
China Universal Asset Management: Its QDII products have outperformed the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points

author:Bread Finance

With the warming of the market, a number of active equity funds rose by more than 15% in net value during the year, and their performance was more prominent. Among them, the net value of CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) RMB A increased by 18.91% for the year as of June 26, 2024 (the same below), outperforming the performance benchmark by more than 19 percentage points.

According to public information from Bread Finance, at the end of the first quarter of 2024, CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) holdings are mainly allocated to the U.S. market, and heavy stocks include Microsoft, Nvidia, Meta, Amazon and other companies.

CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) was established in January 2017 with the investment objective of the Fund: The Fund mainly invests in the stocks of companies related to the global mobile Internet theme, and seeks the medium and long-term steady appreciation of the fund's assets through the selection and portfolio management of investment objects, under the premise of scientific and strict risk management. The benchmark for fund performance is: 40%× MSCI US Information Technology Index (converted using valuation exchange rate) + 40% × RMB denominated CSI Overseas China Internet Index + 20% × CSI Mobile Internet Index return.

As of June 26, 2024, the net value of CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) RMB A increased by 18.91% during the year, outperforming the performance benchmark by more than 19 percentage points, ranking 1/14 in the same category, with outstanding performance.

China Universal Asset Management: Its QDII products have outperformed the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points

From the perspective of long-term performance, the net value of CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) RMB A has risen by 252.68% since its establishment, outperforming the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points, ranking 1/7 of the same category.

The fund manager of China Universal Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) is Yang Jin, who joined China Universal Asset Management in August 2010.

China Universal Asset Management: Its QDII products have outperformed the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points

According to Choice data, as of the end of the first quarter of 2024, the fund size of China Universal Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) was about 2.815 billion yuan.

Heavy stocks: Microsoft, NVIDIA, Meta, etc

At the end of the first quarter of 2024, CUAM Global Mobile Internet Hybrid (QDII) equity investment accounted for 89.78% of the fund's total assets, mainly invested in the US market.

China Universal Asset Management: Its QDII products have outperformed the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points

The fund manager said in the first quarterly report: "The fund mainly invests in overseas markets, and adheres to the following investment lines in the medium and long term: the digital wave driven by new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data and their related software and hardware applications; A leading semiconductor enterprise that provides digital and intelligent related infrastructure; A leading Internet enterprise with user stickiness and industry pricing power. ”

China Universal Asset Management: Its QDII products have outperformed the performance benchmark by more than 230 percentage points

At the end of the first quarter of 2024, the fund's heavy holdings include Microsoft, Nvidia, Meta, Amazon and other companies. As of June 27, Nvidia shares are up 150.41% for the year.

(Article Serial Number: 1806505233283682304/CJT.)

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute any investment advice to anyone. Intellectual Property Rights Statement: The intellectual property rights of Bread Finance works are owned by Shanghai Miaotan Network Technology Co., Ltd.

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