
Compared with purified water and mineral water to make tea, which kind of water can make the tea aroma stronger?

author:Cola for strong tea

Hi, tea friends, today let's talk about a question that everyone is very concerned about: is it better to use pure water or mineral water to make tea?

To be honest, I struggled with this before. Every time I make tea, I always struggle with which water to use. Because, the quality of water is directly related to the taste of tea! Just like when we cook, good ingredients have to be paired with good seasonings to make delicious dishes. The same is true for making tea, good tea must be paired with good water to make a delicious tea soup.

First of all, let's talk about pure water. As we all know, pure water is water that has been treated to remove impurities and harmful substances. The biggest advantage of this kind of water-brewed tea is that it will not affect the taste of the tea itself. It's like a blank sheet of paper on which you can scribble and draw the pattern you want. Purified water is just that, it doesn't give any extra flavor to the tea, it just silently brings out the deliciousness of the tea itself.

However, some tea lovers may feel that although the tea brewed with pure water is clear, the layering may not be so rich. Just like eating white-cut chicken, although it is original, it will feel monotonous if you eat too much. Therefore, some tea lovers prefer to use mineral water to make tea.

Compared with purified water and mineral water to make tea, which kind of water can make the tea aroma stronger?

What is mineral water? To put it simply, mineral water is water that naturally gushes out of the ground, and it contains a variety of minerals and trace elements. When these minerals are combined with the ingredients in the tea, there are some chemical reactions that make the tea taste richer. Just like when we cook, add a little salt and sugar, and the taste will become more delicious. Mineral water is like that, it can give some extra layers to the tea leaves, making the tea taste more mellow and sweet.

But mineral water isn't a panacea. Some mineral water is too high in minerals, and the tea brewed may be a little bitter. Therefore, when choosing mineral water, you also have to see if it matches your tea. It's like when we wear clothes, we have to match them properly to wear a sense of fashion. The same is true for making tea, you have to choose the right water to make good tea.

Speaking of which, some tea lovers may be asking: "Is it better to make tea with pure water or mineral water?" Actually, there is no absolute answer to this question. Because everyone's taste is different! Some people like the fresh taste of pure water; Some people just like the richness of mineral water. Therefore, the most important thing when choosing water is to find a taste that suits us.

Heck, after talking so much about water, I suddenly remembered an interesting thing. I once went to a friend's house as a guest, and he made me a cup of tea, and it smelled good! I asked him, "What kind of water did you use to soak it?" He smiled and said, "It's just ordinary tap water!" "I was stunned! So, tea friends, you see, in fact, sometimes it's not that the more expensive the water, the better, the key is to see how to match and how to brew!

Then some tea lovers may have to ask again: "Can tap water make good tea?" "Actually, tap water is okay if the quality is good! However, because tap water may contain some impurities and chlorine, it is best to boil it before making tea, and then let it cool before using it, which can remove impurities and chlorine, making the tea soup more pure and delicious! Of course, if you have the conditions, it is recommended to use purified water or mineral water to make tea!

Compared with purified water and mineral water to make tea, which kind of water can make the tea aroma stronger?

In short, making tea seems simple, but in fact, there is a lot of knowledge in it! Every link from water selection to tea brewing needs us to ponder and experience it with our hearts! So, tea friends, when we make tea, we must feel the process with our hearts and taste the deliciousness and charm of each cup of tea! Only in this way can we truly appreciate the breadth and profundity of tea culture!

Okay, let's move on. You know, it's really interesting to make tea? As we said earlier, choosing water is a university question. But in fact, in addition to water, there are many tricks for making tea.

For example, the amount of tea is a technical job. If you put too much tea, the tea flavor is too strong, and it may be a little bitter; If you put it less, the tea taste is too light, and you can't drink it for a reason. So, you have to put it in the right amount according to the size of the teapot and personal taste.

Also, the temperature of the water used to make the tea is also the key. If the water temperature is too high, it may destroy the vitamins in the tea leaves and make the tea taste bitter; The water temperature is too low, the tea leaves can't be brewed, and the tea flavor can't come out. Generally speaking, green tea is brewed at a water temperature of about 80 degrees, while black tea and oolong tea are brewed at a water temperature of 90-95 degrees. Of course, this also depends on personal taste and the type of tea.

The time to make tea is also particular. If it takes too long, the bitter components in the tea may be dissolved too much; The time is too short, and the aroma and nutrients of the tea may not completely dissolve into the water. Therefore, it is necessary to master the time of brewing tea, so that the aroma and nutrients of the tea are just right to dissolve into the water.

Compared with purified water and mineral water to make tea, which kind of water can make the tea aroma stronger?

Oops, after all that said, I'm getting a little thirsty. Let's make a cup of tea and talk while we drink!

(There can be a short pause here to simulate the process of making and drinking tea)

Haha, the tea is ready, let's continue to talk. Did you know that making tea is not only a kind of enjoyment, but also a way to cultivate one's self-cultivation? In the process of making tea, we need to carry out each step calmly and calmly. In this way, not only can we make delicious tea, but also cultivate our patience and concentration!

So, tea friends, you see, making tea seems simple, but in fact, it contains a lot of knowledge and skills, we need to slowly explore and experience, only by mastering these skills, we can truly appreciate the charm of tea culture!

And ah, I think making tea is also a way to communicate, just like we are now, how comfortable it is to drink tea and chat at the same time! So, next time a friend comes to our house, we can also make tea together, chat, and enjoy this slow-paced lifestyle.

As for the question of purified water and mineral water, I think the most important thing is to choose the right water to make tea based on personal taste and type of tea. Because ah, different water will brew different flavors, only by finding a taste that suits us, can we truly taste the deliciousness and charm of tea!

Compared with purified water and mineral water to make tea, which kind of water can make the tea aroma stronger?

Oh, after talking so much, I'm a little hungry, we Chinese pay attention to "tea and rice don't think" haha! But in fact, tea and rice complement each other, we can enjoy this unique cultural atmosphere and lifestyle while drinking tea and tasting food!

In short, making tea is not only a way of life, but also an attitude to life! Whether we choose pure water or mineral water to make tea, the most important thing is to enjoy the process and taste the tranquility and beauty that tea brings us! May our lives be as mellow and beautiful as tea!

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