
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots

author:Wada Fire Department

Summer is coming, and it's a good time to travel

Playing in the water, enjoying the cool and escaping the heat have become hot words in the next few months, how to protect the safety of your life and property when you go out?

Xinjiang Fire Warmly reminds you:

When playing in outdoor scenic spots, be sure to pay attention to the following safety points

(1) Understand the environment in advance

(2) Be alert to the impact of bad weather

(3) Be wary of the risks of Internet celebrity projects

(4) Enhance the awareness of fire prevention

(5) Get lost and seek help in time

(6) Don't forget to be safe when you check in and take pictures

Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots
Safety tips for outdoor scenic spots

Source: Xinjiang Fire Department

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