
Save Qin Qiong, everyone cheats

author:Li Zhiya's Literary History Blog
Save Qin Qiong, everyone cheats

It is said that Luo Yi wants to check whether Jin Jia and Tong Huan's shoulders are red and swollen, Du Wenzhong, Zhang Gongjin, Bai Xiandao and others are frightened, I am afraid that the prince will see the flaw, and the life of Second Brother Qin will be over. But after Luo Yi looked at the shoulders of the two, he didn't get angry, and everyone was relieved. It turned out that although Jin Jia and Tong Huan did not carry Qin Qiong along the way, they carried the torture tools and luggage for Qin Qiong, so they also left traces on their shoulders.

Luo Yi didn't see the flaw on his shoulder, and continued to ask: "Jin Jia, Tong Huan!" "Yes!" "Let me ask you what kind of illness this Qin Qiong is suffering from?" "The doctor said that he was suffering from external typhoid fever with yellow disease." Luo Yi stood up and walked up to Qin Qiong, and saw that Qin Qiong's face was yellow and gray, and his eyes were closed. But Luo Yi took a closer look and saw that Qin Qiong's face seemed to have a layer of gray powder, which aroused even more suspicion. It turned out that when Du Yi and the others put on Qin Qiong's makeup, they first washed his face and body with locust tree water, making his face and body turn yellow. Jin Jia was afraid that he would not look like a patient, so he smeared a layer of incense ash on the outside. He had thought that there was a layer of ash that was not easy to see. Who knew that this layer of ash had aroused Luo Yi's suspicions. Luo Yi scratched Qin Qiong's face with his fingernails, put it on the palm of his hand, and found that it was incense ash, so he couldn't help but be furious, and slapped the table case with his hand: "Golden armor, Tonghuan!" "The villain is here!" "Let me ask you, why is Qin Qiong's face smeared with a layer of incense ash? What does this mean, don't tell the truth! Zhang Gongjin was terrible when he heard it, and said in his heart: "Jinjia! I'll see how you answer! ”

Save Qin Qiong, everyone cheats

But Jin Jia didn't panic: "The king is a thousand years old!" Don't ask about this layer of incense ash, it's just that talking about this layer of incense ash can scare the villain to death. Yesterday afternoon, we were carrying Qin Qiong to Beiping Mansion, when suddenly it rained. The two of us carried Qin Qiong to a temple on the side of the road to shelter from the rain. At that time, Qin Qiong was placed in front of the god table, and the two of us lay down on the offering table to rest. Since the road was too tired, we fell asleep with little effort. I had a problem sleeping, and I loved to play dream boxing, and I knocked over the stone incense burner on the offering table to the ground. I only heard the sound of 'horn', which woke me up, I looked on the ground, it was so hanging, the stone incense burner almost hit Qin Qiong's head. Although he didn't smash him to death this time, the ashes in the incense burner sprinkled Qin Qiong's face. I came to the palace this morning, and I didn't have time to wash his face, so there was a layer of incense ash on his face, please check it out. ”

Luo Yi saw that this golden armor was like a hanging river, and he couldn't ask him, so he was even more angry in his heart, and hurriedly ordered: "Bai Xiandao!" "Humble duty!" "I order you to go to the Baohetang Pharmacy on Gulou West Street as soon as possible to invite Mr. Zhao, who is sitting in the hall, to check his illness in the hall." "Yes!" Bai Xiandao immediately went to find Mr. Zhao, and told him the bottom first. How dare Mr. Zhao offend this flag adult. He came to the hall with the medicine box in his hand: "Say hello to Wang Chitose!" "Mr. Zhao! There is a military officer who is seriously ill, please take a look, whether he is sick or not, and if so, what is the disease? "Honor!" Mr. Zhao walked up to Qin Qiong and squatted down to show Qin Qiong's pulse. The heart said: This person has such a positive pulse, where did the disease come from? When I saw it again, although the face was yellow, the sun was bulging, the eyes were bulging, the facial features were plump, and there was no disease. However, he didn't dare to tell the truth, so he pretended to watch it for a long time, and then said: "Go back to the prince!" This person is really sick, and he has external typhoid fever and yellow disease. ”

Save Qin Qiong, everyone cheats

Luo Yi didn't fully believe it when he heard it, I'm afraid they were doing something here. Just say, "Okay! You stand by and wait. He pondered as he spoke, could it be that Bai Xiandao had also been bribed, and he asked Mr. Zhao to say that? It looks like my men are unreliable. I'm going to have to figure it out today. When he turned around, he saw his confidant Luo Chun, and thought: Luo Chun is my personal person, so I won't cheat with them: "Luo Chun! "Waiting for the prince!" "You go to Xiguan Guangji Hall immediately and invite Wang Shenxian to me." "Yes!" "Wait a minute, you bring Wang Shenxian to the hall to meet me, and he is not allowed to talk to anyone halfway. If any man from the king's house talks with him, tell the king the truth. ”

"Yes!" Luo Chun left the hall. Du Yi and the others heard it clearly below, and thought: This time it's going to be exposed. No one told Wang Shenxian that if he stayed in the hall for a while and came to the hall to tell the truth, he couldn't pretend to be sick, not only was this two hundred killings unavoidable, but I was afraid that he would have to be beaten harder, and it seemed that Second Brother Qin's life might be difficult to protect. In the end, whether Qin Qiong's two hundred kills can be avoided, I will continue to talk about it tomorrow.