
Lord Luo enforces the law impartially

author:Li Zhiya's Literary History Blog
Lord Luo enforces the law impartially

At dawn the next day, just after the arrival of the hour, the cannon rang out three times, the door of the palace was wide open, and one hundred and twenty soldiers standing in the hall were standing on both sides, holding swords and axes, steel forks and spears, shining. The gate officer, the flag officer, the left guard, the right guard, the division officer, and the Qicheng officer each stand in shifts according to their duties. Zhang Gongjin, the flag chief, stood under the corner of the hall, and Du Wenzhong, a Chinese officer, stood on the right side of the prince's table. Young Paul Cheng was dressed in military uniform, and stood on the left side of the prince's table with a sword hanging from his waist. Executioners, clubs, swords, axes, and bindings were arranged under the hall. On the bright pillars on the left and right of the Yin'an Palace, hang a pair of gold lacquer carved couplets.

Shanglian wrote: Duke Rin Rin, the first-class Duke of Yanshan, only reasoned regardless of human feelings;

The following couplet wrote: The throne of the king of Beiping Wangzhen only speaks of the law of the country and does not speak of relatives.

Lord Luo enforces the law impartially

At this time, Luo Yi, the king of Beiping, was promoted to the throne in royal clothes. Du Wenzhong, a Chinese officer, led the people to kowtow to the prince: "See Wang driving a thousand years old and a thousand years old!" Luo Yi waved his hand: "Free!" Everyone got up and returned to their seats. The official hurriedly put the official documents from all over the sixteen states on the table, waiting for the prince's questions and instructions. Who knew that the king of Beiping didn't even look at it, and ordered: "Today, this king will judge the army, and spread the word to bring the army from all over the country to the court." "Yes!" The official shouted: "Under the order of the prince, the troops from all over the country will go to the court to hear the trial!" After hearing about it, the messengers from all over the country submitted the official documents one after another. Jin Jia and Tong Huan also hurriedly submitted the official documents.

The official Qicheng collected the official documents from all over the country and put them in a black square tray and handed them to Zhang Gongjin. Zhang Gongjin saw that the first official document was Qin's second brother's, and he was scared for a while, what were you afraid of? It turned out that he found that the prince was angry when he came to the court, and if he didn't ask anything else, he would judge the army first, and he knew that there was a lot of luck today, so he was a little afraid of Qin Qiong in his heart. He hesitated slightly, casually put Qin Qiong's official document at the bottom, and then sent it to the table. Luo Yi has already seen his every move. What the hell is this messing around? Thinking about it, he casually put Zhang Gongjin at the bottom of the official business.

Lord Luo enforces the law impartially

When Luo Yi saw it, he couldn't help but be furious. The heart said: Wow! This Qin Qiong is really hand-eyed! Looks like my men may have benefited from him. After a while, the king will find out the inside story, and he will definitely take a heavy responsibility: "Come on!" Bring Qin Qiong, the army of Shanxi, to the court. Du Wenzhong agreed and shouted: "The prince has issued an edict to bring Qin Qiong, the army of Shanxi, to the hall." Luo Yi felt strange when he heard it. Du Wenzhong! Why did you bring Qin Qiong to the court? "Back to the prince's words, Qin Qiong was seriously ill and unconscious, so he asked them to carry him to the hall." Luo Yixin said: Weird! Qin Qiong is sick with the army, Du Wenzhong knows about it, it seems that you are also one of the bribes, and I will deal with you when I am done.

At this time, I saw Jin Jia and Tong Huan carrying Qin Qiong to the hall with a door panel. Luo Yi watched carefully, and saw that this soldier was lying on his back on the door panel, covered with a quilt, his face was scorched, and his eyes were closed. Jin Jia and Tong Huan knelt down on their knees and kowtowed: "The little servants Jin Guodong and Tong Peizhi kowtow to the king." Luo Yi glanced at them, and then looked at the official document of Heaven County: "Jin Jia, Tong Huan!" "The little servant waits for the prince!" "Let me ask you, when did you leave for Heaven County?" Jin Jia knelt up and climbed half a step: "If you go back to the prince, we will set off on the eighth day of the first month of March." "What month is it?" "It's June 16." "How far is Heaven County from Beiping Mansion?" "More than 1,800 miles." "How long will it take?" "According to the rules, it takes more than a month to walk 60 miles a day." "If you can arrive in more than a month, why have you been walking for more than three months? Still not telling the truth? ”

Lord Luo enforces the law impartially

Du Wenzhong, Zhang Gongjin and others all sweated for Jin Jia, I am afraid that Jin Jia has no words to answer correctly. The golden armor was not in a hurry, and kowtowed upwards: "Back to the prince, if you don't ask, it's okay, you ask, and the bitter water in our stomachs can be poured out." Your lord! We have been walking for more than three months, and there is a reason for this. Listen carefully to the villains one by one. "Speak!" "We set off on the eighth day of the first month of March, and as soon as we walked out of the north gate of Heaven County, the criminal Qin Qiong fell ill. We found a doctor to treat him, and the doctor said: Qin Qiong has external typhoid fever and yellow disease, and said that he must die on the road. The little people were terrified when they heard it. If he dies on the road, how will we two deal with each other! In desperation, we lived in the store first, gave him decoction and medicine every day, and his illness was better, so we carried him forward, and if it was not good, we stayed for a few days, so we walked for more than three months before we came to Beiping Mansion. ”

Luo Yi asked again: "How many prefectures and counties do you have to pass through from Heaven County to Beiping Mansion?" "It will pass through six counties, eight prefectures and twenty-one counties." "Why is there no big seal of the yamen everywhere on the official documents? Couldn't you have imprisoned Qin Qiong after dark? "Back to the prince, just because Qin Qiong is seriously ill, we asked all the yamen to take him into prison, but they didn't accept it, saying that they were afraid that this disease would spread to others. Therefore, along the way, there were no prisons in various yamen, and there were no big seals in various yamen. "Did you all carry Qin Qiong all the way?" "Back to the prince, it can exhaust the little people. Along the way, he carried him along, and his shoulders were swollen. Luo Yi slapped the table: "In this case, you two kneel up and take off your clothes, I want to check your shoulders to see if they are swollen." When Jin Jia and Tong Huan heard this, they looked at each other in fright. You have to know how Luo Yi examined it, and listen to the next decomposition