
"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

author:Creative space
"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

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A popular actress meets a folk talent in a late-night bar and has a low-key love story

On the evening of June 27th, in the hustle and bustle of the city, a bar hidden in the corner of the bustling street, ushered in two special guests, under the dim light, a man and a woman pushed the door in, the woman was slender, casual dress could not hide the elegant temperament, a baseball cap added a bit of mystery; The man is tall and muscular, with a slightly vicissitudes of life and a pair of deep and charming eyes

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

This pair of people who seem to have walked out of the movie screen are actor Li Chun and folk singer Ma Di, who deliberately avoided the crowd, chose a seat outside the bar, talked in a low voice, and sometimes looked at each other and smiled, as if the whole world was only left with each other

From music to on-screen talent, it's a magical encounter

Li Chun, with his superb acting skills and fresh temperament, has become a popular actress in the entertainment industry; Ma Di, with a song "Nanshan Nan" popular all over the country, its deep voice and poetic lyrics touched the hearts of countless listeners, seemingly no intersection between the two, but because of the music, opened a romantic encounter

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

It all started with the careful arrangement of a mutual friend, who knew that the two were talented and wanted to create an opportunity for them to get acquainted, and on an artistic evening, Li Chun was invited to a small concert with Ma Di, who used his deep and magnetic voice to perform a moving song; Offstage, Li Chun listened quietly, his eyes flashed with appreciation, and music became a bridge connecting the hearts of the two

Intimate moments in the low-key and sweet airport

At the beginning of 2023, at Beijing Capital International Airport, the figures of Ma Di and Li Chun appeared in people's field of vision, the two had just finished work and returned to Beijing from other places

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

Ma Di was wearing a thick cotton suit, wearing a signature knitted hat, pushing two large suitcases, her boyfriend was full of strength, Li Chun was wearing a black coat with a cap, low-key and elegant, waiting for the pick-up, Ma Di gently put his hand on Li Chun's shoulder, Li Chun was slightly shy at first, but soon relaxed and snuggled sweetly next to Ma Di, this scene was captured by the sharp-eyed media, which quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens, and everyone sent blessings and praised them as the "golden boy and girl" in the entertainment industry

Bar Secret Couple Dress Up to Witness Sweet Love

With the exposure of their relationship, Ma Di and Li Chun gradually became generous, and they began to show their affection in public without shying away from it, among them, the most impressive was the "sweet date" in Huang Jue's bar

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

That night, Li Chun wore black casual clothes and a baseball cap, showing his casual and natural charm as always; Ma Di faded the light on the stage, revealing a gentle and considerate side, they chose a seat in the corner of the bar, whispered, occasionally looked at each other and smiled, their eyes were full of happiness, and what was even more surprising was that careful netizens found that the two were wearing couple shoes, this small detail undoubtedly added a bit of sweetness to their love story

From the screen to music, a love story that achieves each other

The love between Ma Di and Li Chun is not only reflected in the sweetness of daily life, but also in the mutual support and achievements in their careers, Li Chun began to try to participate in the film soundtrack, and Ma Di also expressed his intention to create music for film and television dramas, the two continue to break through themselves in their respective fields, and also bring new inspiration to each other's artistic creation

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

Unlike other celebrity couples, Ma Di and Li Chun did not choose to hide their relationship, but generously shared their love story with the public, they enjoyed the sweetness of love like all ordinary couples, and also faced the challenges of life together, this true and honest attitude has also won them the love and support of more people in the entertainment industry

The long-distance love run is about to enter the palace of marriage?

According to people familiar with the matter, Ma Di and Li Chun's relationship has developed smoothly, and they have begun to prepare for the wedding, and they plan to enter the marriage hall soon

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

Not everyone is optimistic about this relationship, some netizens believe that Ma Di is not a good match with Li Chun in appearance, and even has a voice of "Ma Di is not worthy of Li Chun", but many netizens expressed their support, thinking that love has nothing to do with appearance, and more importantly, the spiritual fit of the two people

True love is priceless, and I wish them happiness

Love is a matter of two people, such as people drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge, Li Chun and Ma Di's love story may not be the most vigorous, but it is the most real and moving, they did not hide their feelings because of the halo of the star, but chose to face it honestly and love bravely

"Nanshan Nan" Ma Di Li Chun went on a date at the bar, Li Chun was very beautiful, and insiders revealed that the two were going to get married

I believe that in the days to come, they will continue to support each other and create a happy life for them together.

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area, share your views on this relationship, and leave your blessings to them!

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