food stalls near the public toilet, the water they use is the water of the public toilet.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!
How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

When I got my health certificate, an aunt had an infectious disease, and when she took blood, she asked her sister, who was about the same size, to wear a mask and hold a tube to draw blood, and I knew for the first time that it could be like this.

How unhygienic are roadside stalls, plum du, fei tuberculosis, eating curly hair, picking the skin of the feet!

The hygiene of roadside stalls does have many problems and poses a potential threat to the health of consumers. Therefore, when dining out, consumers should try to choose stores with complete documents, clean environment, and high degree of catering safety supervision, and try to avoid eating roadside food. At the same time, the government and relevant departments should also strengthen the supervision and rectification of roadside stalls to improve the level of food safety.

Seeing this, do you like to eat roadside stalls? Have you ever seen unhygienic practices at roadside stalls? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!