
The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

author:Cola for strong tea

Oops, as soon as this Futian arrives, it feels like the whole world is "baked" by the heat. Walking down the street, the heat is rolling in, as if even the air is sweating. At this time, if you can have a cup of cool tea, it will be a big lifesaver! Don't worry, I'll recommend you a few teas that are especially suitable for Futian to drink, which is guaranteed to make you feel cold and feel better when you drink it.

1. Green tea: fresh and refreshing, a cool messenger of Futian

When it comes to drinking tea in Futian, how can you not get green tea? Green tea is an old friend to relieve the heat, its fresh taste, like a gust of breeze in the sky, blowing gently, the heat is completely gone.

I remember when I was a child, every summer, my grandmother would make a pot of green tea and put it on the small table in the yard. At that time, there was no air conditioning and no refrigerator, but after a cup of green tea, the whole person felt a lot refreshed. The tea polyphenols and catechins in green tea can not only refresh the mind, but also antioxidant and anti-aging, which is really a "health artifact" in Futian.

When drinking green tea, I always like to smell the fresh aroma of tea first, and then take a sip slowly, the taste is really intoxicating! The fragrance of green tea and the heat of Futian are simply a perfect match, and after a cup of belly, the whole person feels a lot more energetic.

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

2. Chrysanthemum tea: Descending fire and bright eyes, the gentle guardian of the sky

In the sky, people are prone to fire, and their eyes are also uncomfortable. At this time, a cup of chrysanthemum tea is like a gentle guardian, bringing you a touch of coolness and comfort.

The taste of chrysanthemum tea is faint, but the effect is not small. It can clear heat and detoxify, reduce fire and brighten the eyes, and has a good relieving effect on various "fire" symptoms in Futian. Moreover, chrysanthemum tea also has a calming effect, and drinking a cup at night can also help you sleep well.

I remember one time, I worked overtime for several days in a row, and the whole person felt like it was going to "explode". My colleague made me a cup of chrysanthemum tea, and after I drank it, I felt that the whole person was calm, and even my mood was much better. Since then, I have fallen in love with chrysanthemum tea, and I will prepare some every Futian and make myself a cup at any time.

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

3. Jasmine tea: fragrant, a little sweetheart in the sky

If you want to say that the most suitable tea for girls in Futian, it must be jasmine tea. Not only does it taste fragrant, but it can also beautify and nourish the skin, which is simply a little sweetheart in Futian.

The taste of jasmine tea is particularly fresh, and when you take a sip, it seems that the whole person is surrounded by floral fragrance. Moreover, jasmine also has a good calming effect, and for girls, it can also regulate endocrine and relieve various discomforts during menstruation. Drinking a cup of jasmine tea in Futian, the whole person felt sweet, and the mood improved.

Every time I drink jasmine tea, I think of the tea my mother made for me when I was a child. At that time, I was not sensible, I just thought it was delicious, and now when I grow up, I know that jasmine tea still has so many benefits. I'm so grateful to my mom for letting me develop a good habit of drinking tea since I was a child!

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

4. Chilled lemon tea: sweet and sour, Xiaoice sticks

Heck, when it comes to drinking tea in Futian, how can you not get iced lemon tea? Its sweet and sour taste is like a small Xiaoice stick in Futian, and after drinking it, the whole person feels a lot cooler.

The recipe for chilled lemon tea is also very simple, which is to slice the lemon, soak it in the tea, and put it in the refrigerator to chill it. When drinking, you can also add some honey or ice cubes for a better taste. The vitamin C and citric acid in lemons can not only whiten and nourish the skin, but also promote digestion, and also have a good effect on relieving the loss of appetite in Futian.

Every time I make iced lemon tea, I cut a few more slices of lemon and put it in because I love the sweet and sour taste. After taking a sip of chilled lemon tea, I feel much more refreshed, and even my mood has improved!

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

5. Cassia Tea: Bright-eyed, Futian's little secretary

In Futian, people are easily tired, and their eyes are also affected. At this time, a cup of cassia tea is like a caring little secretary, helping you to brighten your eyes and relieve fatigue.

The taste of cassia tea is a little faint herbaceous, but the effect is not small. It can brighten the eyes and refresh the mind, and has a good relieving effect on symptoms such as eye fatigue and dryness in Futian. Moreover, cassia seed also has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, and it is a good health product for middle-aged and elderly people.

Every time I get tired from work or my eyes are uncomfortable, I make a cup of cassia tea to drink. After drinking it, my eyes brightened up a lot! Thank you so much for this little secretary who has always been by my side to protect my health!

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

6. Honeysuckle tea: clear heat and detoxify, the little nurse of Futian

Finally, I would like to recommend a tea that is especially suitable for Futian to drink - honeysuckle tea. Its heat-clearing and detoxifying effect is like a little nurse in Futian, guarding your health at all times.

The taste of honeysuckle tea is a little faintly sweet, but the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying is very good! It can relieve all kinds of heat diseases such as colds, coughs, sore throats, etc. Moreover, honeysuckle also has a good antibacterial effect, which is also very effective in preventing various infectious diseases in Futian.

I remember one time when I had a cold and was very uncomfortable. Later, a friend brought me a box of honeysuckle tea for me to drink. After I drank it, I felt much more comfortable, and my cold was much better! Since then, I have fallen in love with honeysuckle tea, and I will prepare some every Futian to make myself a cup at any time.

Having said all that, you can't wait to give it a try? You might as well make yourself a cup of cool tea to relieve the heat and enjoy this rare leisure time! In fact, drinking tea is not only to quench thirst, but also an attitude to life. In your busy life, leave yourself a little time, make a cup of tea, and quietly taste the sweetness and fragrance in it, and you will find that life can actually be very beautiful.

The high temperature is constant, try these teas to cool off the heat

I remember when I was a child, my grandfather would make a pot of good tea every summer, and the whole family would sit around and chat while drinking tea. At that time, the time was always so leisurely and comfortable. Now that I have grown up, although my life is much busier, my love for tea has not changed. Whenever Futian comes, I always make a cup of tea I like and savor it carefully, as if I can find the leisure and comfort of that childhood.

So, friends, don't let the heat torment you anymore! Try these cool teas! Let them bring you a touch of coolness and comfort on a hot summer day. You will find that life can be so simple and beautiful. A cup of tea, a mood, a leisurely time, this is the most beautiful thing in Futian.

Why not make yourself a drink now? Whether it is the freshness of green tea, the fire reduction of chrysanthemum tea, the fragrance of jasmine tea, the sweetness and sourness of iced lemon tea, the brightness of cassia tea or the detoxification of honeysuckle tea, you can find a trace of coolness and comfort in Futian. Don't hesitate to do it! Let your Futian no longer be hot, but full of coolness and comfort!

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