
Why are humans reluctant to study Venus? Scientist: The more you know about Venus, the more hopeless it becomes

author:Little Seven Sports Frontline
{"info":{"title":{"content":"人类为什么不愿意研究金星?科学家:越了解金星,越让人感到绝望","en":"Why are humans reluctant to study Venus? Scientist: The more you know about Venus, the more hopeless it becomes"},"description":{"content":"导语为什么听说探测器到金星就会让人感到绝望呢?金星是地球最近的邻居,表面温度高达462℃,大气层中的二氧化碳占据90%、...","en":"IntroductionWhy does it make people feel desperate when they hear that the probe has reached Venus? Venus is Earth's closest neighbor, with a surface temperature of up to 462°C and 90% of its atmospheric carbon dioxide、..."}},"items":[]}