
Where does NATO want to open a second battlefield? East Asia or Europe? Russia is facing a three-front war?

author:Zhanyou Lao Deng

There are too many powder kegs in the world, and they may be ignited by the United States at any time, not to mention the Middle East and the surrounding areas of the Eastern powers, let's just say that Russia is about to usher in a situation of three-front warfare, what if this is the case? The spillover of the Russian-Ukrainian war will inevitably involve more countries, and then it will be a world war, and it will be a world war under a nuclear war, which is not an exaggeration at all.

Where does NATO want to open a second battlefield? East Asia or Europe? Russia is facing a three-front war?

Russia is facing the western front of Ukraine with the support of the United States and NATO, that is to say, the main direction of the Russian army's operations is now only limited to the territory of Ukraine and the western front of Russian territory, but the United States and NATO are obviously trying to expand the front to the territory of Belarus, a place in northwestern Russia.

On the 29th, the First Deputy Minister of Defense of Belarus and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Muraveyko said that in recent weeks, the Ukrainian side has been active near the border between the two countries, and the Ukrainian special forces have arrived at the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, and can send a large number of sabotage reconnaissance teams to the territory of Belarus at any time.

On the 30th, Muraveko once again said that there are currently 10 NATO tactical battalion groups near the Belarusian border, with a total number of more than 20,000 people, of which 6 groups are from the United States, and Belarus is closely monitoring all the actions of NATO troops and the armies of neighboring countries, studying the tactics and methods they have practiced, and formulating a response plan for all possible provocative actions, and Belarus will use non-strategic nuclear weapons when its sovereignty and independence are threatened.

Where does NATO want to open a second battlefield? East Asia or Europe? Russia is facing a three-front war?

Do you see it? The United States and NATO want to expand the front to the territory of Belarus and contain and outflank the direction of Russia's homeland, but Belarus has directly stated that it will be a tactical nuclear bomb to fight, and it is estimated that it will still have a strong deterrent effect on the United States and NATO. Therefore, if there is a war in the northwest of Russia, it will be a nuclear war.

So where is the other direction? It is to the east of Russia, in the direction of East Asia, from the 19th to the 25th, Japan, Germany, and Spain plan to hold military exercises in Hokkaido, Japan, which is close to Russia's eastern border. The Russian Foreign Ministry warned Japan that it would take corresponding countermeasures to strengthen Russia's defense capability and safeguard its sovereignty, and Putin claimed that Russia would resume the production of short- and medium-range missiles, which must be intended to be deployed around Japan.

What do Japan, Germany, and Spain want to do in the exercises in eastern Russia? The intention is obvious: NATO wants to put pressure on Russia in the east, and Japan wants to seize the opportunity to seize the four northern islands. So why should Russia be nervous? Because most of the Russian army has been transferred to the western battlefield, relatively speaking, the east is naturally empty, and if the United States and NATO really join forces with Japan to fight from here at this time, Russia may not be able to stop it.

Where does NATO want to open a second battlefield? East Asia or Europe? Russia is facing a three-front war?

But let's not forget that Russia and the DPRK recently signed a treaty of mutual assistance in strategic defense, and if the United States, NATO, and Japan want to sneak attack from the east of Russia, the DPRK will have to help Russia resist. More importantly, the big countries in the East will never allow the flames of war to spread to Asia, so the United States and Japan must not be hot-headed and want to drag the big powers into the water. Russia is in a hurry, just like Belarus, and there is a high probability that it will also use tactical nuclear weapons. If the United States and NATO want to burn the flames of war to the four northern islands disputed by Belarus and Russia and Japan, and force Russia to fight on three fronts, it will inevitably involve more countries, that is, a world war under a nuclear war, can the United States win such a war? #重大事件进展#