
was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

author:Chic Coke LN

Many singers have gone to bars to sell songs before they became famous, because selling songs in bars can not only train themselves, but also make a lot of money. This is the case with Zhang Jie, Zhang Huimei, Zhao Lei and others we are familiar with. There is also such a female singer, she was also forced to go to a bar to sing because she was too poor, her name is Tan Weiwei.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

Tan Weiwei's singing skills are excellent in the entertainment industry, you must not know that she once earned 10 million with a song, and the poor girl in the past is now worth more than 100 million. But even if she became rich, she was still very low-key, staying in the music kingdom she loved, using her singing voice and works to speak for herself.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

Today's post-00s may be unfamiliar with Tan Weiwei's name, but for the post-90s, her name is intimate and familiar. Tan Weiwei has had a love for music since she was a child, and that love has taken root in her heart like a seed. When she entered the halls of university, she did not hesitate to choose a singing major and pursue her dream.

During her school days, the constraints of life did not hold her back. In order to make a living, she bravely walks into the bar and uses her voice and soul to add color to every night. That moving melody, like the footprints she left on the road of life, records her tenacity and growth. Under the lights of the bar, her singing voice becomes deeper and more full of stories, as if telling her life experiences and emotional twists and turns.

Tan Weiwei, her singing voice is like a clear stream, through the thorns and ups and downs of life, and finally converges into a vast ocean. Her musical journey is a testimony to her growth and a true portrayal of her inner world.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

In the youth memories of the post-90s, it was a dream-chasing journey in full swing - "Super Girl". This is not only the dawn of China's talent show, but also the shining stars in the hearts of countless girls. In the scorching summer, with the passion for music and the persistence of dreams, countless little girls poured into the arms of this stage like a swarm of bees, and their eyes flashed with infinite longing for the future. And among these bright stars, Tan Weiwei is like a bright meteor, piercing the sky, leaving indelible traces.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

In the talent show "Super Girl", Tan Weiwei also won a good ranking, and was the champion of the Chengdu Division that year and the runner-up in the national finals. After participating in the show, Tan Weiwei also slowly accumulated a little fame and began her development path in the entertainment industry.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

Many people who have heard her sing say that her singing voice is very recognizable, with a wide vocal range, and she is a well-deserved and powerful singer. For so many years, she has been very strict with herself, and she has always been in the best condition on the stage, and she has also spent hard work off the stage.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

She has a song called "Meet", this song is particularly excellent in terms of lyrics, composition and singing, with this song, Tan Weiwei also won the Golden Horse Award for Best Original Song, which is also the first mainland song to win this honor. At that time, this song was very popular, and all kinds of capital took action, and Tan Weiwei also earned 10 million with this song, which can be said to be quite good in the music world.

was forced to go to a bar to sing because he was too poor, and then earned 10 million with a song, and now his net worth is over 100 million and he never hypes it

Now Tan Weiwei is also in his 30s, and has a lover who has been with him for many years, compared with before, Tan Weiwei has also matured a lot, and every time there is a concert, he can always attract a large number of fans to come to help. Even so, she is not arrogant or impatient, and she can bring new experiences to fans every time, do you like Tan Weiwei like this?


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