
Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

author:Paste coffee entertainment
Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent
Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Draft | Matsukuri

Edit | Paste coffee

The spy war drama is big again.

That's right, it's "Lone Lost City".

Zero publicity, zero preheating, the two major platforms of Goose Factory and Peach Factory were airborne, and they dared to be so confident in quality.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

In the play, there are not only two popular actors Xin Zhilei and Huang Jingyu, but also Zhang Xilin, Zhang Zijian and other actors to join, and the lineup can be described as quite strong.

But I didn't expect that "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" was launched as soon as it was launched, and the popularity was not as high as the "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and "Ink Rain Clouds", which had already ended, what went wrong?

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Sure enough, when I opened the comment area, the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Let's take a closer look.

The plot is brainless and full of loopholes

The most important thing in spy war dramas is to have rigorous logic.

However, "Lone in the Lost City" doesn't even have basic logic.

The heroine Qin Moqing (played by Xin Zhilei) is a member of our party who is lurking in the military command, and is stationed in the US military camp in Myanmar with the team.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Not to mention, in such an important place, the US military did not leave a single person to stand guard, and the intelligence was just put in a paper bag, for fear that others would have to work hard to steal it.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

What's even funnier is that the roster of the Japanese garrison in Burma in the hands of the US military is written in Chinese, or underestimates the popularity of Chinese.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Moreover, although Qin Moqing is an agent of our party, he pretends to be a military doctor, and he understands basic medical knowledge.

But after realizing that there was an outbreak of contagious virus in the US military camp, she didn't even wear a mask.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

When Qin Moqing and another doctor were treating a sick patient, they opened the curtain and went in, and the eldest brother's mask was hung around his neck, and he would not cover his mouth.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

It's no wonder that you weren't infected, but in the end, only Qin Moqing was infected.

However, after she injected herself with a serum containing antibodies, she squinted for a while and got better, the screenwriter really dared to make it up, and the miracle medicine didn't dare to work so quickly.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

and Mao Renxing (Yan Feng), who was sent to the front line by the Chongqing Military Command, can do this position, and his brain and force will not be bad, but the people behind him began to take out his gun, and he didn't react at all.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Why, are you unconscious in your back? Or deliberately gave the gun to someone.

According to the setting, the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan (played by Huang Jingyu) lost his memory for four years after escaping from the Japanese military prison, however, people with amnesia will not know that they have amnesia.

As a result, after the male protagonist glanced around, he opened his mouth and asked directly: "What year is it now?" ”

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

made me laugh, who is a good person waking up in a strange place not to ask where he is, but to ask the current year, and not to be able to see at a glance that others are different from himself.

The more you look at this play, the more it plays, as if it is a playhouse, and the details are all aimed at making the audience complain.

For example, the heroine found Ou Xiaoan who was in a coma at the beginning.

The American soldiers saw the living Japanese ready to shoot, and the heroine stopped the other party like the Virgin, I thought she was going to save people, but she left without looking back, leaving the other party to fend for herself.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Ou Xiao'an: What a kind-hearted living Hades.

Another example is the X-ray of the Myanmar medical team.

On the front line in Burma in 1945, the army lacked even basic medicine, and the local conditions were very poor, but they were able to have the equipment to take X-rays to treat the disease.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

With this condition, I am not afraid that the disease will not be cured at all.

There is also the Chongqing station to send people to support the front line, a group of people drove from Chongqing to Myanmar in a car in one afternoon, the car is faster than the plane, who studied it.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Other spy war dramas are getting better and better the more you watch them, and "Lonely War in the Lost City" is more and more outrageous, but as long as the creators have a little brain, they can't make spy war dramas into a family.

The starring roles both pull their hips, which makes people play

I think most of the audience came to see the show for the two leading actors, and unsurprisingly, they disappointed the audience again.

Let's talk about the heroine Xin Zhilei first.

Xin Zhilei's acting skills have not been played much in the play, she is not eye-catching and does not pull her hips, but her makeup is too dramatic.

At the beginning of the series, Qin Moqing, played by Xin Zhilei, went out on a mission to save people, presumably dressed Meimei before leaving, with an abrupt hairline powder, as well as delicate inner eyeliner and lipstick, which is no different from modern makeup.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

After walking in the rainforest for most of the day, her face was not gray at all, her skin was clean, and the mosquitoes had to slip on it.

Even if she just woke up after recovering from a serious illness, the makeup on her face was complete, her eyebrows, eyeliner, and eyelids were the same, and she didn't forget to put on full makeup when she had a high fever.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Acting as an agent can't give up heavy makeup, no matter how good her acting skills are, she can't let the audience enter the play, not to mention that Xin Zhilei's acting skills are still very average.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Let's talk about the male protagonist Huang Jingyu.

Huang Jingyu's image on the screen in the past was mostly the image of a trained "soldier brother", and his sturdy figure was very convincing when he stood in front of the camera.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

However, when he encounters a role that tests his acting skills, he is exposed.

In "Lonely Lost City", he played Ou Xiaoan as a multi-faceted undercover agent, and Huang Jingyu played a bad role.

Ou Xiaoan has just woken up, and the whole person is very weak, but the weakness played by Huang Jingyu is like this-

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

With stiff limbs, staggering walking, and straight eyes, at first glance I thought that a zombie was descending the stairs.

When Ou Xiaoan was tied up in prison, he had lost his memory at this time, and he only remembered that he was an underground party lurking in the military command, so when the other party interrogated him, he suspected that his true identity was exposed.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

But Huang Jingyu sat cross-legged on the ground, looking up at each other, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if he was watching the excitement.

On the way back to Chongqing, Mao Renxing saw books propagating the ideology of our party, and not only tore up the books, but also used the torn paper to polish his shoes.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

His behavior is insulting, but Ou Xiaoan and Qin Moqing, who hide their identities, can only hide their emotions in their hearts.

Xin Zhilei's eyes are very dramatic, showing the character's unwillingness and helplessness vividly.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Looking at Huang Jingyu again, he craned his neck and stared at each other like a stunned person, with a stupid breath from head to toe.

Good guys, Xin Zhilei's "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a lot of bad reviews at the start, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

It's better to watch Huang Jingyu play an agent than to let him play a fool, and his temperament is natural.


Please, all the creators of Chinese dramas, don't shoot spy war dramas if you don't have any real skills.

"Secret Calculation" and "Latent" were born that year, which not only brought the spy war drama to the peak in one fell swoop, but also made many actors popular, relying on wonderful stories and rigorous details.

In fact, the setting of "Lonely Lost City" is very innovative, starting from the perspective of germ warfare, bringing out the amnesiac male protagonist, and the story has a natural drama.

It's a pity that such a good setting was wasted, the plot is full of loopholes, and there is no logic at all, which is a blow to the audience who follows the drama with their brains.

The actors either can't let go of their burdens, or their acting skills are too poor, and they let the audience play every minute, and they can't find anything to praise.

So, do you think this show is good?


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