
15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

author:Keen starry op


Many people have the feeling that all living things on the earth seem to be rushing forward, but the ecological environment of the earth is deteriorating year by year, and even developing in a bad direction.

This situation is worrying, but they don't know how to solve it, and many people feel that this concern is exaggerated, and the ecological environment is not so bad, so they don't care much.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

According to a recent report, humanity is in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, and the number and variety of organisms in the world are slowly decreasing, and the quality and biodiversity of the world are likely to decline sharply in the future.

This report was also published by 15,364 scientists, so what did these scientists start this report on?

Is it true that humanity is in the midst of a sixth mass extinction, as they say?

Significant environmental issues.

There are obvious reasons for this situation on Earth, and what are these reasons?

In the journal Science, scientists published an eight-page joint statement in which it was mentioned that "the Earth is in the process of a sixth mass extinction."

This is a very important statement, signed by 15,364 scientists from all over the world, who reflect that the number and diversity of species on the planet are slowly declining.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

This is not a sudden crisis, but a problem that has gradually developed in a long-term hostile environment, and human beings are to a certain extent responsible for this result, trampling on the lives around them in constant "progress".

In this statement, scientists put forward some clear phenomena to prove what is wrong with the earth's ecological environment, and also to show the severity of the problem.

The first is the decline in the number and diversity of life, two key indicators that have been declining over the past 50 years, one is the level of biodiversity and the other is the rate of biological growth that measures vitality.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

As important indicators of the ecological environment, both indicators are intended to better grasp the number and diversity of organisms, and at the same time can also reflect the health of the earth's ecological environment.

However, over the past 50 years, biodiversity levels have declined by an average of 68 per cent, and the rate of biological growth has also decreased by an average of 66 per cent over the same period of time, both of which indicate a gradual decline in the number and diversity of life on Earth.

In addition, there is another important indicator that underpins the future of the planet's ecology, and that is the quality of life on the planet, which is worrying, according to relevant data, the quality of the planet's wildlife has been steadily declining over the past 2,000 years, with the total amount of life falling by 83%.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

In the past millennium, almost all living things have continued to reproduce under the laws of nature, and even in the last century, humanity has faced a severe food shortage, and now it is facing such a serious problem of biological quality decline, which shows that there is a hidden uneasy future.

There are many people who don't care about this and think that it is not a big problem, but in reality no one wants to be the beneficiary of this crisis, and when it develops to an irreversible stage, then it will also become an unbearable future for mankind.


In addition to the problems of human beings, there are other hidden reasons for all this.

One is the change of the environment, since the birth of the earth, life on the earth has been adapting to the changes in the environment, constantly evolving, and surviving, and among countless creatures, there are also human pioneers.

Before 1800 A.D., the diversity and abundance of life on Earth was much greater than it is today, and at that time humans were only a hunter-gatherer tribe, and there was no agriculture or industry, so they did not harm other creatures.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

In Eurasia, which was originally a land of ancient civilization, with a rich population and products, it was a very difficult land to control at that time, but in the grasslands of the Eurasian continent, herders began to graze and stepped on a large area of green grassland.

In the otherwise quiet Europe, human footprints are everywhere, and many species are not hunted by enemy humans, and eventually disappear from the earth.

When human beings develop to a certain extent, it has already constituted a biological catastrophe, and the large-scale destructive power of this mass extinction is not as good as the impact of human beings on the current ecology.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

In modern times, the great development of agriculture has led to the deforestation of many forests and the filling of wetlands, which have completely destroyed these natural ecological environments, accompanied by the sharp decline in the number of countless organisms.

At the same time, while human beings are transforming nature, they also use a large number of chemicals, making it difficult to restore the ecological environment in many places, and many animals are extinct, while also reducing the fertility of the land and polluting water resources.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

In modern society, the greenhouse gases emitted by industry have made the atmosphere more turbid, and now almost every ecosystem is affected by air pollution, and the earth is naturally no longer as clear as it used to be.

The massive emission of greenhouse gases has gradually warmed the earth's climate, and extreme weather has become more common, which is also accompanied by the acidification of the oceans, the extinction of a large number of wild animals and plants, and the collapse of ecosystems.

With the increasing living standards of human beings, the area of farmland has been expanding, and it has occupied 40% of the arid and semi-arid areas of the earth, and the places where organisms inhabit them are decreasing dramatically.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

On the other hand, human beings have also reclaimed many places that were not suitable for farmland, turning many grasslands and deserts into ruins, and the construction and domestic garbage brought by human villages have also polluted the surrounding environment, so that the original vibrant plants and animals have slowly disappeared.

Reason two.

The second reason is the violence against animals and plants, and although human beings are constantly pursuing "progress", they are also pushing the surrounding creatures to the brink of extinction.

Plants and animals are the most common life on Earth, and they are used as natural food for humans, while also providing many favorable conditions.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

Plants can provide oxygen for humans, and at the same time can provide nutrients, clothing, building materials, etc., but when humans harvest plants, harm is often unavoidable.

At the same time, many plants also form grasslands or forests that provide habitat for many animals, and at the same time as they are harvested, many animals' habitats are also destroyed.

Humans hunt wild animals on a large scale, resulting in a small number of wild animals, and many animals are killed when they are young, resulting in the dilemma of extinction of many species of animals.

Now the Earth.

The number of animals and plants on the earth has been greatly reduced, and the number of some of them has entered a dangerous stage, which needs to be further protected.

At the same time, ecosystems are beginning to crumble, and many species are migrating in search of better living conditions after losing food and habitat, which will also cause more problems.

15,364 scientists jointly declare that humanity is in the process of the sixth mass extinction

Where the number of organisms is declining, other organisms are often the natural enemies of the species, and if these predators cannot find food, they tend to choose to attack other organisms, and in this attack, there are often humans.

As a result, it will become very dangerous in an otherwise quiet area, and human protection will be needed to avoid heavy losses.


Human beings should pay more attention to the protection of the surrounding environment, reduce the harm to living things, so that the earth's ecology can be restored to health.

On the other hand, it can also be found that the concrete performance of human beings in their own progress, and whether the quality of human life is improved, should not only be measured from the point of view of quantity and materiality, but also from the perspective of environment and ecology.

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