
Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

author:Wings English

extol 动词 /ɪkˈstəʊl/ vt.颂扬;歌颂;赞扬;称赞; 宣扬,奢谈

extol sb/sth (as sth)

Extol; Praise; praise

Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat.

Doctors often preach the benefits of eating less fat.

Now experts are extolling the virtues of the humble potato.

Now experts are praising the benefits of its unassuming potato.

He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market.

He endlessly extolled the benefits of the free market.

Michael was busy extolling the virtues of private education.

Michael was busy praising the virtues of private education.

They extol the virtues of the peaceful life.

They praise the beauty of a peaceful life.

Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. (新概念3,L 41)

Although they liked to talk about the pleasures of a quiet life, only one of them had ever lived in the countryside and had returned to the city in less than half a year.

Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life.

She gave a lecture on the virtues of family life. (Sometimes extol is equivalent to deliver)

She preached about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

She preached the benefits of healthy living.

Everyone extols his noble qualities.

He was praised for his noble qualities.

They kept extolling my managerial skills.

They kept complimenting me on my management skills.

He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school.

He is credited with being the originator of the Florentine School.

Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

She was extolled as a genius.

She was hailed as a genius.

Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

Their marriage was trumpeted as the society wedding of the year.

Their marriage was promoted as a good relationship between the wealthy families of the year.

Analysis of the usage of advanced vocabulary extol

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