
The end of the poor in the beautiful country! The Supreme Court allowed local governments to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors

author:Dynasty Fengyun 1
The end of the poor in the beautiful country! The Supreme Court allowed local governments to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors

The end of the poor in the beautiful country! The Supreme Court allowed local governments to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors.

Anyone who has ever been to the beautiful country knows that you can see people sleeping in the open and tents next to each other in almost all public places such as subway stations, parks, streets, etc.

However, from now on, this beautiful scenery may slowly disappear.

It all started in a small town in Oregon. At the time, the town government imposed a fine of $295 on every person who slept on the streets. After three street sleepers were fined three times in a row, they were penniless and had to take the town government to court. In this way, after layers of appeals, the lawsuit was brought to the Supreme Court.

On June 29, the Associated Press reported that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to allow local governments to enforce a ban on homeless people sleeping outdoors. This means that states can legislate on their own to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors.

The end of the poor in the beautiful country! The Supreme Court allowed local governments to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors

However, this ban is so easy to implement in concrete terms. Because there were 650,000 homeless people in the entire beautiful country last year alone, it is not possible to solve the problem of housing and living for so many people in a short period of time, and many cities do not have shelters or large enough resettlement places.

Proponents and opponents of the Supreme Court's ruling have their own opinions.

More cities issued statements welcoming the ruling. The San Francisco government, for example, believes it will help manage the city's public spaces more effectively. Proponents argue that these parks can be used for recreation and recreation, as well as a place of recreation for citizens.

Opponents argue that the Supreme Court's ban has pushed into the abyss many homeless people, who have no shelter, no homes, who have to wander around in order to survive, and who do not even have the minimum requirement to sleep outdoors wrapped in blankets.

The American Coalition to End Homelessness says it sets a dangerous precedent that will cause unnecessary harm to the homeless.

The end of the poor in the beautiful country! The Supreme Court allowed local governments to prohibit homeless people from sleeping outdoors

Lawyers who defend the homeless say the Supreme Court's ban treats homeless people as criminals and can be put in jail at any time. Who pays for the high costs incurred in prison? And after being released from prison, they are still homeless! This vicious circle is endless. Is this the fault of the law? Or is it the homeless's fault? They need to have a place to sleep and not corner.


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