
Farewell for decades! The martyrs of Lianjiang in the Tianshan Mountains returned to their hometowns

author:Straits Metropolis Daily

N Haidu all-media reporter Liang Zhanhao text/picture

In January 1976, Lin Chuanxiang, a former railway soldier from Lianjiang, died in Hejing County, Xinjiang, deep in the Tianshan Mountains. On June 28, the martyr Lin Chuanxiang, who had been buried in the Tianshan Mountains for 48 years, finally returned to the embrace of his hometown and welcomed back the remains of Lin Chuanxiang The burial ceremony was held in the Guanban Martyrs Cemetery in Lianjiang County.

Farewell for decades! The martyrs of Lianjiang in the Tianshan Mountains returned to their hometowns

Martyr Lin Chuanxiang, a native of Haifeng Community, Huangqi Town, Lianjiang County, born in 1953, enlisted in the army in January 1973, is a soldier of the 2nd Company of the Automobile of Unit 89326 (26th Regiment of the 6th Division of the Railway Corps) of the former Chinese People's Liberation Army. In January 1976, he died in Balentai Town, Hejing County, during the construction of the Southern Xinjiang Railway, at the age of 23.

On August 9, 2023, through the unremitting efforts of volunteers to find relatives of martyrs in Bazhou, Xinjiang, the tomb of martyr Lin Chuanxiang was found in the cemetery of the 26th regiment of Baluntai in Hejing County, Bazhou, Xinjiang. After verification and comparison by many parties, it was determined that it was the martyr Lin Chuanxiang of Huangqi Town, Lianjiang County, and at the same time, the opinions of the martyr's relatives were solicited, and his remains were taken back to Lianjiang for burial.

Farewell for decades! The martyrs of Lianjiang in the Tianshan Mountains returned to their hometowns

At about 15 o'clock on the 28th, accompanied by the "Memorial Song" with a gentle and low return, the salute soldiers marched neatly to escort the martyrs' heroic souls to move forward slowly, and solemnly placed the martyrs' coffins covered with the national flag of the People's Republic of China on the main platform.

Farewell for decades! The martyrs of Lianjiang in the Tianshan Mountains returned to their hometowns

Subsequently, all the staff played and sang the national anthem, remembered the deeds of the martyrs, stood silently and solemnly to pay tribute to the martyrs, and stepped forward in turn to present flowers to the martyrs and comfort the souls of the martyrs.

The ceremonial soldiers held the coffin of martyr Lin Chuanxiang with both hands, slowly escorted it to the tomb, and handed it over to the martyr's relatives for burial. "My father has returned home, and our family's wish has been fulfilled, and we are very grateful to the relevant departments and all walks of life for their help and sincere service." Looking at his father's tombstone, his son Chen Yiyong was full of emotion.

Editor: Shi Shi