
The United States and the Philippines have made a comeback after defeat, and the second contest between the great powers has begun, will the Philippines still dare to come forward?

author:Zhanyou Lao Deng

The United States has officially begun to stir up turmoil in Asia, and if it was only preparing for it before, it has now fired the first shot, and the landmark event is to instigate the Philippines to break into Ren'ai Jiao and reinforce the stalls and broken ships, which shows that the United States is ready to pull the lead of the mines planted more than 20 years ago and first blow them up in the South China Sea.

The United States and the Philippines have made a comeback after defeat, and the second contest between the great powers has begun, will the Philippines still dare to come forward?

Why the South China Sea and not the Taiwan Strait? As long as you think about it carefully, you will understand that starting the Taiwan Strait will not do the United States any good, and the scale of the war cannot be controlled, and the United States is likely to lose the entire western Pacific and have a complete showdown with the major powers in advance. And what about starting the South China Sea? ASEAN will have a large amount of capital fleeing to the United States in an instant, and the economic development of the eastern countries will be greatly affected, and at the same time, the eastern countries will be plunged into peripheral turmoil. Look at what the United States has been doing lately? is fighting a currency war with Japan and desperately sucking Japan's blood, which shows how desperately the United States needs external capital to take over in the United States.

In the first contest, the United States pulled up the ships of the United States, Japan, and Canada to support the Philippines behind their backs, and instigated Philippine ships to break into the reef to make trouble, but they were forced back by three 055 and one 052C by the eastern powers, plus the coast guard. At that time, I personally believed that the United States and the Philippines would definitely make a comeback, because the United States was determined to fire the first shot in the South China Sea, and the Philippines was firmly controlled by the United States and became a tool, and it would never give up easily.

The United States and the Philippines have made a comeback after defeat, and the second contest between the great powers has begun, will the Philippines still dare to come forward?

From 27 to August 1, 29 countries and regions, 40 surface ships, 3 submarines, 14 ground forces and more than 150 aircraft in the Indo-Pacific region started joint exercises. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that the United States will give full support to the Philippines, and the Philippine side, which has just sold badly, immediately said that it will enter Ren'ai Jiao again. At the same time, four U.S. Marine Corps F-35B fighter jets recently dropped seven GBU-32 guided bombs on a floating target off the coast of West Luzon Island in the Philippines, marking the first bilateral exercise of its kind between the United States and the Philippines. It is clear that the United States is preparing to pull the fuse for the second time, and the show of escorting Philippine ships to reinforce the stall and break the ship has begun.

Therefore, it is now necessary to be very soberly aware that the essence of the affairs between China and the Philippines is between China and the United States, and in addition it is the United States that has fired the first shot to provoke conflicts in Asia. On the 30th, foreign media reported that the Great Power Shandong was spotted sailing northwest of Luzon Island in the South China Sea. What does that mean? Everything is in the layout, it's useless to take chicken feathers and build poles, and the big country is going out hard again.

The United States and the Philippines have made a comeback after defeat, and the second contest between the great powers has begun, will the Philippines still dare to come forward?

So will the Philippines come out again? There is a high probability that Marcos will continue to provoke at the instigation of the United States, first, Marcos has become a puppet of the United States and does not dare to be disobedient; The second is that the Philippines is about to fall apart, and the meat eaten does not want to spit out, so it will definitely try to break through again. But this time it will not succeed either, the strength of the great powers is there, and the United States and the Philippines will only usher in a greater humiliation.

At the same time, the big countries are also facing vigilance and challenges, and the underwater confrontation is the most dangerous, and only by beating the United States hard again can we cut off the black hand that he stretched out, and the Philippines may not be far from being taught a real lesson. #山东舰抵菲附近海域有威慑之意吗#

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