
17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

author:Happy Lotus Leaf 237 Review

The 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie fainted on the field, and he was sent to the hospital within 2 minutes and was still unable to return to the sky. The organizer is not effective in first aid, is it difficult to escape the blame? The forbidden area of life, the absence of a place in the sports arena!

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

God is jealous of talents, and the new stars in the feather world have fallen

**Zhang Zhijie, a young genius in the badminton world, has already achieved a lot of achievements at the age of 17 and has won a number of domestic and foreign championships. Who would have thought that such a promising rising star would die young on the field yesterday. **A generation of rookies in the badminton world has fallen, and people can't help but sigh.

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

It is reported that when Zhang Zhijie participated in the competition in Indonesia, he suddenly fainted and convulsed against the Japanese team in the group stage at night. **Although the on-site emergency personnel rushed him to the hospital within 2 minutes, he finally failed to recover and passed away at 11:20 p.m. local time on July 1. ** At the age of 17, he should have made great achievements, but he died young, which can't help but make people sigh.

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

The organizers' first aid is ineffective and needs to be rethought urgently

Zhang Zhijie's tragedy reflects a major lack of medical emergency protection for sports event organizers. The lack of on-site first-aid teams and the lack of rescue equipment in the international competition highlight the unprofessionalism of the organizers. On the other hand, when Danish player Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest in the 2021 European Championship, the emergency response of the referee, team doctor, broadcaster and other parties was very appropriate.

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

Netizens also questioned: Why is there no AED defibrillator on site? Why was Zhang Zhijie not given timely and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation?**Indonesia has hosted many international competitions, and it should have been fully prepared for emergency medical treatment, but the chain fell at a critical moment. **This tragedy highlights that first aid measures cannot be absent in the "forbidden zone" of sports.

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

The loss of talents urgently needs to improve the sports first aid mechanism

**Zhang Zhijie's untimely death once again sounded the alarm, and the medical emergency mechanism in the sports arena needs to be improved urgently. **The event organizer must effectively improve its emergency response capacity and provide professional on-site medical teams and first aid facilities to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the physical examination and screening of athletes, discover and eliminate hidden physical dangers in a timely manner, and ensure their life safety to the greatest extent.

17-year-old world badminton genius Zhang Zhijie fell, fainted and convulsed during the game, netizens: Whose responsibility!

Zhang Zhijie's misfortune is by no means an isolated case. In the previous men's basketball World Cup, Serbian players also suffered from poor rescue in Manila. These painful lessons remind us that there is no room for sloppiness in the "forbidden zone of life" in sports events, and that a sound medical emergency plan and an efficient first aid mechanism are urgent.

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