
The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

author:Throughout the news

In the middle of summer, everything is magnificent, the beautiful inner countryside is beautiful, and hundreds of boats compete for the stream. On the morning of June 30, the Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photography exhibition of "Chinese Dream and Labor Beauty" in the county yafang. Zhou Xiaofeng, member of the party group of Neixiang County Government and chairman of the county federation of trade unions, delivered a speech, Chen Sujuan, chairman of the Neixiang County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Jiang Hongjun, director of the county government museum, Li Zhilai, chairman of the county photographers association, and chairmen of the trade unions of various townships and county units attended the exhibition ceremony. Zhang Xiaoying, deputy secretary of the party group of the Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the exhibition ceremony.

The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

The "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty" staff photography exhibition held this time is to promote the "spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsman spirit", advocating photography enthusiasts from all walks of life in the county to record and freeze the beauty of labor with their lenses.

The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".
The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

In this photography exhibition, more than 600 photographic works of more than 70 photography enthusiasts in Neixiang County were collected. These works have prominent themes, diverse genres, novel perspectives, and distinctive artistic characteristics. The fiery labor scenes of model workers in the production line, the sweaty cheeks, and the focused eyes all reflect the creation and dedication, spirit and strength of workers in the new era, as well as the joy and happiness of success, and vividly interpret the good spiritual outlook of the children of Juxiang who strive for self-improvement and create a beautiful and happy life with their hands. It eulogizes the great achievements of the county's economic and social development, reflects the spirit of ownership and the style of the times of the working class in the new era, and also reflects the unremitting efforts of the majority of workers who love life, work actively and love art, and show the infinite longing and diligent pursuit of a better future in the new era.

The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

At the exhibition site, exquisite and creative photos attracted the majority of workers in the county to stop and watch.

The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".
The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

At the event site, the saxophone detachment of the Workers' Cultural Palace of the Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions performed more than ten wonderful cultural programs on the spot, winning bursts of applause from the audience.

The Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions held a photo exhibition of "Chinese Dream Labor Beauty".

Capture the moment with the lens, record the moving with light and shadow, and freeze the beauty with the moment. This photo exhibition is a microcosm of the vigorous development of cultural activities of employees in Neixiang County. In the next step, the Neixiang County Federation of Trade Unions will further strengthen the cultural construction of employees, carry out a variety of cultural activities, focus on the Chinese dream, eulogize the beauty of labor, encourage and guide the majority of workers to be more enthusiastic about work, more high-spirited mental state, and actively participate in the main battlefield of economic construction, depict the beauty of Ju Township with the beauty of labor, and paint the picture of Ju Township with practical actions, so as to make new and greater contributions to the construction of "strong industrial county, large agricultural and animal husbandry county, and famous county of cultural tourism". (Liu Zhenwei, Wang Xin)

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